You Led Me On For Years

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I got bored last night and made this

Oh and so u know
Italics means Jeremy's Squip
Bold means Michael's Squip

Jeremy heard the screams from his best friend and turned away from his SQUIP as fast as possible. Michael was holding his head violently, gripping his hair tightly and crying.

“Jeremy, do not worry about Michael, worry about Christine!” Jeremy was ignoring the voice as best he could as he made his way over to Michael as fast as possible.

“Michael? Michael can you hear me?” Michael didn’t answer, he just mumbled something to himself through tears. “M-Michael…”

“You….You led me on for so many years.” Michael stood up slowly, his hands in fists. “You always said we would be best friends, that you’d never be too cool for me.” He snapped his head around to look at Jeremy and the brunette’s eyes widened at what he saw.

One, Michael’s eyes were blood red, circuit marks of the same color trailing his cheeks, as well as on his arms and neck.

Two, he could see Michael’s SQUIP, and was horrified to see what it looked like...himself. Except it was in the cyborg hoodie he wore on Halloween.

“But you lied to me. You lied to me for so long!!” Michael made his way towards Jeremy and grabbed his shirt, causing the shorter male’s breath to quicken. “I LOVED you and you LEFT! You ABANDONED ME JEREMY!! How could you!?”

“M-Michael I’m s-sorry, I d-didn’t m-mean anything I s-said. I’m s-sorry.” Jeremy was crying heavily as Michael grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him up.

“LIAR! YOU WOULDN’T HAVE OPTIC NERVE BLOCKED ME IF YOU WERE SORRY AND YOU WOULDN’T HAVE CALLED ME A LOSER IF YOU WERE SORRY!!!” Michael’s free hand was in a fist and it was drawn back. His fist made its way to Jeremy’s face and came into contact with his jaw.

“M-Michael….ple-please…” He whimpered out and Michael stared into him with emotionless yet furious eyes.

“Come on Michael, just show him what you feel right now. Make him see how much pain you’re truly in.” Jeremy was horrified to hear his voice speak to Michael...he looked at Michael’s SQUIP and seen it smiling evilly. What was it trying to do? Was it even synced to Jeremy’s SQUIP!?

While trying to contemplate this, another punch landed on Jeremy’s face, this time it hit his eye.

“M-Michael p-p-please...I’m s-s-sorry.” Jeremy tasted blood from the previous punch and his tears fell harder, and he’d stopped trying to get away from Michael...that’s when he realized something...the SQUIPs that WERE synced with Jeremy’s were blue...but Michael’s was red. His SQUIP was trying to sabotage their friendship...but Jeremy didn’t know why.

His eyes darted behind Michael to see that there was some Mountain Dew Red in the bottle.

“M-Michael...i-if you...i-if you believe me….p-please...p-please drink t-the M-Mountain D-Dew Red….Please…” He mumbled and Michael looked behind himself to see the bottle and looked back to Jeremy. “I-I don’t c-care w-what the SQUIP d-d-does to me...just...s-save yourself…” Jeremy smiled a bit and Michael’s face softened, his eyes losing their red glow, and he sat his best friend down.

Before he could do anything, his SQUIP shocked him. He fell to the ground and held his stomach, the shocks getting stronger and stronger. Jeremy walked over and grabbed the bottle as fast as he could. He got on his knees and helped Michael up.

“C-C’mon Michael...y-you gotta d-drink it.” He lifted the bottle to Michael’s lips and watched it start to go down. He looked at his SQUIP and smiled gently as he uttered something under his breath. “U-Up up down down left right A-A.” With that, Michael’s eyes were glowing blue. The red liquid was down his throat as soon as that happened and Jeremy knew he’d won.

When his body collapsed next to Michael’s he was smiling...he did it. He saved everybody...even though he almost destroyed the whole school.

*    *    *

Jeremy’s eyes were blinded the minute he woke the hospital. He turned his head and in a wave of joy, he seen Michael in the bed next to him, arms under his head and his mouth only slightly open...he looked peaceful, adorable even…

Michael’s eyes eventually twitched open and the two boys were looking at each other in shock and relief. Jeremy went to speak but realized how much pain his jaw was in, mainly because the SQUIP couldn’t get rid of the pain, not that he cared, he was glad it was gone.

“Jeremy...why are we in the hospital?” Michael asked quietly and Jeremy didn’t know how to say what he needed to. Looks like he didn’t have to because Michael’s eyes widened when he seen Jeremy’s jaw. “Oh...r-right I….I got Squipped...and p-punched you...God that w-was...stupid….” He didn’t look back at Jeremy for a few minutes but Jeremy let him take his time. “I’m...sorry Jeremy...maybe if...if I wasn’t s-such a loser...none of this would’ve happened...if I wasn’t such a l-loser we could’ve b-been cool together…” Michael began crying softly.

Jeremy forced his body out of the bed, despite the massive amounts of pain shooting through him. He made his way to Michael’s bed and cupped his cheek gently. Michael looked down at him and smiled a bit, letting himself fall into Jeremy’s touch.

“T-Thanks Jere…” Michael mumbled, and the two’s foreheads touched, their hair entangling together, causing them both to giggle.

“I knew you were dating.” They turned their heads to see Rich laying in the bed next to Michael’s.

“I guess...I guess we could….if Jeremy wants to.” Michael looked back to Jeremy and the brunette nodded, gently placing a kiss on Michael’s forehead, causing him to turn bright red. “Hey...looks like we saved the world, beat the game, and got the guy.” Jeremy couldn’t help but smile at this comment

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