You're Perfect(Pt 1)

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(Jeremy's a model, the only male model that works for this magazine company...Squip Magazines. Human Squip is named Eric, and Michael has vitiligo but it stopped spreading so it's mostly on his face and in his hair)

TW: mention of a mean boss

Jeremy sighed, another crap day at work. Luckily for him, he was finally getting his holiday vacation.

Best way to start was the coffee shop, not because he enjoyed coffee, which he did, but because the scent calmed him.

He sat down, tapping his fingers as he checked his phone. No notifications other than flirt texts from both random girls and guys who had somehow gotten his number.

He sighed, throwing his hood on and didn't even notice the boy sitting next to him.

"I'll have two normal coffees please." And within two minutes  there was a warm coffee in front of Jeremy. He looked at the boy, and felt his face flush red.

This boy was beautiful. He had light brown skin with snowflake like splotches around his eyes and lips, some of it spilling into his hair and eyebrows. His eyes were a rich brown, one that made Jeremy melt inside.

Jeremy really wanted to tell him how cute he was or something but it would be weird. People would notice if a big model called this random boy cute.

"T-Thanks." Jeremy said and the boy grinned in the cutest way possible.

"No problem. Ya looked sad so I decided to do somethin' for ya. Name's Michael." He put his hand out and Jeremy took it hesitantly.

"I'm J-Jeremy Heere. You might've s-seen me on magazines...not to brag." Jeremy muttered and Michael's eyes lit up with realization.

"Oh yeah I've seen you on my friend's magazines. You're the really cute dude."

"T-T-The only be honest..." Jeremy said while hiding blush.

"Yeah that sucks. Guys are great." Michael said and Jeremy looked at him. "What? I'm gay."

"O-Oh I was confused b-because all the g-guys I know are jerks." Jeremy said and Michael frowned.

"That's no good. Who would be a jerk to you, you're adorable."

"N-No I'm not... I'm not even at-ttractive. I'm chubby, I s-slouch, I eat way t-too much, I-" Jeremy began rambling before Michael put a finger to his lips.

"Who told you that?"

"M-My boss..." Jeremy stammered out, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well you boss is dumb. You're not chubby, you shouldn't have to stand perfectly straight, and it doesn't matter how much you eat. You're perfect how you are and sure, I've only known you for a total of 5 minutes but it's enough to tell me you're perfect." Michael said, handing Jeremy a piece of paper and smiling.

"Th-thanks I... Nobody's ever told me that before."

"Well I'm gonna tell you that until you die. That paper has my number so in case you ever need to talk, call me okay? I know what it's like. Anyways I gotta go, talk to ya later Jeremy." Michael got up, waved, and left.

Jeremy looked down at the paper and smiled. Somebody just said something good about him, and not because he was a model. He was totally calling Michael later, and he wouldn't regret it either.

(I'm totally writing a part 2 to this one, I really like how it turned out.)

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