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I came up with this HC with MichaelMellisMyChild
It's angst
TW: swearing, mentions of self harm, suicidal thoughts, and suicidal intentions. Also Micha has a small panic attack

Michael wore bracelets. That's one thing Jeremy had always known. But the thing was, he had no clue why Michael wore them.

And Michael had a purpose for wearing everything. Like his hoodie, he wore it all the time because it reminded him of his brother, since that's who it belonged too.

Or the wheelies because they make it easier to transport himself. Hell the nail polish even has a reason, granted it was just to hide the black stuff that got under Michael's nails, still a reason.

But he'd never told Jeremy why he wore the bracelets. There couldn't be no reason, this was Michael he was talking about.

So he decided he'd ask...but the answer...wasn't pleasant.

"Hey Dad I'm headin' to Michael's and stayin' the night okay?" Jeremy grabbed his cardigan and put it on over himself gently, walking downstairs with a bag of video games and seeing his dad asleep on the couch. "I'll take it as a yes. Early night dad."

Jeremy left, walking to Michael's instead of driving. He didn't think it was exactly necessary to drive since they lived so close to each other.

He let himself in and realized Michael's moms were gone. Probably on a date, he thought as he went down the basement stairs and looked for Michael.

He didn't hear him and was about to just go upstairs and look before he heard sobs from the basement bathroom.

Jeremy went over to the door and gently put an ear on it, thankful he could walk quietly. He quickly recognized Michael mumbling and he couldn't understand him clearly at first but it for clearer.

"T-This is for being a f-fuckin' loser...this is f-for making your family b-break...and t-this is for being a f-fuckin'...fag...and this is f-for being ugly...and this is f-for being gay for your b-best friend...and-" Jeremy knocked something over and Michael's sobs stopped. "H-Hello?"

Jeremy didn't respond, mostly taking in what he'd just heard. Michael needed him.

He gently opened the door to see Michael on the toilet, leaning on the sink, wiping his red, puffy eyes. There were tear stains running down his cheeks and...and blood running down his wrist and into the sink.

"M-Michael...what did you..." Jeremy started and Michael turned to see him and began sobbing again. Jeremy knew if he got too close it could cause Michael more stress so he just grabbed the taller male's hand and gently caressed it.

He felt Michael shaking and also noticed the heavy wavers in his voice and breathing.

"Michael, c-calm down okay...please..." Jeremy cooed but Michael couldn't hear him, and instead curled up into a  ball on the toilet. "Michael...please just look at me...okay?" Michael looked up at Jeremy, who at this point was crying himself. "Breath with me, alright?"

Michael nodded and Jeremy began breathing in, and Michael followed suit, also breathing out. They repeated the process until Michael's breath was steadier.

"Now, tell me why you were doing...that?" Jeremy asked, looking down at Michael's wrist.

"I... I...God I'm fuckin shit aren't I? I m-mean...I thought this would make me feel better but it d-doesn't...I only feel like damn shit...I just... God...I can't even tell you w-why...why I do this..." Michael muttered weakly, still gently hiccuping on his sobs. Jeremy wrapped arms around him and gently stroked his hair.

"You can tell me why...please Michael I wanna help you...j-just tell me." Jeremy whispered and Michael gently wrapped his own arms around Jeremy and sobbed into his chest.

"I do t-this because of you..." Michael began and Jeremy didn't say anything. "Because of y-you...because I l-love you...because I'm scared y-you'll leave my dad'm scared you'll go a-away...and I just...if I wasn't gay I w-wouldn't like you t-this way and...and I just... God you just d-don't know how long I've loved y-you...and...and I just can't all..." Michael cried softly and Jeremy helped him off the toilet and into the floor where he held him close.

"You know you could've told me right?" Jeremy was gentle, as he didn't want to upset Michael more then he accidentally had done.

"N-No...I thought that y-you would leave."

"No...Michael I'd...I would never leave you...not again..." Michael sniffled and looked at Jeremy with tired eyes.

" you love me?" He asked and Jeremy couldn't answer in words, so despite everything he'd said before about being 'straight', he kissed Michael passionately, and Michael was taken back but didn't push away.

When Jeremy finally pulled away, Michael was staring at him in shock.

"I do love you...but I just didn't know how to tell please...stop hurting yourself...please.." Jeremy whispered gently and Michael stood up, Jeremy following suit. "Can we wrap that up now...I don't like...looking at it..."

"Y-Yeah...first aid is right over here..." Michael grabbed the first aid and gave it to Jeremy, who took out some scar medicine and bandages, and began applying it to Michael's wrist.

When finished, Michael grabbed his bracelets off the back of the toilet and put them on over the bandages.

"So...I'm getting wanna go to sleep." Jeremy asked and Michael mumbled an agreement and Jeremy grabbed his hand softly and the two went upstairs to Michael's actual room and not the basement.

They crawled in bed after removing their shoes and jeans, and Jeremy felt that Michael was still wearing his bracelets.

"Michael...why are you still wearing your bracelets?"

"They...h-help me forget that I...ya know...well I don't forget...but it distracts me..." Jeremy planted a kiss on Michael's forehead and and Michael smiled gently as he closed his eyes and cuddled into Jeremy.

"I love you Michael..."

"I love you too Jere..."

And that's why Michael always wore bracelets. And Jeremy was glad he found out, because he helped Michael with his problem...and was so glad that he could help him, because he loved Michael so much more than Michael had known.

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