Open Your Eyes

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Soulmate AU
Most people are deaf or mute, hardly any few are blind so it's hard for them to survive socially since most people use sign language to speak.

Oh there's swearing but it's minor


Jeremy had been deaf since he was born, granted it was a part of this soulmate universe. Most people were born deaf or mute so nothing was out of the ordinary.

Communication was easy because everyone knew sign language...except for the few blind students. Jeremy was starting to think his soulmate was one of those few.

Everybody he knew had a soulmate already. Brooke had Chloe. Rich had Jake. Jenna had Christine...Jeremy had nobody. He hoped his soulmate would find him soon because he was tired of silence.

It seemed it would be stuck that way...well that was until Jeremy had to stay after school for a test he'd missed.

He was getting his stuff together and getting ready to leave when some strange sensation filled his head. He didn't know what it was but it had never been there before.

Was this hearing? He thought as he followed whatever filled his head down the hall. He kept going until he found the boys' bathroom. He looked inside and seen a tall Filipino boy holding on to the sink, and Jeremy realized he was singing.

"I tell you all the time. Heaven is a place on Earth with you, tell me all the things you wanna do, I heard that you like the bad girls. Honey, is that true?" He sang calmly, eyes closed gently...

"Your v-voice is really pretty." Jeremy was in small shock at the sound of his own voice. He knew words and apparently he knew how to speak without ever hearing it.

The boy's eyes shot open and widened as he stared at himself in the mirror. He turned around to see Jeremy and blushed deeply.

"Holy shit you're beautiful." He mumbled and Jeremy's face burned crimson. He made his way towards the boy and realized what this meant.

"Y-You''re my soulmate..." Jeremy smiled as he gently grabbed the boy's hand, tears threatening to fall. "I've waited s-so long for t-this moment..." He began crying.

"Honestly...I have too...maybe for too long...but here we are now..."

"Y-Yeah....Oh my name's J-Jeremy...that sounds so weird. Then again I've been deaf for a while so everything sounds weird."

"I like that name...I'm Michael. And I'm not gonna lie, I honestly would've preferred being deaf or mute than blind my whole life..."

"Wait you were blind?"

"Yeah. That's why I was so taken aback by your appearance. I have had no clue what people looked like until now...and I must say, you're really really beautiful...Jeremy." The sound of his own name coming out of his soulmate's mouth made Jeremy smile brighter.

"You wanna come over to my h-house maybe? I promised my dad he'd get to meet my s-soulmate when I met them."

"Sure I need to call...oh I don't know my own phone number that's great...umm...can we go to my house first?"

"Do you know how to get there?"

" moms usually pick me up...dammit..."

"Hey I can call my dad, I have a phone number in my phone I've just n-never used it."

With that, Jeremy called his dad and his dad was thrilled that he had a soulmate...mainly because his dad had been unlucky and was born without a soulmate. He had a wife, but they weren't soulmates. He just never had one.

He came by and picked Jeremy and Michael up, noticing how Jeremy was leaning his head on Michael's shoulder, and smiled.


Michael was basically stuck at Jeremy's that night but he didn't care. He was with his soulmate...his beautiful beautiful soulmate who he was already in love with from the moment he laid eyes on him.

They decided they'd spend their first day with vision and hearing by watching a movie. And both boys knew what video games were and even though Michael could never play them he adored the they watched Pixels.

And Jeremy had never laughed so hard in his life. It was honestly funnier because Michael was there cracking jokes the whole time, and they couldn't stop laughing.

"Hearing is great, I wish I'd met you sooner." Jeremy smiled gently, laying his head on Michael's chest gently.

"I wish I'd met you sooner...because the world is more beautiful than I thought...but only because you're in it." He kissed Jeremy's head gently and the shorter male squeaked happily. This boy was the nicest person he'd ever met...and they were Soulmates.

Life was perfect.

I'm not gonna kill one of them this time because I'm in a good mood and don't wanna make them sad. So here are some happy geeks who are meant to be(yours)no matter what

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