Just a Little Bit...

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Me and a friend were talking about yanderes. And then Killing Stalking got brought into the mix...and now here's a bloody Yandere!Jeremy fic for y'all.

TW: lots of blood, death, and manipulation. Hope y'all can handle it. Swearing as well

Oh and dismemberment too.

"C'mon Micha, just take. The. Medicine." Jeremy held the lid filled with medicine next to Michael's face and was getting irritated. "Please. I promise it's the last one." His demeanor changed instantly and he locked his eyes with Michael's, seemingly putting the taller male into a trance.

Michael finally let Jeremy give him the medicine and Jeremy smiled.

"Good Micha. Now I've got some business I gotta take care of. You just stay here okay. I'm locking the door and taking both keys so don't think about leaving." Jeremy gently kissed Michael's head and waved goodbye, locking the door behind him.

Michael was used to it. He did still miss the old, sane, non murderous Jeremy but he was never coming back. And Michael was so hung up he'd never notice.

Especially not with how Jeremy secretly drugged him every day.

Jeremy turned the light on in the basement and stared at the short, unconscious blonde boy tied to the wall. He shot a thing of adrenaline through him and waited for his body to react.

"Three, two, one..." His eyes shot open and began darting around the room. "Good you're awake." Jeremy smiled and he opened a small box on the table next to him.

"Jeremy? What the hell...where am I?"

"You're in my basement Goranski. Or should I call you Short Ass? Make up for all the years you teased me." Jeremy grabbed some scissors from the box and walked over to his subject, smiling.

"What the hell are you doing with thothe?"

"Simple Rich. I seen you with Michael a few weeks ago. I just...I've been waiting not to hurt you, but now, eh...I can't handle myself." Jeremy grabbed Rich's shirt and began cutting it.

"Hey Jake bought me thith!" Rich watched as the pride shirt was cut open. Jeremy cut the flaps off and trimmed the area around Rich's neck.

"Perfect." Jeremy quickly grabbed a red market and began marking on Rich's bare chest, and eventually his limbs. Feeling the cold ink on his skin caused Rich's face to scrunch up. "Oh don't make that face. It's not that bad....not yet." Jeremy shot him a wicked grin proving he wasn't sane in the slightest.

Rich watched as the taller male found some blue gloves and put them on his hands, as well as strapping on an apron.

"Now...What limb do you wanna lose first? An arm? Oh perhaps the one you burned when you almost killed my boyfriend. Yes that would be a good reward from you." Jeremy rubbed his fingers across Rich's scars, causing the younger male to wince in pain. "Yes it'll be perfect. You wouldn't mind losing it would you?" Jeremy giggled a bit as he walked back to the box and pulled out a saw.

"Jeremy, what kind of twothted thhith is thith?"

"It's not twisted shit Rich. It's my job." Jeremy walked back to Rich and smiled as he put the blade of the saw against his arm. "Just relax and it'll end soon. Or don't and let the pain embrace you." Jeremy began moving the saw back and forth, slow at first, but he got quicker.

Rich began screaming as he felt the metal cave into his skin. Jeremy stopped eventually.

"This isn't strong enough. I know." He walked away and came back with a chainsaw. "This should get through the bone." Rich stared side eyes as Jeremy went back to his arm. "Could ya move your neck a tad?" Jeremy shoved Rich's head opposite of him and cranked up the saw, shoving it into the large hole of skin the saw had cut.

Blood flew everywhere. Rich heard his bones cracking and knew tears were falling from his eyes. Jeremy continued to drive the weapon into Rich's skin.

Eventually Jeremy grabbed a scooper and began pulling bloody chunks out of the hole. It was just skin, the bone had been completely pulled out. Jeremy was looking at it with a wide grin.

Rich was ready to throw up as he seen the his arm barely hanging on. Jeremy grabbed the hand and quickly ripped it off, getting another scream from Rich.

Jeremy threw the arm on to the floor, blood splashing all around it as it flopped on the ground.

"Okay now I gotta stop...this." Jeremy pointed to the blood spilling out from the wound. He grabbed a buck off of a shelf and sat it under Rich's arm.

He ran over to the box and found needle and thread.

"How do you feel about sharp things Rich?" Jeremy flashed him a sickening grin before coming over and grabbing the flab of Rich's skin still hanging down and wrapping it around to the front of his arm, and he jabbed the needle in and in a messy haze, sewed the skin over the skin.

"You're thi-sick Heere!" Rich really was hoping this was a dream. He wished he was just in bed with Jake having a nightmare from reading too many horror stories and he'd wake up.

But the pain alarmed him with how real this all was. Jeremy was a psycho and was probably going to kill him.

"No actually I'm perfectly healthy, you on the other hand. You look dead, you got something?" Jeremy asked as he searched around his little box again, his gloves hands getting blood on every weapon.

"Yeah you're going to MURDER me. I jutht wanna be with Jake right now! Why the hell are you trying to kill me?"

"You ask to many questions. For that you get to meet my-" Jeremy stopped as he stabbed a scalpel into on of the marks on Rich's chest, not the one where his heart was though. "-little friend." He began turning the scalpel, and he could see Rich trying not to look. He slapped the blonde boy's face. "Don't ignore me!"

This went on for a while, Jeremy stabbed Rich a lot. Over and over, and he turned the scalpel, his tongue licking against his lips as he saw the blood dripping down Rich's chest.

When he was done, he grabbed a rag and wiped some blood off. Jeremy noticed Rich's tears and feined sympathy.

"Don't cry. I'll be sending Jake your way soon." Jeremy cooed, wiping Rich's tears away gently, getting blood on the boy's face.

"Don't y-you dare h-hurt Jakey..." Rich whispered and Jeremy smiled softly, holding a machete in his weak hands.

"Don't worry Rich..." He stabbed it directly through the boy's heart and ripped it out violently. "I only dream of it." Jeremy laughed psychotically as he unhinged Rich's body from the wall.

He carried Rich's body to his furnace and threw it in, wiping sweat away and smiling calmly, as if he'd just won an award and not slaughtered a boy he called his friend.

He cleaned up every weapon, and washed his clothes, putting on his extra, which consisted of one of Michael's shirts and some random sweatpants. He moved his blood covered boots beside the furnace and put his clean shoes, which had plastic bags around them to prevent them from getting dirty, on.

He hid the weapons in a small drawer and cleaned up the blood, smiling at how he ended up hiding the mess.

He left calmly, a bag with Rich's arm in his hands.

"Michael, sweetie I'm home!" Jeremy yelled and he looked around the living room. "Micha? Micha!? Are we playing hide and seek?" Jeremy asked and he sat the arm on the kitchen table, taking his shoes off and beginning to look around the house. "C'mon Michael quit hiding with me and get out here. Don't make me hurt you when I find you!" Jeremy yelled and he heard a small whimper from his bedroom.

He found Michael in their closet and smiled as he picked him up bridal style and smothered his face in kisses. He didn't get a single reaction from the taller male.

"Did you miss me Sweetie?" Jeremy asked, carrying Michael downstairs to the couch. "Sweetie what's wrong?" Jeremy asked and Michael didn't look at him.

Jeremy say him on the couch and grabbed the blanket off the back. He wrapped it around them and turned the television on.

"Michael, sweetie, tell me what's wrong." Jeremy gently kissed Michael on the lips, bringing him into a small cuddle. "Michael. Tell me. Now."

"I'm... scared." Michael mumbled and Jeremy cocked his head.

"Of what?" Jeremy cooed, holding Michael closer.

Michael mumbled something and Jeremy grew impatient at not knowing.

"Of what Michael?" His voice grew louder and Michael slumped into his chest.

"...you getting caught..." Michael mumbled, almost no emotion in his voice.

"I won't I swear. I clean up my messes." Jeremy gently whispered into Michael's ear, causing the older male's eyes to droop slowly.

He eventually fell asleep and Jeremy smiled. He took a small bottle of "medicine" from his pocket and gently unscrewed the lid, pouring some inside. He gently leaned Michael's head up and lifted the liquid into his mouth, watching it go down.

He closed it back and his it safely in his pocket, and patted Michael's head.

"Good Micha. You're doing so good...I know you'll never leave me..." Jeremy eventually fell asleep and the two laid there.

Michael was completely unaware of everything Jeremy'd done to him.

Two days later, there was a missing persons report filed.

Name: Richard Gerard Goranski
Age: 17
Physical appearance: Messy blonde hair, dyed red, pale skin, freckles, burn marks, tooth gap, and blue eyes
Last seen: Talking to a tall brunette in a blue cardigan outside of school

Jake had called the cops, tears in his eyes at the letter he'd gotten at the door.

"Tell everybody to stay away from my Micha." Was all it read, cut up from magazine letters. And there was a bag in which it was tied to.

Inside was Rich's arm, and Jake intertwined his fingers with the hand, crying softly to himself.

Jeremy is a manipulative boyfriend do not agree with him. He legit has Michael drugged to a point he has no clue what's going on. If anything feel bad for Rich, Jake, and Michael.

And anybody else who's talked to Michael because they're probably dead now

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