The Play

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Chiều cao dòng and MichaelMellisMyChild watched the BMC play over the weekend
So this is kinda based on that. But in the musical universe. You'll see what I mean.
Oh the Squip is nicer in this story too...and it ships Boyf Riends.

So basically in this AU the Squip told Jeremy he was bi and liked Michael and since he had more of a shot, try to achieve Michael. But to make Michael want Jeremy, Jeremy had to ignore him and the Squip realizes how stupid he was to do this. And so we begin the night before the play.
TW: swearing as usual...oh yeah MitB didn't happen

"Y-You want me to what?"

"Interrupt the play to confess to him. He'll be in the audience."

"That's a terrible idea he...he already thinks I'm ignoring him..." Jeremy muttered and the Squip readjusted its sunglasses and observed him.

"You were making him crave you. I would never actually allow you to harm Michael. Not when you love him." The Squip spoke soothingly, gently stroking Jeremy's hair to calm him down.

"B-But I'll piss everybody off...because I-I'll ruin the play. Christine won't even wanna be friends with me and she needs somebody to be there for her... like me..."

"Jeremy, rest assured that there will be a favorable outcome to this. She won't hate you, and I assure you Michael likes you back. And you will get together with him....just...wait until the intermission... I'll feed you your lines, and when the intermission comes, ask to make an announcement. Can you do that?"

"Y-Yeah...Yeah I can do that."

"Alright then. Get some shut eye slugger tomorrow is huge. I'm gonna shut off now alright?" Jeremy nodded, watching as the Squip disappeared. He smiled calmly as he got into his bed and closed his eyes.

He was actually going to ask Michael out...oh boy...


Jeremy was fixing up his costume and the Squip was helping him go over his lines, just so when they were fed to him it could sound natural.

Jeremy noticed Christine frantically going around the backstage and helping everybody set up.

"She is really into this isn't she?"

"Yeah." Jeremy mumbled, which Christine must have heard, because she turned around.

"Jeremy thank goodness, can you help me get the props on stage. Scene two is starting soon and...oh there's the pansy syrum." Christine reached apast Jeremy and grabbed the beaker of Mountain Dew. "Now can you help me?"

"Of course."

"O-Of course."

"Thanks." Christine smiled wide and Jeremy did whatever she asked until the stage was set up.

"Places for scene 2 people!" That was Mr. Reyes. Christine and Jeremy turned to see him trying to get the needed cast on stage.

"Break a leg Jeremy!" Christine was about to walk off and Jeremy had to stop her.

"Jeremy ask her if you can make an announcement mid play?"

"Hey Christine...during the break, ya know when everybody goes out of the auditorium for bathrooms...could I maybe...make an announcement? It's important I do t-this tonight."

"Of course Jeremy. Now I'm needed on stage, good luck, break and leg."

"When did you get so good at talking to females."

"Shut up tic tac. Michael's out there, right?" Jeremy pulled the curtain a bit and looked around until he seen the familiar headphones and bright red hoodie. He smiled, the Squip nodding in response to his question.

"You remember your cue right?" Jeremy nodded in reply and the Squip smiled. "Good...this shouldn't be too difficult then."


Jeremy watched as people began leaving for the break, and be got the mic from Christine and went out on stage.

"E-Excuse me? Before you all leave I...I have an announcement to make. N-Now I know most of you are parents so this isn't important to y-you but...I'd still like to know everybody is in here when I do this." The Squip helped guide Jeremy along stage as he talked. "I'm Jeremy Heere, obviously an actor in this p-production, and this week has been hard. And I noticed something t-this week and c-couldn't think of a better time to say it then now..." He took in a breath and looked directly at Michael.

The Squip hacked into the spotlight and shined it on the teenager.

"Michael Mell, my best friend, my only friend, my player 1, I'm sorry. For everything. And...I would like to k-know that...I love you. I love you so m-much and I thought if I made you want me then I could have you..." Jeremy jumped off the stage and walked over to Michael, everybody's eyes following him. "But I was wrong. I see t-that do love me...and t-that's why I'm doing this...and..I w-would love to know...if you maybe...would go out with me?" Jeremy was holding Michael's hands, a smile on his pale face as he stared up at his best friend, blush all over him.

"Jeremy...You...have n-no clue how long I've... I've waited to hear that..." Michael grabbed Jeremy into a hug and gently kissed him, causing Jeremy to turn bright red, more so than he had been.

The audience was still staring at the display, before somebody clapped. Everybody turned to see Christine standing in front of the stage clapping.

Then came Brooke out from behind the curtain, and eventually the whole cast was clapping.

Soon the audience came into the craze and everybody was applauding the two boys.

"Looks like I'm no longer needed. Goodbye Jeremy...well I'm not going away forever but I'm going to shut down."

"Squip...thank you..." Jeremy thought before looking back into Michael's eyes, smiling wide.

It actually all worked out...he got Michael...he got what he'd never knew he needed...

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