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Somebody requested more Popular! Michael so Heere u go
TW: angst, Jeremy's gonna get made fun of behind his back so umm...yeah. on swearing too obviously

It had been a few weeks since Halloween, students were just getting back from their Thanksgiving break, and the talk of the school was the newest emerging couple between popular student Michael Mell, and outcast Jeremy Heere.

But they weren't emerging in the best ways. Jeremy hadn't caught wind of it yet, but Michael had.

He had been in the library, using the computers for "research" by which I mean looking for information on how to beat level nine, when he over heard some popular girls, that being Chloe, Brooke, Elizabeth, Anne, and Katrina, talking about something...and not in a positive way.

"Why the hell would he date him anyways? I mean he's hella creepy. How long did he stalk after Christine?" One of them, Michael believed it to be Stephanie, mainly due to her whiny stereotype white girl voice, questioned.

"I don't know but it's also creepy how he obdessed over humanoid animals." That was Chloe.

"I think it's cute..." Brooke mumbled and she squeaked a bit, Michael glanced over to see Katrina had pulled her hair. "I-I mean's weird..."

"Who's to say he isn't just dating Michael for his dick, because I've heard he has serious dick. Like I've heard it is so good. And those are rumors." Anne giggled a bit and Michael bit his lip. He had his hood up so they couldn't see him.

"Yeah exactly. Jeremy's such a creepo." Chloe spat and Michael twitched a bit as he listened.

"Not just a creepo but also a dweeb. Very ugly too."

"Yeah and Michael likes him. How?"

"I think he's nice."

"Shut up Brooke."


"But like...why must Michael be gay when there are so many hot girls like us who would gladly date him?"

"I know right. It's like why is Jake Dillinger pan?"

" know I'm bi right?"

"We know Chloe."

"But you aren't a loser like Jeremy."

"Yeah honestly Michael should just ditch him. Like why date that little creep anyways?"

Michael couldn't listen to it anymore. He stood up and went over to the table, and the girls all froze.

"Hi Michael, you're looking cute." Katrina tried flirting but Michael stared at her with disgust.

"You know it isn't nice to talk about my boyfriend like that?" He asked in annoyance, trying to remain quiet.

"Oh you mean the loser?" Anne asked innocently and Michael clenched his teeth at that. He'd been called that so much by these people already...

"He isn't a loser."

"Umm, yeah he is. Just look at him. All that acne and those freckles are everywhere." Stephanie tapped her fingers on the table impatiently.

"He's adorable. And honestly much more deserving of being popular than all of you, except Brooke but...still."

"Why does he deserve our glory exactly?" Katrina raised her brow and stood up, walking towards Michael.

They were now eye level as Michael sighed before he replied.

"Because he isn't an asshole. He's nice, understanding, absolutely precious, and you're only gonna make him hate himself."

"Oh grow up Mikey." Anne giggled, making her way over, pushing Katrina out of the way. "He's just a phase. It's like when Jake and Dustin dated. They didn't last but a week." Anne cornered Michael into a wall and the girls stared as she wrapped her hands around his hoodie. "Maybe this smack some sense into you."

She forced her lips on to his and Stephanie began taking pictures. Michael was trying to push her off but she was somehow stronger than he was.

She finally let go and the girls left. Except for Brooke, who was staring down at Michael sympathetically. She mouthed "I'm sorry" before leaving.


Later that afternoon, everybody was whispering about Michael and Anne. Why did she do that?

He finally found Jeremy, who was at his locker, and Jenna and Christine were hugging him.

"Jeremy? found out didn't you?" Michael asked and Jeremy turned around, absolutely heart broken.

"I should have known y-you were like every other popular kid! You're a dick like the rest of them!!" Jeremy yelled and Michael tried to step forward but Christine slapped his hand away.

"To think I was ever your fucking friend. You hurt one of the only people I care about. Now I suggest you go away before you make this worse." Christine's voice was dark and rather scary.

"J-Jenna you know I wouldn't..."

"Shut up're a piece of shit for doing this to Jeremy. You know how long he loved you!?" Michael finally let his tears fall and he ran off, Jenna and Christine returning to the sobbing Jeremy.

Later that night, Jenna was upside down on her bed texting Brooke.

PuppyLover: oh did u see what happened with Michael?

DramaQueen: yeah the asshole thinks he can cheat on Jeremy like that!? And with A GIRL!

PuppyLover: Jenna...Michael didn't consent

DramaQueen: wait...what?

PuppyLover: Anne got pissed and forcefully kissed him. Stephanie took pictures. They wanted to sabotage Jeremy. I seen it all.

DramaQueen: SHIT REALLY?

PuppyLover: YES REALLY!!

DramaQueen: shit shit Brooke thank u I gtg

PuppyLover: bye Jenna

DramaQueen: bye!

Private Chat with BiAcetress

DramaQueen: Chrissy!!!! Michael didn't cheat on Jeremy! Brooke told me Anne forced herself on to him to spite Jeremy omg we hurt Michael Chris I feel bad!!

BiAcetress: woah woah he didn't cheat?


BiAcetress: ok!

Private chat between Heartbroken and BiAcetress


Heartbroken: yeah he did u seen the pictures Chris

BiAcetress: Jeremy Anne forced herself on him. Brooke saw it and told Jenna and Jenna told me. I'm not lying. Brooke wouldn't lie about this

Heartbroken: u sure?

BiAcetress: yes. You talk to him at school tomorrow. Text would make it less formal

Heartbroken: ok bi

BiAcetress: bi

Meanwhile, Michael was on his bed, curled into a ball, sobbing as he scrolled through his photos. Almost every picture was of him and Jeremy or just Jeremy...and now he hated him...he and his only two real friends...Michael was alone again...a loser amongst what his peers called losers...he had nobody...for the second time in his life he was a single player...


The next day at school, Michael hadn't even bothered to wear his normal hoodie. Heck he didn't wear any of his normal clothes except his glasses, and his headphones.

He walked the hallway with tired, tearstained eyes, trying to avoid looking at anybody.

"Mikey, yoo-hoo!" He turned to see Anne smiling evilly and he flipped her off.

"Go the fuck away Anne..." She didn't and he pushed her away from him. "I said fuck off. You ruined my life. What more do you want from me!?" He yelled and she didn't say anything.

That day at lunch he ate alone, or he started to, until a shadow fell over him. He looked up to see Jeremy staring down at him, and he didn't want to relive the last day.

"Michael....I'm sorry..." Jeremy whispered, getting down on his knees and scooting close to Michael, cuddling him gently. "I should h-have known you wouldn't cheat on m-me like that..." He was crying softly and Michael held him close.

"How did you find out?"

"C-Chris said that Jenna was told b-by Brooke that Anne forced herself on to you..."

"Wait...Blonde Brooke? Brooke Lohst Brooke?" Jeremy nodded and Michael stood up. "Stay here Jeremy." The brunette nodded and Michael made his way over to the popular girls' table and they all stared at him.

"Back for more Mikey?"

"Shut up Anne. I'm here for Brooke." The blonde looked up from her phone and blinked. "Nothing bad, I just need a minute alone with her. That's all." Brooke stood up and left the table, following Michael to one of the poles in the interconnected large commons.

"I-Is this about...yesterday?" Brooke asked and out of nowhere Michael hugged her.

"Thank you...Thank you fuckin saved my life...why do you hang out with them?"

"Because I have to..."

"No you don't. How about you see with me, Jeremy, Christine, and Jenna? I promise we won't tell you to constantly shut up or pull your hair. And we won't make fun of you." Brooke looked back at her table to see them getting along without her must fine(well she didn't notice a worried Chloe tapping her nails to the table.).

"O-Okay." Brooke smiled sweetly and Michael led her to his little area in the floor, which was, conveniently, in the large commons as well.

"B-Brooke why are you-" Jeremy went to ask but Michael shook his head. Jeremy got the memo and Brooke sat down next to him.

"Hi guys!" Christine bounced over and plopped down in Jenna's lap, and Jenna giggled at her tiny girlfriend. "Oh hi Brooke." Brooke lifted a hand to say hi, hair falling in her face. "You okay?"

"Yeah I just...guess I'm not used to being accepted.."

"Well, you're welcome here anytime." Jenna smiled at her and Brooke nodded.

"H-Hey Brooke..." Jeremy mumbled and she turned to him. "Thanks....for telling Jenna and Chris about Micha...I should've known he wouldn't have done that to me..." Brooke smiled, face turning red at the fact that her small time crush, the big time was Chloe, was talking to her, and being nice to her.

The five got along extremely quickly and were laughing almost all of their lunch time away. They'd totally seemed to forget the drama shit and their social statuses when they hang out that day.

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