Can I Meet Your Friends? Pt 1

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More punk Jerm and pastel Micha au
There are references to Heathers and DEH
I blame MCR_musicals and MichaelMellisMyChild and our group chat titled 'jeremy Heere is a furry' for this
TW: swearing as per usual, Jeremy is actually both drunk and slightly high at the beginning when he comes home so....yeah. Also angst. With fluff.

Michael kept staring at the door from his game, which at the moment was Kirby's Epic Yarn(so pure), sighing and continuing. Where was Jeremy? Michael knew he was with friends but the thing was, he'd never seen these friends.

Well except for Evan, but that's because he was Jeremy's step brother. He also knew Jenna because she was dating Jeremy's ex, Christine, who was also on of Michael's good friends, but other than that, he didn't know any of them.

Honestly, he was starting to question if they were real. Jeremy wouldn't lie and he knew's strange that Jeremy never introduces Michael to his friends.

What's stranger is how Jeremy stays out later each time.

Was he wouldn't avoid Michael. He loved him...right? Another thought popped into Michael's head but he quickly shook it off. He knew Jeremy wouldn't him. He wasn't one to backstab those he loved.

Finally, the door opened, and Jeremy walked in, looking more tired than usual. He walked over to the couch where Michael was sitting and gently wrapped an arm around him.

"H-Hi Micha..." He mumbled and Michael knew he was drunk. He'd never seen Jeremy drink before, but he knew Jeremy sometimes got drunk and Evan would have to drive him home.

This was one of those times.

"Jeremy are you drunk?"

"Wha- No." Jeremy wiped some spit off of his face and giggled. He quickly began stroking something invisible above Michael's head, and Michael was very confused. "Love, when did you get cat ears?"

Okay no way he was JUST drunk.

"Jeremy I don't have cat ears. Do you need to go to bed?" Michael paused his game and looked at his giggling boyfriend before realizing he did need to go to bed. "Okay, I can't pick you up, so you're gonna stay here and I'm gonna grab a blanket for you."

"Okay Mikey." Michael went to the closet and found a pink and black blanket and carried it to the living room, gently removing Jeremy's jacket and boots before placing it on top of him.

"I'll...ask him tomorrow...about his friends." Michael yawned and realized how tired he was himself. Luckily, they had a big couch, so he gently nuzzled himself next to Jeremy and closed his eyes, falling asleep rather quickly.

He'd definitely ask tomorrow... definitely.


Luckily for Michael, Jeremy was one of those people who didn't get hangovers. So he was normal in the morning.

"Jeremy I gotta ask you something?" Michael asked while the two were playing video games together(still Epic Yarn. The players are pink and blue I couldn't help it).

"Okay love, whatever you wanna know I'll tell you."

"Can I meet your friends?" Jeremy spit out some coffee and stared at Michael with large eyes. "Can I? Please?"

"Michael, you know my friends aren't me. Well Evan is but he's literally my brother. Most of them are pretty violent. And they swear a lot too. I don't want you around that okay?"

"But I've never met them. I wanna meet them. I feel like most of them are just made up so you can get out of the house."

"Now why would I do that?"

"To get away from me..." Michael choked out through a broken sob, and Jeremy's eyes began filling with tears as well and he paused the game and brought Michael in for a warm hug.

"No...I'd never want to get away from you Micha...I love you...I just don't want you to get hurt..."

"Jeremy please. I wanna meet your friends. And not Christine, Jenna, and Evan. I mean your other friends."

Jeremy couldn't argue, Michael was persistent.

"Fine...but...but only for like an hour. Okay?"



Jeremy drove up to one of his friends' house, allowing Michael to get out before he got out of the car.

"Michael, I can't believe I'm allowing you to meet them."

"Jeremy you know all my friends it's only fair."

"You mean Christine?"


"And Evan's boyfriend?"


"That's two people Micha."

"I know Jeremy." Jeremy sighed, Michael wasn't gonna let him win today was he? No he wasn't.

Jeremy sighed, holding Michael's hand as he led him to the door and knocked.

And it wasn't who he expected to answer.

"Who are..."

"You must be Jeremy right?" The boy moved his curly hair out of his face readjusting his purple sweater in the process.


"Ronnie, Jeremy's here!!" The boy yelled and that's when a girl with messy brown hair, a shit ton of ear rings and rings in general, a leather jacket(with matching shorts), and long laced fingerless gloves and boots walked out.

"Jeremy, you brought your boyfriend this time." She smirked and Jeremy nodded.

"Hi I'm Michael, and Jeremy is scared you're gonna hurt me." Michael stuck his hand out while smiled the same smile that Jeremy'd fallen in love with.

"Nah, Jeremy this kid is adorable why would I- shit are you blushing!?" She asked and Jeremy tried hiding "Oh my God you are."

"No I'm not Veronica I'm just...How about you introduce us to the curly haired sweater boy."

"Oh that's Jason. My boyfriend."

"I thought you had a girlfriend though."

"I have three partners. Don't worry though Heere, they all are aware of each other, besides, I've only ever had sex with one of them."

"VERONICA!! NOT AROUND MICHAEL!!" Jeremy covered his boyfriend's ears and Veronica laughed.

"You are soft now. Sooner or later and you'll be wearing flower bracelets." Veronica chuckled and Michael grabbed Jeremy's arm and showed it to her. "Oh my God you already do. Jeremy wait until Evan finds out."

"He already knows. His boyfriend and him are literally the same as me and Michael."

"Wait...Evan has a boyfriend!?"  Veronica seemed very shocked at this notion and Jeremy nodded. "How has he not told me?"

"I mean, I didn't know you had a pastel boyfriend until now."

"Well. Now we wait for Evan, Rich, Chloe, and Jenna to show up. Along with their partners."

"Yeah basically. Michael did you hear tha- where did Michael go!?" Jeremy then heard slurping from the inside of the house and turned to see Michael sitting with Jason on the floor, both slurping slushies. "Oh okay...he's just talking to your boyfriend..." Jeremy sighed and Veronica punched his arm. "Ow."


"Shut the fuck up Veronica." Jeremy whispered so Michael wouldn't hear and Veronica punched his arm again. "Stop it."


"Man, did you thtart a punch Jeremy party without me!?" They both turned their heads and sighed. "What?"

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