The Point in Love...

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These 'lyrics' came from my extra emo friend Evil_Eye_Of_Dun

"What's the point in love if it doesn't even exist? It's just a human concept and that's one thing I can't fix."

Enjoy! Or don't. That's your choice. Your choice if you wish to cry over these two.

"I love you." Michael whispered under his breath as he watched Christine walk closer to Jeremy.

Within seconds he heard the screams... everybody then passed out. Jeremy didn't hear him. He'd have to try again.

At the hospital, once Jeremy was fully aware of his surroundings, and Michael, the taller male grabbed Jeremy's hands in his own and felt tears welling in his eyes slowly.

"Jeremy...I love you." Was all he said and Jeremy didn't reply.

After a few moments he gripped back at Michael's hands.

"I...I love you too Michael..." Jeremy mumbled back and Michael could tell he was lying but he needed the words in his life.

He gently kissed Jeremy and the younger male gave a clear reaction that he was not in love with Michael...he also seemed to flinch a bit at the contact...weird.

A month passed and the two were 'dating' even though Jeremy still loved Christine more than Michael. Every time Michael said "I love you" he meant it. Every time Jeremy said it, it became more of a lie.

"Jeremy you know I love you right?" Michael asked one night, his arm around Jeremy as they watched random horror movies on the couch together.

"Yeah..." Jeremy hesitated for a few seconds. "I love you too Michael..." Jeremy mumbled and Michael had had enough.

" don't love me."

"Yes I do." Jeremy spoke in a way that proved he was lying. His voice was quick and hasty.

"No you don't. You never did...Love seems to be a concept that escapes you Jeremy! Brooke never loved you, Chloe never loved you, Christine was SQUIPPED when she said she loved you! You don't seem to know what love is and that hurts me because I loved you since seventh grade! I want to make you happy! I want to provide you happiness and a life you deserve but you won't let me!"

"How do you know they never loved me Michael!?"

"Brooke is way too popular to care about somebody like you I'm sorry! A girl that good looking, not that I think that, I don't, but somebody that good looking won't care about people like us! She might be nice but still! Chloe was jealous because Brooke could actually keep a boyfriend since the last person Chloe dated was Jake! Christine was being controlled by a computer when she told you she loved you and I don't care what that thing said about fears and insecurities! She. Did. Not. Love. You. I LOVE you! I'm the only person in that school that ever cared about you but you never loved me back! Never cared! You've lied to me for....for almost two months now..." Michael went silent after that, the only sounds audible being his sobs.

Jeremy's eyes were wide as he watched his best friend break down in front of him. He realized right then he never should have lied...just like before when he called Michael a loser.

"Michael I...shouldn't...have lied to you..." Jeremy whispered but Michael was now on the floor, laying there in a ball and crying to himself. "I didn't realize how much you really loved me...I said yes to...make you happy..."

Still no reply. Jeremy got closer to Michael and gently shook his body. He wasn't even awake, he was passed out. Jeremy sighed and picked him up gently, sitting him on the couch.

"I'm sorry Michael...I should have...realized I'd screw up everything...I should've realized how horrible I was...but I didn't...and I hurt you..." Jeremy was leaning on the couch and kept glancing at Michael.

It seemed the more Jeremy looked at him, the more thoughts of Christine subsided.

"Jeremy this is what you need. Leave him. You could very easily get Christine to notice you now."

"'ve kept my feeling locked away for far too long hurt Michael...I hurt him...I broke him...I dunno why I thought you would've helped me to get him. You never wanted to help me..." Jeremy stood up and walked towards the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out the Mountain Dew Red from inside.

"Jeremy you're gonna regret doing this you know?"

"No...No I won't..." Jeremy smiled as he took the drink and chugged the entire bottle. He dropped the now empty bottle and fell to the floor screaming.

It woke Michael up and he looked apast the couch to see Jeremy on the floor, eyes closed, and he seen the blue markings on his cheeks glowing.

"Oh crap." He mumbled as he walked over and picked Jeremy up. "His Squip reactivated...I'll...wait until he wakes up to ask him how." He silently took Jeremy upstairs and lay him in bed gently. "G'night Jerm. I'll see you tomorrow morning...or whenever you wake up."

It was about 12 at night when the brunette woke up in his bed. He could hardly feel his legs. He heard footsteps and looked up to see Michael at the door with a bowl of soup...well it wasn't JUST soup. It was Tinola, which Jeremy knew because of how much time he spent with his Filipino best friend.

"You finally woke wanna tell me why your Squip was reactivated?" Michael asked as he brought the bowl to Jeremy and sit next to him.

"Michael...I...It never deactivated...It never shut off...and I...I really wanted to tell you I loved you but...but the Squip took over and made it sound like I was lying. It took away my feelings Michael...It wouldn't let me love you even though I have for a long time..." Jeremy whispered while enjoying the food Michael had graciously made him.

" aren't lying this time." Michael spoke softly, observing Jeremy's movements and hint of lie.

"I'm not I swear I'm no-" Michael put his finger to Jeremy's lips to quickly silence him.

"I didn't ask...I said it. I know you aren't. I can tell...." Michael smiled and Jeremy sat the bowl of Tinola on the nightstand and hugged Michael tightly.

"I love you and I'm sorry...The Squip tricked me...and hurt you...I'm sorry Michael I really am...I don't deserve you love and I didn't mean for you to break down earlier and I...I just...I really wanted to tell you I love you..." Jeremy cried and Michael gently caressed his back.

"I love you too Jeremy...and I'm sorry about the Squip...I just... I'm just glad to know you really still care about me." Michael cooed and Jeremy's sad expression turned into a smile.

"I...I love you so much Michael...I didn't like Christine as much as I did you but...people already thought I was in seventh grade I lied and said I liked Christine...somehow the Squip believed me. I dunno how but it did and I'm just...glad to tell you that I'm in love with you Michael..."

"I know Jeremy...I know. And we'll tell each other we love each other a million times more before we die..."

"Thanks for staying with me Michael...I'm glad you could figure out something was wrong..."

"It's alright eat the Tinola or I will." Michael chuckled and Jeremy giggled in response.

"Okay okay. You be lucky I even enjoy Filipino food or else your meals would go to waste."

"Jeremy you know how big my stomach is. Nothing goes to waste with me."

"Is it as big as Jake Dillinger's ego?"

"Nothing is as big as his ego. Except my love for you." Michael moved Jeremy's hair out of his eyes and the two just stared at each other lovingly.

"My love is also bigger than his ego." Jeremy whispered and Michael fell off the bed laughing. "Oh my God you okay!?" Jeremy giggled out and Michael nodded, rubbing his head a bit.

"Fine. Just...just eat the Tinola Jeremy."

There that was fun to write. And yes I hc Michael makes Jeremy Filipino food. And I did my research on it so yeah. And Michael also eats a LOT.

This was supposed to be angst but y'all be lucky I was listening to some not super angsty TOP music...wait does that exist? Well it does now so yeah.

I blame my amazing friend Evil_Eye_Of_Dun again for this

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