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Popular Michael AU
Christine got Jeremy invited to the Halloween party bc Chris and Jenna r good friends.
Oh yeah pining Jeremy.
TW: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, basically like the canon Halloween party except DywH and MitB didn't happen

"Chris what are you supposed to be again?" Jeremy asked, applying fake blood to his currently green tinted face, and she looked at him from in the mirror, so he didn't have to turn back.

"Jeremy I told you. I'm dressed as James Madison from Hamilton." Christine readjusted her poofy necktie and began pulling her hair up into a bun, holding the hair pins in her teeth.

"Chris n-nobody at school knows what you're talking a-about. I hardly do." Christine removed the pins from her mouth and stared at him intently.

"Jeremy. I'm dressed as one of the founding fathers of America as represented in Hamilton, an American Musical. And people DO know about it because Jenna is dressing as Thomas Jefferson." Christine explained in a matter of fact tone before continuing to put her hair up.

Jeremy sighed, no arguing with Christine it seemed, before continuing his zombie makeup. How he got invited to the Halloween party is still beyond his comprehensip. But he was glad Christine managed to get him an invitation.

It took a little less than hour for both of them to get completely dressed. Christine had found a way to make her lips look fuller and somehow make herself look more masculine.

"W-Wow Chris you look...you look like a guy." Jeremy was amazed at how good her costume was.

"Isn't it amazing!! I can even pull his stone face too! Look!" She went from bouncing around to appearing really stoic and sophisticated. She really WAS a good actress.

"Wow. Just...Wow." Jeremy pulled at his intentions ripped shirt and chuckled. "Maybe this will manage to hide my ugly self from everybody there..."

"You aren't ugly Jeremy you're adorable. No hetero of course." Christine giggled and Jeremy turned red just from the compliment alone. "Now get your jacket, Jenna just texted me and she'll be here any minute to pick us up."

"O-Okay Chris." Jeremy grabbed a black jacket with holes and fake blood and wrapped it around his body, not zipping it up because what kind of zombie knows how to zip up a jacket?

Finally the doorbell rang and Christine ran over and opened it, and Jeremy stared in shock at Jenna, who wad wearing a bright pink suit, had a shiny cane, a black afro, and fluffy sleeves and necktie.

"Chrissy! You look just like James. Oh heya Jeremy. You look dead." Jenna smirked and Jeremy knew she was complimenting him so he nodded as they all made their way into her car.

Halloween party, meet Jeremy.

(Timeskip saved for Leoskriver.)

Jeremy followed Christine in and the party was pretty wild. Everybody was drinking and laughing and Jeremy just stayed next to Christine until he spotted a costume he recognized.

It looked similar to his, but the clothes were different. And Jeremy knew that this wasn't a normal zombie costume from the skin tone. Only zombies from his personal favorite video game, Apocolypse of the Damned, had that tint of green.

"C-Chris I'm gonna be over at the s-snack table. Okay?" Jeremy had to yell for her to hear.

"I HEERE ya!" She giggled, holding Jenna's hand as they went to the dance floor.

Jeremy walked over and acted like he was grabbing food, and he finally glanced at the stranger and immediatley recognized his thick, black framed glasses, and messy dark chocolate colored hair.

It was Michael Mell, only one of the coolest guys at Middleborough, and he was dressed as a zombie from some obscure retro game, and God was he hot.

Jeremy was surprised he wasn't sweating on his face, more so his leaky pits, and he was starting to blush intently.

He reached for the candy eye balls that and touched Michael's hand, quickly pulling back in fear.

"Woah." Michael turned to him and Jeremy felt his heart stop for a split second. "Dude, are you dressed as one of the Damned?" He side smiled, and Jeremy couldn't help but squeal inside as he spotted his little tooth gap.

"U-Uh huh." Jeremy managed to get out and Michael seemed practically amazed.

"Holy shit somebody who...Dude who are you?" He was smiling so wide it looked like he'd been a child when they received a present.

"My...uh...My name's J-Jeremy." He stuttered out and Michael punched his shoulder playfully.

"I'm Michael. And I...I can't believe this, your costume is amazing! So much better than this crappy thing." Michael motioned to his costume and Jeremy blushed even more once he took in the full thing.

Why was he so in love with this boy?

"So, I didn't see your name on the invitations. Granted this isn't my party, but if you snuck in that's-"

"Oh n-no I g-got an invitation from J-Jenna Rolan. She had an extra that J-Jake gave her!"

"Calm down. I was just gonna say it was cool if you snuck in. I've never had the guts to sneak into a party. Now how's about we sit down because my legs are exhausted." Jeremy nodded awkwardly and followed Michael over to a couch.

Michael pulled a red bottle out of his pocket and opened it, drinking a bit and wiping his mouth.

"W-What's that?" Jeremy asked, pointing to the bottle and Michael handed it to him.

"Mountain Dew Red. It's from the nineties, not to be confused with Code Red, that stuff is a damn abomination compared to this sucka."

"How did you get it?"

"Oh, I have a guy at the back of Spencer's Gifts who got it and gave it to me. I'm not allowed to ask where he gets it though. Want some? Cause you can have some."

"I-I wouldn't wanna waste y-your old sodas I...umm...er..."

"Just drink the damn Mountain Dew Red. Trust me. It's good." Jeremy nodded and opened the lid, gently letting the soda go down his throat.

He removed the bottle and swallowed, smiling wide as he handed the bottle back to Michael.

"Told ya." Michael patted Jeremy's back and moved his hand to the scrawny teen's shoulder. "Okay so real talk. Do you know how to best level nine?"

"W-Wait...on AotD?"

"Duh. I've been trying for months but nobody I know has that game. They all play frickin Xbox and Playstation. What happened to good consoles? Like the Nintendo 64." Jeremy looked at Michael in utter shock. "What?"

"N-Nothing I just...I just assumed you, being p-popular and everything, wouldn't k-know about all this stuff. Cause...it's loser stuff...like me..." Jeremy mumbled and Michael began laughing. "W-Why are you laughing?"

"Cause you are far from being a loser. People like us are cool. Well...in college, like my brother, but still. You're pretty cool, Jeremy. You aren't a loser in the slightest means." Jeremy blushed as Michael was sitting against his hip. "In fact, I'm gonna invite you to hang out with some friends over the weekend. How's that sound?"

"C-Can my friend Christine come?"

"You mean Jenna Rolan's girlfriend?" Jeremy looked at Michael like he was crazy. "You knew they were dating right? Or different Christine?"

"No same...same Christine, but...I t-thought they were friends." Michael put a hand on Jeremy's face and turned it. His mouth widened when he saw the two girls kissing, both holding empty Solo cups which clearly had been full of beer. All Jeremy could think was 'Christine drinks?'.

"They have been dating for like a month how did you not know this?"

"L-Like I said... I'm not c-cool. I...never have been cool... I'm an outcast, doomed to be t-this way until I die and probably then too."

"Hey. Stop being negative. You know what I would give to be not popular again?"

"W-What do you mean again?"

"I used t-to be the biggest loser ever. Then I became friends with Rich and he gets popular and by default I am popular. I just...wish I could be a loser again sometimes...not have so much attention...especially from girls."

"What's wrong with-"

"I'm gay. That's why. I would...love to have that freedom again. To be invisible. Because lotta people don't know it but I hate parties like these. I only come because I'm kind of required to by social standing..." Jeremy never thought he'd connect with a popular person before in his life.

"I...I don't know that...do you have like...anxiety err...N-No."

"Social anxiety. Not as bad as my one friend's boyfriend's but it's still there...which is why I was content with having one friend. One person who could be there for me...I hardly talk to Rich anymore... he's changed so much." Michael glanced over at the blond boy and seen him making out with Jake Dillinger. Who knew they were gay? Oh yeah...everybody.

"Well...I...I've always wanted to be popular s-so looks like we're both stuck..." Jeremy sighed and Michael smiled at him gently.

"You know something I leaned?"


"It's the best time right now to be a loser. Why? Because. Humanity isn't evolving anymore. We have so much technology that we don't need survival of the fittest. So screw Darwinism!"

"I...I didn't know that. That's pretty c-cool."

"Yeah I just wish I could relate...at heart I'm still the same geeky kid I was in middle school...so why am I cool? I don't understand that..."

"Maybe it's because you're nice...and funny, honestly kinda c-cu-I mean chill...I... I'd date you if I were popular...but I'm not so uh..."

"Who said I only dated popular people?"

"P-Popular people." Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand and the shorter teen blushed.

"Well that's effin stupid. Because I'd date you only after a night of talking to you." Jeremy felt his face turn red and Michael gently kissed his hand. "You're really sweet Jeremy. I've never been able to relate or open up to somebody like this before...not even Rich...I guess I could say I've been playing a game on single player mode my whole life..."

"W-Well...the world might be effed up...b-but...we don't have to stay on single player..and maybe we can hold off on officially dating for now b-but maybe I could be your p-player 2?" Jeremy smiled awkwardly, revealing his braces.

"Aww you have braces that's cute...I mean...Yeah. That would be nice... P2..." Michael hugged Jeremy and despite sweating from the facepaint and jacket, he fell into it.

"GAY!" A drunk Rich yelled and Michael flipped him off.

"SAYS THE BITCH WHO WAS UPSTSIRS HAVING SEX WITH JAKE AND HAS BEEN KISSING HIM ALL NIGHT!!" Michael yelled and Rich turned red as the bottle of Mountain Dew Red the two had been holding.

"Who would've thought Rich was gay...err...right?"

"Close. He's bi. But he's dating Jake. I'm surprised they haven't cheated on each other but I mean they're both pretty attractive...but they aren't as cute as you are, with your curly hair and freckles and what not. Of course...Not mention those eyes they're just so full of life and freedom." Michael was twirling some of Jeremy's hair and causing the brunette to blush.

The two were interrupted by puking and turned to see Dustin Kropp throwing up into the now empty spiked punch bowl. They laughed a bit before getting back to their conversation.

Michael ended up driving Jeremy home, giving him his phone number and waving as he drove off.

Jeremy walked inside and squealed. He had Michael's phone number, and they were unofficially dating. This was the best Halloween of his life. If not. Then the best day of his life.

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