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2866 words. Wow. I got carried away didn't I?
They helped with this
No TW this time except mentioned death

Long ago…

There was a young boy named Jeremy, who lived a rather simple life with his father and his father’s younger brother. He enjoyed life, not worrying about anything really….that was until his father got sick. Jeremy had had to live with his younger uncle, Eric, while he nurtured his father. As much as Jeremy tried to get his father back to health, he couldn’t. But no matter how sick he was, Jeremy’s father always smiled for him, trying to make him feel better about himself before he finally passed.

The fact that he never received that kind of attention from his older brother enraged Eric, so he took out his anger on the remaining brother and Jeremy. Starting with kicking the older brother out of the house, not letting him take Jeremy with him.

So Jeremy felt Eric’s neverending wrath, not to mention that of his cousins, Keira and Sal, who forced him into being their servant.

“JEREMY!!” One of Jeremy’s cousins, Keira, yelled, and he jumped up, finishing the breakfast he was making for them up and quickly heading upstairs. “There you are. Finally. What took you so long!?” Keira demanded and Jeremy handed her the plate he’d made.

“I-I was just-”

“I don’t want to hear what you have to say. Now leave.” Keira pointed outside and Jeremy nodded, his hair falling in his face as he made his way out.

“JEREMIAH!!” Sal screamed and Jeremy made his way over to that room to see Sal at the mirror in absolute rage.

“S-Sal what’s w-wrong?” Jeremy asked and Sal turned around, his face covered in the most ugly makeup Jeremy had ever seen.

“I need you to clean this mess off my face!” Sal ordered and Jeremy nodded, going to the nearby restroom to wet a rag. He went back to Sal and began cleaning his face off in annoyance. After finished, Sal looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. “You can leave now. I have to reapply my contour and blush now.” Jeremy nodded slowly yet again, closing Sal’s door behind him.

“Jeremy! I need you in here now!!” Eric yelled and Jeremy made his way to his room quickly. He opened the door to see Eric on the bed, staring at...something.

“Umm….Uncle Eric what is i-”

“RATS! Get RID of them. I don’t care what you do with them, just get them out of my room!!!” Eric screeched and Jeremy grabbed the three mice in his hands and left the room. “Thank GOODNESS. Oh and don’t forget to do the rest of the chores!!” Jeremy sighed, taking the three mice to his room and sitting them on his makeshift dresser.

“Oh my goodness you saved us, I thought that man was going to scream us to death.”The yellow tinted mouse mumbled, covering her ears slightly as to try and stop the ringing.

“Not to mention how ugly his attire was. I felt like throwing up.” The tallest mouse, who had dark brown fur, muttered.

“Yeah I agree with that Chloe.” The third mouse spoke exasperatedly. Jeremy was staring in awe at the fact they could speak. “Wait can you...OMG girls he can understand us.”

“You all c-can talk?” Jeremy whispered and they all nodded. “W-Woah. So w-what are your names?”

“Oh, I’m Brooke.” The first mouse squeaked happily.

“I’m Chloe, and that is Jenna.” The second said, pointing to the third, who was laying on her back tiredly.

“Okay, well I’m Jeremy. How about I made you all little outfits so I c-can tell you apart.” The three nodded happily and Jeremy’s face quickly lightened as he got to work.

It didn’t take too long before he gave each of them different little shirts. Brooke got a blue shirt, Chloe got an indigo shirt, and Jenna got a magenta shirt.

“Oooh I love it!!” Brooke bounced into Jeremy’s apron pocket, Chloe and Jenna following suit. “We’re staying with you.”

“O-Okay just...stay out of sighed, my uncle and cousins dislike animals.”

“Yeah I noticed.” Chloe muttered under her breath and Jeremy chuckled.

He spent the next hour cleaning the kitchen, mopping, sweeping, and dusting everything, mumbling to the mice happily as he did so.

Eventually there was a knock at the door. Jeremy walked over and opened it, a man dressed in fancy attire placed an invitation in his hands.

“W-What is this?” Jeremy asked and the man cleared his throat.

“The prince is holding a ball tomorrow night, and all those who are eligible are allowed to come.” The man left and Jeremy looked down at the invitation and blushed at the thought of meeting a prince. An actual prince.

“Woah-oh, Jeremy’s blushing.” Jenna giggled and Jeremy smiled gently before realizing he’d have to tell his uncle and cousins, and his mood quickly lowered.

“I need y-you three to hide o-okay….” The three mice nodded and hid in Jeremy’s pocket, making themselves unseen.

Jeremy opened the door to the dining room, and his family turned to look at him in annoyance.

“Ugh, why are you interrupting our eating time Jeremiah.” Sal asked and Jeremy fiddled with the invitation in his hands. “Ooh, father what’s he got in his hands?”

“Jeremy, let me see that.” Jeremy handed the invitation to Eric, who opened it and quickly began to read it. “Looks like you two will be having fun tonight. The prince is holding a ball!”

“A ball!?” Keira asked loudly, but Sal’s excitement outdid hers.

“The Prince. As in Prince Michael?” Eric nodded and Sal felt himself almost faint.

“You two finish your food early so you may get ready, and then we can departure.”

“Ummm… says all who are eligible to a-attend U-Uncle Eric.” Jeremy muttered, but nobody heard him because they were all talking about how they were gonna dress.

Jeremy sighed, heading upstairs to his room and sitting on his back, realizing he’d never get to go to the ball and he’d be forced into this miserable life forever.

“Don’t be sad Jeremy, you can still go. Just wait until they leave.” Brooke suggested and Jeremy tried to smile but it only came out broken and made him look even sadder than he did.

“I-I wish I could but even s-still….I have nothing suitable to w-wear.” Jeremy whispered and the three mice looked at each other and jumped out of Jeremy’s pocket and scurried to his closet. “W-What are you-”

“You can modify one of these things.” Chloe could barely see any of the clothes from her spot on the floor. “Jeremy, could you be a dear and lift us up so we can see which of these is in best condition?”

“S-Sure.” Jeremy held the three of them up and they looked at all his outfits and Brooke pointed to one that looked very dress like and Jeremy looked down with her in questioning.

“Good idea Brooke. He would look amazing in a dress, what do you think Jenna?” Chloe turned to Jenna, who nodded furiously. “Alright then, Jeremy we're going to modify this.”




t took some time but the dress thing was finally modified. It wasn't the cleanest or prettiest but it was something.

“Umm...are you s-sure this is gonna work?” Jeremy asked and the mice nodded, squeaking happily.

Jeremy knew his family was about to leave and made his way down to the door.

“Oh my God. What are you wearing?” Keira asked and Jeremy froze in his tracks.

“A fashion disaster. That's what.” Sal laughed at him, and Jeremy felt tears forming in his eyes. “Aww, wittle Jeremiah is gonna cwy. Have fun tonight by yourself loser, we're gonna dance with a prince.” Sal stuck his tongue out, following his laughing uncle and sister out the door, slamming it behind him.

Jeremy felt tears well up faster before he ran out to the garden and let himself sob. The mice tried to comfort him, but they didn't really get anywhere.

“I-I guess I'm never g-gonna have any fun now...and I was l-looking forward to meeting him too…”

“Aww don't cry just yet Jeremy. There's still time to fix this.” Jeremy looked around for the voice and froze as a young Asian girl appeared in front of him. She was wearing a light pink dress and had fairy wings, which were levitating her off the ground.

“Woah...are you l-like a Fairy Godmother or s-something?” Jeremy asked and she shook her head, waving her wand around a bit as she moved over to where he was seated.

“No. I am your Musical Fairy Godmother. But you may refer to me as Christine.”

“O-Okay. So... Christine...what are y-you doing here?” Jeremy asked and she took in a breath and was about to start singing but the mice all squeaked at her.

“We do not have time for a song. Jeremy has to meet this Prince Michael soon before his horrible cousins do!!” Brooke yelled and Christine nodded in understanding, a bit dappered down by the lack of music she could sing.

“I know your heart is pure Jeremy, and you're clearly upset, so I can grant you your heart's desire.” Christine explained and Jeremy's face lit up. “Which I assume is going to the ball and dancing with the prince. Correct?”

“Yes! P-Please!” Jeremy's eyes were wide and Christine stood up.

“Alright then. First you need a you have any kind of round foods? Preferably not fruit.” Christine asked and Jeremy got up and ran inside, returning with a bucket of… “Why do you have a bucket of walnuts?”

“I c-collect them.” Jeremy explained innocently.

“Alright, may I have one?” Jeremy nodded, handing Christine a walnut. She placed it on the ground and motioned for him to stand back.

She shot a light at it with her wand and Jeremy watched as it transformed into a carriage of sorts, all while still looking like a walnut.

“Now. We need horses and a driver. How about your little mouse friends?” Christine asked and Jeremy let the three mice jump in his hand so he could place them on the ground.

Chloe and Jenna were turned into horses, admiring their manes as if this were normal. Brooke was turned into a human girl, and was placed on the driver's seat at the front of the carriage.

“Now, for your dress.” Christine smiled warmly as she shot magic at Jeremy, which caused him to flinch until he opened his eyes, looking down at the lovely blue dress he was in, not caring that he was a boy in this thing.

“It's... It's amazing. T-Thank you so m-much.”

“Of course Jeremy. But I must tell you that at midnight, the spells will wear off.”


“Now go. Have fun. And make sure to sneak a smooch from your prince.” Christine waved as Jeremy got into the carriage, closing the door and feeling it start moving.

Here goes nothing.


At the castle, the prince was bored out if his mind. His father had called for eligible girls but his mother said everybody could attend, regardless of gender, but of course, he wasn't enamored by any of the attenders thus far.

Michael was the Prince's name, and many wished for at least a dance with him, but he didn't want to dance with anybody thus far.

“Your father will kill you if you don't dance with somebody soon Prince Michael.” Jake, one of Michael's personal guards, more of a babysitter, told him, but Michael did not care.

“I don't like any of these girls and the guys are all snooty and rude. How am I supposed to propose to people who I do not like?” Michael complained, walking away from Jake quickly, only to be stopped when his gaze landed on a male around his age.

Michael quickly made his way over to the male, absolutely amazed by his appearance. The boy had curly brown locks that gently fell in his face, not obscuring his eye entirely but barely blocking it. His cheeks were a soft shade of pink, dotted with freckles that looked like stars. His smile was soft and gently, the kindest Michael had ever seen. And his beautiful blue-green eyes went nicely with the dress he was wearing.

Michael gently tapped the boy's shoulder, causing him to turn around.

“Y-Your highness!” The boy bowed but Michael shook his head.

“Please, just call me Michael. I could not help but notice you from afar and you strike me as...different from the other people here tonight.”

“T-Thank you I...I don't know what to say…” The boy blushed and Michael took his hand.

“Would you like to dance with me?” He asked and the boy nodded.

The two danced together in perfect sync, their eyes locked together the entire time.

From across the ballroom, Eric and his two children watched with anger.

“Who does he think he is!? I was supposed to dance with the prince!” Sal yelled and Keira rolled her eyes.

“Puh-Lease. I was going to dance with him.” The two began yelling at each other until Eric snapped.

“Silence you two...there is something...familiar...about that boy...I just don't know what.”

After their dance, Michael led the strange boy outside, where they sat on a fancy bench in the garden and made light conversation.

“You know... I was supposed to pick somebody to marry tonight...and I think I might've figured out who.” Michael cooed and the boy blushed again. “Please, tell me your name so that I might properly propose to you.”

“M-My name is-” He was cut off by the clock chiming. “Oh no, no, no...I-I am very sorry Your Highness, I have to leave.” The boy began running out of the garden, Michael trailing behind him quickly.

“Please wait!” Michael yelled but it was too late. The boy had already left.

“Prince Michael are you alright?” Jake had ran outside and seen a distraught Michael holding a glass shoe in his hands.

“I have to find him.”


“I have to find that boy.” Michael whispered and Jake was very very confused.


Jeremy was already noticing the magic wearing off, because his blue dress had returned to the ragged dress from before, his hair was now matted, and the walnut carriage was shrinking.

He opened the door and jumped out, glad that they were always back home. His mouse friends were all back to normal, and were in his hands.

“I...I can't believe it...I was so c-close...Oh no. Eric will be home any second. C'mon, we h-have to get upstairs.” The mice nodded and Jeremy snuck into the house and managed to get back to his room before his horrid uncle could return.

When they did return, Sal was whinier than ever, and Jeremy had to help him undress. He did so begrudgingly.

Finally, Jeremy could rest, and he laid in his bed with teary eyes as he thought of how wonderful his night had been.

An hour later and a knock was heard at the door.

“Jeremy get the door!!” Eric yelled and Jeremy went downstairs and opened the door to see the prince and his personal guards.

“We've come in search of the fair boy who wore this shoe. We need to know if there are any other males in the house.” Jeremy nodded and headed upstairs, alerting Eric and Sal to come down.

“Ugh I know they're not him. He had curly brown hair, like the servant….wait a second.” The prince held the shoe out and Jeremy gently stuck his bare foot inside. “It's you…”

“WHAT!?” Eric yelled, standing up in fury. Jeremy hid behind Prince Michael, shaking horribly. “How do you...You were not...What is this!?”

“Shush.” Michael ordered and it worked. He turned back to Jeremy and held his hands gently. “Now...please tell me your name…”

“Jeremy.” He whispered and Michael gently pulled out a ring from a box his guard was holding and kissed Jeremy's hand.

“Would you please marry me, Jeremy?” Michael asked, now on his knees. “You truly amazed me last night, more than any other person there. I would love to get to know you more.”

“Yes o-of course.” Jeremy smiled wide, and Michael slid the ring on his finger.

“Well then, you can come back to the castle with us.”

“What about me!?” Sal yelled but the door was slammed in his face.

“Oh wait, I have some friends I want to bring along.” Jeremy told Michael, who nodded.

Jeremy went back inside and ran upstairs, calling to Chloe, Brooke, and Jenna.

He made his way back down and back outside, following Michael out to his carriage.

Jeremy could hear his cousin crying from inside but ignored it, leaning his head on Michael's shoulder, encasing his hand around Michael's gently and smiling.

Looks like dreams do come true.

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