For A Different Time

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This isn't angst despite the obvious MitB quote. This is actually gonna be cute and most likely a two parter.

***Challenge: name all the book references I put in here. Should be fun shouldn't it?***

TW: swearing as always oh it also mentions Jeremy about to start jerking off so um...yeah

Jeremy sat up and looked at the clock, not even six yet, perfect. He pulled his laptop off of its desk and sat it in front of himself, gently adjusting his hand properly as he typed in the web address... it wasn't loading.

"Dammit load..." He mumbled but it wouldn't. The clock hit six and he sighed, removing his hand from its previous location and actually getting dressed for school.

Striped shirt, cardigan, simple jeans, converse, and a bright red backpack was all he wore, and after an awkward situation with his father he went to leave the house, only to miss the bus.

He sighed vigorously and swung the door open, beginning the long walk to school, singing to himself as he did so.

When he walked in, he heard obvious gossip, ignoring the group of six popular girls and walking away from them. That was until he tripped over something and was being stared down at by none other than Richard Goranski.

"Don't touch me Tall ass!" Rich screamed at him and Jeremy stood up slowly, playing with the trim of his cardigan.

Rich shoved him into a wall and began writing on his bag.

"Wash that off and you're dead!!" Jeremy nodded, not bothering to remove the bag because it probably said "Twink" or was a joke about him being gay.

"Mortification event...check." Jeremy uttered, adding a tally to his humiliation sheet and willing  and dust off his legs.

He sighed and made his way down tje hall, not paying attention to his bustling classmates and making his way straight (well bi)to class.

And before his day could get any worse, the lunch bell rang. And there was only one good thing about lunch. And that was Jeremy getting to spend it with his best friend and current crush, Michael Mell.

Aka the cutest boy Jeremy knew. From his big, energetic eyes, to his tooth gap they was only barely visible, to the hoodie he wore every day, to the way he had one singular clump of hair fall in his face, slightly obscuring one eye...he was just adorable, and Jeremy knew he shouldn't be crushing in his best friend but he couldn't help it that Michael was the one thing keeping him bisexual.

So he sat down and waited, and just as predicted, Michael showed up with both a slushy and some sushi, and was being as optimistic as always,

"So you look like alright?" Michael asked and Jeremy sat his bag on the table.

"The hell is a Boyf, Michael?" Jeremy motioned to the big lettering on his bag that spelled out "B O Y F".

"Umm...Jeremy..." Michael showed Jeremy his bag and they held them side to side so it spelled "Boyf Riends." They both sighed as Jeremy hugged the bag tightly, not letting anybody see the word.

"Oh hey I wrote my crush a letter." Michael had no clue Jeremy meant him when he said crush.

"Oh sweet. That's progress."

"Yeah I kinda...tore it up...and flushed it..." Michael sighed and Jeremy knew he was dissappointed. "Still progress..." He mumbled and Michael's eyes began sparkling a bit.

"Oh right so I heard this thing where humanity has stopped evolving. Survival of the fittest it terms of evolution but due to technology we don't have to be strong to survive." Jeremy raised a brow in confusion as Michael laughed and wrapped an arm around Jeremy's shoulder. "And that means there's never been a better time in history to be a loser!"

"That's cool..."

"So own it?? Why should we try to be cool when we could be getting stoned in my basement?" Jeremy couldn't help but smile at this. As much as they talked about getting stoned in the basement, they hardly ever did. Not to say they never did, because they did.

Lunch ended soon, and Jeremy got to spend the rest of the day with Michael. Which left him in a blushing for most of his day.

"I gotta piss, and I'm gonna wash this off my bag." Jeremy motioned to the "Boyf" and Michael nodded, following him into the boys' restroom. Not within a few minutes, they were interrupted.

"I told you not to wash that off!" Rich yelled and Jeremy seen his anger in the mirror and began shaking. Michael wrapped an arm around him and Jeremy fell into it. "I'M TALKIN TO YOU TALL ASS! Well, both of you anyways." Jeremy mumbled something but Rich heard. "You would be tall if you didn't hunch over all the time."

"The hell you want Rich?" Michael asked, noticing Jeremy pull his humiliation sheet out of his pocket and check off the section about nicknames.

"Well I have a deal for you two losers." Rich smirked and Jeremy turned around after Michael.

"Why would y-you want to make a deal with us?"

"You both hate being losers right?" Jeremy nodded and Michael shrugged, indifferent about the whole thing. "Well, there's a little something I got back when I was a loser. It's called a Squip."

"A Q-Quick?" Jeremy asked, not noticing Michael's nervous expression.

"No Tall Ass, a Squip. It's a super computer, well, a Quantum computer, in a pill, you just take it and it enhances your life! You'll never have to think for yourself again, you'll never have to worry about being late or not being able to get the person you have a thing for! It's the best. Just...on Monday, bring me 600."

"DOLLARS!?" Jeremy yelled and Rich covered his mouth, getting a slap from Michael.

"Yeah, that's how much the guy at Payless sold them for. Now piss off I have to pee."

"Whatever Rich." Michael muttered, grabbing Jeremy's wrist and leading him out of the bathroom. "Popular kids, am I right Jeremy?....Jeremy?"

"M-Michael this could be huge!"

"He's scamming us dude. No way it's real."

"But w-what if it's not. M-Michael we could...we could be cool!"

"I guess..." Michael gently removed his hand from Jeremy's wrist and into his pocket. Jeremy didn't show how this gesture hurt him, and the two ended up deciding to go to the Payless Rich had mentioned that Sunday to see if this Squip was real...and if it was....would it be worth it?

Next chapter is the actual 50th story in this so you guys won't be getting part two of this until after next chapter.

I am very sure you will love it.

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