You Won't Tell Anybody

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Part three of the Yandere!Jeremy AU. Part two is in the RichJake one shot book so go check that out to see what exactly is going on

TW: death, swearing, manipulation, dismemberment, pretty much everything from last chapter.

But worse

Jeremy stood by the abandoned building impatiently, tapping his foot and quickly checking his phone.

"Dillinger should be here any minute..." He mumbled, making sure his hood was over his face. He couldn't let Jake know it was him...not yet. But he couldn't wait to see the pure terror in his face when Jake learned he killed Rich.

And Jake wanted to protect him from getting killed, like Jeremy would let himself die. He needed to protect Michael....his Michael.

He finally spotted Jake and smiled, hiding so the taller male wouldn't see him. Jake looked down at the note and then looked back up.

"This...has to be the place...but nobody's here. Yo, whoever sent me this better not be shitting with me." Jake was going to leave, and Jeremy quietly snuck up behind him and hit him in the head with a frying pan.

"Looks like pan was hitting on himself." Jeremy laughed as he picked Jake up to the best of his ability and got him under the building, in which his hidden murder basement was.

He strapped Jake to the wall, his arms spread all the way out and legs as well, as if he were about to do a cart wheel. Jeremy had decided he's pull Rich's body out of the furnace and luckily, the thing hadn't heated up enough to do any real damage to the blonde boy's remains.

Jeremy got all his supplies ready, changed into his boots, and threw his jacket on to a sloppily made coat rack and waited for Jake to wake up. He decided to use his adrenaline shot and just as it had woken Rich, it woke Jake.

Jake looked around the room before seeing Jeremy smiling at him.

"Dude where the hell are we? And why does it smell like somebody died in here?" The smell was burning itself into Jake's nose before he seen something laying behind Jeremy.

"Oh we're nowhere special just my little basement that only lucky few get to see." Jeremy said sweetly, the smile never fading off of his face.

"The fuck Heere? Also answer my second question about the death!"

"Oh okay. Or would you rather your sweet Rich tell you?" Jeremy asked and the face Jake made only increased his smile.

"R-Rich is dead Jeremy!!" Jake yelled and Jeremy grabbed the body from behind him and held it in front of Jake.

"You could say that...but oh he cried. He cried over you, telling me not to hurt his Jakey. There were a lot of tears and I enjoyed watching it to be honest." Jeremy pulled a knife out of his belt and began twirling it. "I had to stab him in the heart to stop him. I almost burned his body. But I thought you'd like to see him." Jeremy turned the knife and made a stabbing motion toward Rich's heart.

"W-What did you do to him?" Jake was crying as he stared at the disheveled body of his boyfriend.

"A lot. Did you like the gift I sent you?" Jeremy got close to Jake and grinned widely.

"The fuck!? No I did not it was HIS arm!! Why the fuck did you kill him!?" Jake was screaming so loud Jeremy had to cover his mouth to shut him up.

"Shut up Jake...I killed him because he got to close to MY Micha. And I knew you'd call the now I've gotta get rid of you." Jeremy cooed and Jake looked at him in full disgust. Jeremy undid the bindings on Jake's arms and Jake stared in confusion. "Do you wanna hug Rich one last time before you both die? I'll allow it since we're friends." Jeremy's smile only widened as he teased the tall brunette.

Jake nodded and Jeremy gave him Rich's body.

"I gotta go get some more weapons so you get some private time with him." Jeremy walked away and Jake looked at the shell of his boyfriend in front of him, no life in him at all.

His eyes had burned out, and there were new scars on him. Jake stroked his cheek sadly before just bringing him in and sobbing over him.

"Rich I am so fucking sorry....I wish I'd never let him find should've been me...God I didn't deserve to die..." Jeremy walked back into the room and yanked Rich's body away.

"Say bye bye to your little boyfriend Jake." Jeremy took Rich's body and threw it back into the furnace and watched the flames heat up. Jeremy's smile only grew but Jake's face fell in horror.

Jeremy rebinded his arms and began cutting at his clothes until he was able to wrote on his chest.

Just like he'd done to Rich, he used a marker to mark where he'd stab but this time, he was extremely violent.

He cut one giant slit in Jake's chest, and began pulling it apart. Jake stared in horror down as Jeremy began stapling the small flaps of skin against the rest of his chest.

"Aww is Jacob gonna cry?" Jeremy smiled sympathetically and Jake wanted to slap him so bad. His "friend" killed his boyfriend and was going to kill him.

"Michael's gonna find out about this." Jake mumbled and Jeremy grabbed some of Jake's inner tissue and pulled it out slowly.

"Micha isn't going to care. He knows I do this. He knows I'm just protecting him. Unlike you, I'm actually a good boyfriend. If you'd been better to Rich than he'd still be here. Don't you think?"

"You're the one who needs to be a better fucking boyfriend!! You legit kill people just to keep Michael to yourself!! You're a selfish little bitch who needs to be taught-" Jake felt something slice his tongue and stared as Jeremy held it in his hand.

"Shut. The. FUCK. UP! At least I DO MY FUCKING JOB IN KEEPING MICHAEL SAFE!" Jeremy yelled, watching as the blood fell out of Jake's mouth. He knew Jake would choke up the blood if he tried to scream so he decided to begin pulling on the slightly revealed organs in the hole, causing Jake to start creating completely insane sound with his mouth trying to scream.

Jeremy eventually felt something hard inside the hole and smiled widely, realizing it was bone. He grabbed it and used his other hand to grab a small hammer and began tapping at the bone, and the whimpers from Jake satisfied him.

"Ya know, I honestly didn't wanna kill you but I couldn't let you figure out who was behind Rich's death. Well I mean you did but you'll be with him soon." Jeremy caressed Jake's cheek with his free hand and he chuckled a bit to himself. "In fact I wanted to keep you around. Since there's only gonna a be girls left after you, not counting me and Micha...But who cares, I mean we all die some day...."

Jeremy slowly found more organs with his hand and took a knife and began slowly cutting at them, and he seen Jake try to scream again.

"C'mon Jake, scream. Let yourself succumb to the pain. Let your blood be the end of you." Jeremy's voice sounded less sweet every second until it was engulfed in a psychotic manner.

This was how they went on, until Jake finally choked to death on his blood. Just to make sure he was dead, Jeremy used a clever to chop his head off.

He walked over to the furnace with Jake's body and threw it in, smiling as he wiped his hands in satisfaction.

He did his usual cleanup routine, changed clothes, cleaned his weapons, making sure that nobody could find the bodies.

When done, he locked up and headed home.

When he got home, Michael was laying on the couch, seemingly enthralled by something on his Gameboy. Jeremy walked over and made his way into a cuddle.

"Hey sweetie, what have you been up to?" Jeremy asked sweetly, kissing Michael's cheek with a smile.

"Playing games." Michael mumbled and Jeremy brought him closer.

"You havin' fun?" Jeremy began wrapping his arms around Michael, one of his hands right where Michael's heart was.

"Mmhm." Michael found himself falling into Jeremy's embrace slowly, surprised with how warm he was.

"Do you think I'ma good boyfriend?" Jeremy remembered what Jake said and decided to prove him wrong.

"Yes Jere. You're a good boyfriend..." Michael uttered softly.

"Do you think I do you right?" Jeremy asked and Michael didn't reply. "Michael, do you think I do you right?" Jeremy repeated, gritting his teeth a bit.

Michael nodded and Jeremy's anger turned into calmness within seconds.

"Good Micha...I love you." Jeremy gently cooed into Michael's ear, not getting a reply. "Micha sweetie I said I love you." Jeremy hated having to repeat himself.

" you...too..." Michael's voice seemed to shake a bit and Jeremy smiled.

"Good. You seem tired, how about I get you to bed?" Jeremy gently picked Michael up, turning the Gameboy off and sitting it on the table next thing couch.

He carried Michael upstairs and sat him in bed.

"Don't fall asleep just yet okay sweet?" Jeremy gently nuzzled into Michael before running downstairs. He found his small bottle in the cabinets and took it back upstairs.

Michael looked up at Jeremy with almost no emotion.

"Okay Micha, open your mouth." Jeremy grabbed Michael's hand and gave him a glare that could kill, all while smiling.

Michael gently let his bottom lip fall open and Jeremy poured some of the liquid in.

"Good job bab. Now go to sleep, if you're still feeling tired tomorrow I'll get some more medicine for you." Jeremy kissed Michael's forehead and watched as his beautiful brown eyes closed. "I love you Michael...and I'm the only one who can and will love you."

He turned the lights off and walked downstairs quietly, staying in the living room to assure nobody gets in.

Not that they could. Every entrance was locked anyways.

Missing Persons Report

Name: Jacob Boyd Dillinger
Age: 17
Physical appearance: Long brown hair with a light glaze at the top, tan, green eyes, usually in a red jacket, and very tall
Last seen: Leaving his house and heading into the dangerous half of Middleborough

"They'll never find him..." Jeremy smiled as he seen the report on his phone, shutting it off.

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