Chopper Boyfs

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Don't try this at home
The only warning is fluff
They're little kids in this(they're like...7 or 8)

"Mikey you need to see this!" Jeremy yelled and Michael quickly shoved the Pac-Man shape cookie in his mouth and ran over to the couch. "Look at this." Jeremy pressed some buttons on his Gameboy and the two started in awe as the Mario Bros span across the air like a tornado. "We need to try this."

"That is a brilliant idea. Just let me eat this cookie first."



"Okay, so Michael you're gonna be on the bottom, I think...yeah. So I gotta climb on your back..." Jeremy began trying to climb on to Michael's shoulders, succeeding in that bit.

"What do we do now?"

"Okay I'm supposed to stand up, then you jump and spin."

"Jeremy we're not powerful enough to do this."

"Don't crush my dreams Mikey."

"Okay." Jeremy began standing up on Michael's shoulders, immediately regretting his decision. "Jeremy you okay?"

"I...I got it. Okay now we just gotta.. you gotta jump and spin."

"Jeremy you're gonna fall."

"Please Mikey." Jeremy whined and Michael sighed.

"If we get hurt this is not my fault." Michael looked down at his already shaking knees and forced his weight up.

Before he could even attempt to spin, Jeremy fell off of him and half into the grass, half on to the concrete.

"Jeremy!!" Michael ran over to where Jeremy was laying and held his head up gently. "Jeremy are you okay!? No you aren't, you're bleeding...umm...uh...MAMA!!" Michael yelled, beginning to cry softly as he wiped blood off of Jeremy's face.

"Oh my goodness Michael what happened!?" Maganda ran over to the two in absolute worry.

"M-Me and Jeremy were trying t-to recreate a move from his Gameboy g-game but when I jumped he fell and hit the conc-crete..." Michael sobbed and Maganda picked Jeremy up and made her way inside, Michael following suit.

Once in, Alec had spotted them while playing the Wii and ran over(Alec is like 12 or 13)to see what had happened.

"Bro what's wrong?" He asked and Michael explained the story to him and Alec held him closely. "Calm down Michael, Mama will make sure Jeremy is okay. How about we play some Mario Kart Wii until he wakes up. I unlocked Rainbow Road."

"O-Okay." Michael wiped his eyes gently and followed Alec to the couch, sitting down and getting ready to play.


An hour passed, Jeremy was still asleep, but the bleeding had stopped so that was good.

Eventually Maganda came downstairs and told Michael that Jeremy was awake. Michael got off the game they were playing now, which was New Super Mario Bros Wii, and ran upstairs faster than Alec had ever seen.

"Jeremy, buddy you okay?" Michael asked and Jeremy smiled and waved, and Michael seen the bandages on his arms and ran over to his side quickly. "Jeremy I told you you'd get hurt."

"It was worth it Mikey." Jeremy smiled softly and Michael crossed his arms.

"Never do that again Jeremy. I thought you were dead." He pouted and Jeremy lifted Michael's chin with his good hand.

"I promise I won't do something stupid like that again if it means you don't cry."

"Jeremy I called your father and he'll be here to pick you up in an hour." Maganda yelled from the living room and Jeremy yelled an "okay" back.

"Michael are you okay?"

"No. I was really worried about you Jeremy. I was scared you weren't gonna wake back up." Michael began crying again and Jeremy hugged him gently.

"It's okay, it's just some bruises and cuts I'll be fine."

"Why are you not crying Jeremy? You hurt yourself?"

"I knew I'd be fine."


"You had my back." Jeremy smiled at Michael and he turned red. "I knew I'd be okay because you were by my side the whole to time Mikey."

"I...Okay. I can't argue with that." Michael giggled before crawling on to the bed. "I have my Gameboy if you wanna watch me play Super Mario Land."



"And that is why I have a huge scar on my head." Jeremy finished and all of his friends were making "daww" sounds. "It's not cute it was stupid."

"Boyf Riendth wath canon when they were theven! It wath alwayth canon!!"

"Okay Rich I get it you ship us I mean we're dating now but..."

"Jeremy hush, let's just kiss already. Rich needs fuel."

"No he doesn't Micha-" too late, Michael was aggressively kissing Jeremy at this point, Rich and Jenna were taking photos and editing them and posting them online.

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