Boyfs vs Slushies Part 1

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My friend wrote a one shot for her au called Slushies, and for those who know who said friend is(MCR_musicals)then you probably know where this is going.

I decided to split this into POVs
This takes place after Evan's tree wedding in the other one shot book

TW: there is violence. Plz save the walnut(aka Jeremy)...kidnapping happens...swearing...that's about it.

Jeremy's POV

I can't believe me and Michael are actually dating. We are actually dating. Thank goodness I heard him say he liked me or else I'd still be single.

Right now we were watching movies together, I mean I wasn't paying attention, but still. I was laying on his arm, holding his hand and gently caressing it with my thumb.

He didn't say anything, but his smiled widened, which meant that he enjoyed it.

"I love you Michael." I mumbled and he gently brought me closer, kissing my head softly.

"I love you too Jere." I'd heard that about a million times every day ever since my step brother, Evan, got married...that day was strange to say the least but it still happened.

I eventually must have passed out because I don't really remember much afterwards.

Michael's POV

Jeremy had fallen asleep on my arm...cute. I picked him up gently ajd carried him to his room, removing his cardigan and in a not creepy way his pants, and proceeded to lay him down in his bed.

I then pulled the covers up over him, and before I forgot, I found the small Blinky plushy on the floor and gently nudged it under his arm.

"G'night Jere. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." I gently kissed the side of his temple, causing a blush to creep into his face. Why is he so adorable!?

I ended up leaving after that, had to get home so my parents wouldn't worry.

I got in my PT cruiser and texted Jeremy another 'i love you' in case he woke up and drove away, smiling peacefully...

No POV/Third person POV

Jeremy lay peacefully in bed, the only thing on his mind, inside his dreams that was, was Michael. They were quite pleasant dreams. And they were nice enough to keep Jeremy from hearing his window lock break.

A male a bit older than Jeremy had broken the lock, smiling as he crawled inside. He smiled evilly at Jeremy, holding a bat in his hands.

"Night night Heere." He whispered, whacking Jeremy to make sure he was unconscious.

He dragged him down the window and into a big black truck, tying him up and putting him behind the seat gently, making sure he could breath.

"You don't touch things that aren't yours Heere." He spoke softly as he began driving away from the Heere-Hansen residence, a smirk on his face.

Jeremy's POV again(yay)

I really must have passed out...because when I woke up, I wasn't at home. Where the hell am I?

"Hello Jeremy, you remember me, right?" Somebody was walking towards me. My eyes widened when I realized who it was.

See, during the Squipcident, Michael met this dude at a seven eleven named Jason. He was creepy, sure, but he was usually really nice...well not anymore it seemed.

I tried to speak but realized I couldn't...great I was gagged.

"You think I wouldn't gag you after kidnapping you? Are you that dumb?" Oh God he kidnapped me and admitted to it...where is Michael? Why am I here?

I began struggling against my ropes and sadly didn't escape...I looked back up in fear at Jason, he towered over me more than any mere bully ever had.

"You know, I really don't see what Michael sees in you." He got on a knee and began slowly caressing my face, a somehow sympathetic snarl on his own. "I mean what do you have that I don't?" Umm, decency. "Let's be real, you were an asshole, and you know it."

How did he know about that!? Did Michael tell him about that!?!?

"And don't even lie, saying that computer did it, from my knowledge that thing was off...meaning that YOU hurt Michael. And I bet you know how much thay hurt him. You know he has dependency issues, separation anxiety, and social anxiety and you fucking left him." I felt tears forming in my eyes as I looked away...he was right...I did know about all that...

He stood up and grabbed something out of a looked like I small knife but I wasn't sure.

"I've always wanted to make sure that every asshole is dead. Away from the things I LOVE. Veronica left me...she knew and that's why. But Michael doesn't have to know now, does he. I'll just take you home and find a way to make a fake suicide note. I'm sure you have something somewhere." My eyes widened when I realized he was holding a razor blade.

He untied one of my hands, well partially, enough to where he could reach my wrist.

He took the blade and gently ran it across my wrist, coming into contact with the shock marks. I cried harder, praying that this wasn't real and that I was still at home with Michael, cuddling next to him watching movies...but this was real.

"Once you're out of the way...Michael will have nobody to turn to. He'll turn to me...and after a while, I'll confess, and he'll love me. Not you. ME." He gritted his teeth at me and I just looked down, I didn't want to look into those insane blue eyes any longer.

(Meanwhile in Michael's POV)

"Hello this is Jeremy, and if I don't answer then I'm probably off getting high with the best person in the world Michael fucking Mell. Just, like, leave a message or some shit, MICHAEL GET OFF MY DAMN LAPTO- NO DON'T YOU TOUCH MY INTERNET HISTORY!!" I sighed. Why wasn't he answering!?!? It's not like he wasn't awake, it's like noon he should be up.

I put the phone down and pulled a cassette tape out from under my beanbag.

"Might as well get high if he ain't coming." Before I could get the weed put though, my phone went off. I picked it up to see Jeremy's number, great. "Jeremy holy fuck I was so scared and-"

"Michael, did Jeremy lose his phone?"


"Yeah, I found Jeremy's phone, but not Jeremy. You know where he is?"

"No, I'm looking for him. Did you find him?"

"No just his phone." This was bad, really really bad. Jeremy's missing, he could be kidnapped or something!? I guess JD could tell my breath was speeding up because he began humming.

Humming called me down no matter who it was or what song. I took in a deep breath and went back to talking.

"You gotta help me find him! I've been calling him like...for the last hour!" It wasn't that long.

"I honestly dunno where he is. How about we talk this over at Seven Eleven. Get some slush to calm ourselves so we can think properly."

"O-Okay. I'll meet you there."

"See you there Michael." Then he hung up.

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