The Kiss

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Ok remember my HC about Michael kissing Jeremy at the play.
Well that comes in here
TW: swearing as per usual

It had all happened so fast Jeremy hadn't had time to comprehend it all. Offering Christine a Squip, learning it was gonna take over, his argument with Michael, almost losing... Christine saying she loved him...

Then the screaming. The moment he comprehended what had happened, he was already screaming in pain.

He heard two voices yell his name. He knew the louder of the two was the Squip, dying slowly...the other one sounded distant and underwater...and Jeremy remembered feeling lips gently meeting with his own.

He also felt a warm blanket like object placed around him, and he knew he was carried out of the school and to a car, and drove to the hospital.

Yet he had no clue who it was. It couldn't be Christine, she was passed out, and Brooke and Chloe would never, not after Halloween. Jenna was aro-ace. Jake and Rich were definitely not the one. Rich was in the hospital for goodness sake. And Jake could hardly bend his legs.

The only other one who had been remotely close to Jeremy was...Michael.


"I'm just saying, somebody held me and kissed me and took me to the hospital. You were awake, you s-should know." Jeremy was begging for Michael to tell him who it was. Even though he knew...or at least thought he knew.

"Jeremy do you think I was paying attention? Everybody I knew had just been turned into tech zombies before screaming and passing out. I thought most of em were dead, I was practically spazzing out." Jeremy knew Michael was lying out his teeth. He knew Michael so well he knew. "Are you sure that it even happened?"

"Wha-Yes I'm sure Michael!!" Jeremy yelled and Michael was slightly taken back by it. "I know what happened and... I think it was you..." Michael stared at the deadset Jeremy, trying not to let any hesitation show through.

Fail. Michael wasn't good at acting, so Jeremy quickly seen through his facade.

"It was you..." Jeremy was quiet about this realization and he could sense Michael was upset about it. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly and Michael threw his hood on and turned to walk back to his house instead of Jeremy's. "Michael I'm not upset with you I just wanna know why."

"Jeremy. You...You really are blind aren't you..." Michael laughed sadly, still walking, Jeremy running over and grabbing his hand to stop him. Normally Michael would've been alright but now that Jeremy knew...he pulled away. "I can't do this right now."

"Michael I need to know. I want to know. Please just...tell me why you didn't tell me. Or tell me why you kissed me and never mentioned it."

"Because damnit Jeremy I'm fuckin'in love with you. Don't you get it? My useless ass self fell in love with you..." Michael pulled his hood off and looked up at the sky, sighing. "And I was jealous that so many other people loved you....and you loved most of it...but when I try you always pull the no homo card and it fucking hurts..." Michael was crying and Jeremy could tell from his voice cracking.

"Michael I..." Jeremy couldn't think of anything to say to make up for his lack of compassion towards the only person who ever cared about him. He'd tossed him to the curve and Michael would probably never forgive him for that.

"I don't want your pity Jeremy...And frankly...I don't wanna talk about this..."

"Michael plea-"

"No. No begging me into spilling because the reason should be fucking obvious Jeremy." Michael was clenching his hands into fists, digging into his skin with his currently dark blue fingernails.

"Fine...I won't beg you...but that doesn't mean I'm gonna withhold the face me and Christine broke up from deserve to know that...I'll...go home now..." Jeremy whispered and began walking home by himself, wiping his now teary eyes with his cardigan sleeve.

Michael glanced back at him and went to say something to get him to stop but realized it would do no good.


Jeremy gently opened the door to his house and knew his dad had actually went to work today. Mainly because there wasn't a car outside and the TV was off.

He went upstairs slowly and closed his door, going over to his bed and laying on it, clutching his cardigan around himself, still trying to grasp that Michael kissed him...that Michael loved him... after what he did.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and wanted to call Michael and apologize for how he had acted but Michael was probably getting stoned and didn't want to talk to him.

Jeremy sighed and turned his phone off, rolling over in his bed and staring out the window. He was still thinking about Michael...he couldn't stop thinking about Michael.

Michael...he was realizing he actually liked more than his best friend or player 1...but he couldn't tell him now. Not after what just happened...could he?


About an hour passed of Jeremy going in and out of sleep. What stopped this was a knock at the door. He got out of bed and walked down the stairs a bit faster than he had walked up, and was surprised to open the door and see Michael.

" broke up with Christine?" Jeremy nodded. "Why? She was your dream girl, why did you break up with her?"

"Michael...I broke up with her because of y-you...I knew it was you...and your...sincerity when you kissed me, however dazed I might've been...proved that you loved me...Christine and me weren't gonna work out, not when I was constantly thinking of you...."


"Can we do it again? But...both of us...not just you..." Jeremy asked, and Michael realized what he meant and nodded.

"Sure...but let me in the house first it's chilly out here." Jeremy did just that and they sat on the couch. "You really wanna kiss me?"


"Alright then..." Michael picked Jeremy up unexpectedly and held him close as he kissed him. Jeremy kissed back as his cheeks burned redder every second.

"Private why are you kissing Michael on my couch?" Jeremy pushed away to see his dad staring at them in confusion. " two a thing now?"

"I guess. Jeremy it's up to you if we...Jeremy?"

"We are." Jeremy rested his head on Michael's chest, and Michael held him close.

"I am not surprised in the slightest." Mr. Heere chuckled as he left the two boys alone on the couch.

How did they always end up making their relationship stronger with every fight?

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