Off Script

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(I really love these kinda stories you'll realize that soon lel)

The play was going great, probably even better since Michael was in it(thanks to Jeremy forcing him in)so Jeremy wasn't entirely bored and awkward out of his mind.

They had been on the final scene, and Jeremy had forgot about his nerves and everything on that stage.

That was until the very ending. See, Jeremy had gotten good at acting, Michael was what one would call "noobish" but neither of them cared.

Jeremy's character died in front of Michael's at the end(idk what they're doing but they aren't supposed to be two lovers, all I know), and Michael knew he was alive but he started crying. Crying actual tears, and he couldn't stop either.

Christine had to practically beg Mr. Reyes to stop the show so they could calm him down. Jeremy still lay there, trying his best to stay in character...aka being dead, but it was hard.

"Rich, Jake, get the curtains for me. Brooke you can turn the mics off. And somebody turn off the lights." Christine said and as they did that, Michael had crawled over to Jeremy.

He gently put his hand behind Jeremy's head to lift him up, and the lights and curtains weren't fixed so everybody seen what happened next.

Michael, in an act of fear and desperation for his not dead friend, kissed Jeremy. On stage. In front of the entire audience.

That's when the lights went off. That's when the curtain closed. Not before it. After it. Once Jeremy realized what was going on he freaked out.

"D-Did my dad just see that!?" He asked and Michael realized he'd screwed up.

"I think. Jeremy I am so sorry I-"

"Did you actually think I died?" Jeremy asked gently, grabbing Michael's hands. They didn't see Christine whisper something to the others.

"Y-Yeah...I knew you weren't but it felt so real...It hurt I...I was so scared Jeremy I...I was so scared I'd lost you..." Michael said, his face red and his eyes full of tears once more.

"Michael...I bet if I'd been out there with anybody else they wouldn't have cried..."

"It's d-dumb I know..."

"No. It's not dumb. It shows how much you care..." Jeremy said, using one hand to wipe off some of Michael's tears.

"I...I just...I dunno why I broke down...Honestly I knew this would happen. I knew y-you would 'die' but I n-never thought...I'd cry like that." Michael said and Jeremy smiled.

"Ya know...I enjoyed it."


"The kiss...I really enjoyed it..." Jeremy said and Michael's eyes widened. He stared at Jeremy, cheeks even redder.

"D-Do you mean it?"

"Yeah... Honestly I've loved you for a while now..." Jeremy said, bringing Michael in a bit closer to him, noses only inches apart.

"Jeremy...I love you..." Michael whispered, and Jeremy brought him in for a tight hug. "And I'd hate for you t-to die.."

"I....I love you too Micha..." Jeremy said, bringing Michael in for a kiss. They heard claps and yells and realized Christine had had the curtains raised again, the mics on, and the lights on.

"I told you they made a better love story that Twilight." Christine said and both Brooke and Chloe eyed her but then went back to each other.

Mr. Reyes was freaking over how they gone off script but Christine put a hand on his shoulder.

"I think it went fine. Look." She pointed at the two boys still on stage. They were fixated on each other, lost in the eyes of the other.

"Dude you owe me thixteen dollarth." Rich said and Jake sighed, handing him the money. "Hey thith is fifteen."

"I'll get you the other one soon babe." Jake said, and Rich buried his hands in his face.

"Hey Jeremy..."


"Ya know I mean it when I say I love you?"

"I do too Michael. I mean it every time..."

And then the curtains closed.

(I love my boys...oh yeah and Michael breaking down on stage is a reference to something that happened during one of the BMC performances. If ya know what it is I will love you forever)

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