Running Out Of Time

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Hanahaki chapter
Which I've been meaning to write since book one. Since the first BMC fics I read were Hanahaki
TW: blood(DUH), swearing
This isn't pining Michael tho...oh no...this is pining Jeremy.

Jeremy Heere was in love, that much was obvious, but he'd only told one person who it was, and how badly it had been affecting him.

Weeks. He had been like this for weeks and the only person who knew was Christine, and she was trying to help as best she could but she didn't know how to stop it.

"Just look something-" Jeremy was interrupted by more puking, petals falling into the trash can, as well as blood and normal puke. "-up..."

"Okay, I'll try." Christine pulled her laptop out of her bag, typing up the symptoms Jeremy was going through. "I found something. Hanahaki disease...born from unrequited love...does this have to do with your crush on Michael?"

"P-Probab-" Jeremy didn't even finish, his stomach clenching again and more blood coming out.

"Okay that makes sense."

"How do we stop it?" Jeremy was hugging the trash can at this point and Christine looked back at her laptop.

"Well...Michael has to love you back...or..."

"O-Or what?"

"Or you'll have to get a surgery...but at the cost of you emotions."

"W-What?" Jeremy asked through tears, more petals seeping out of his mouth. "I...I don't wanna lose my feelings!"

"Jeremy if Michael doesn't love you back now this will only get worse! We all know how oblivious you both are when people like you..." She mumbled the last bit and Jeremy's sobs turned to screams. Christine turned to see that the petals had no longer been coming from his mouth, but a flower was growing in his eye, and boy it was brutal.

Skin was sticking to the leaves and petals and Jeremy was crying harder than he knew he could, petals still spilling, some just being clumps of flowers coming out of his mouth.

"Oh God, Jeremy I think we need to call Michael and tell him."

"No!" Jeremy was barely comprehensive through the flowers clogging his mouth, which he puked into the trash bin. "He can't know..."

"Jeremy we have no other choice...unless you do this or get the surgery... they'll keep spreading through your body until they clog your lungs...or grow into your heart..." Christine was actually tearing up a bit and Jeremy wiped his eyes violently. "We'll have to tell your dad at the least. So you can stay home..."

"O-Okay...can you get a new trash bag?" Christine nodded, taking the flowery puke bag and disposing of it outside in the big trash cans. She found a clean bag in Jeremy's kitchen and came back up to see him forcing his mouth shut.

"I'm coming Jeremy, don't puke yet." He nodded as she put the bag in, moving back as he spit up more flowers.

"This sucks..." He whined and she used the back of her hand to move hair out of his face.

"I can imagine...I need to be alone to extensively research this. You can tell your dad, can't you?" Jeremy nodded and Christine hugged him. "Here, I grabbed an extra bag...I guess I'll see you tomorrow when I visit." He nodded and she waved, skipping downstairs slowly.

She opened the door at the same time Jeremy's dad was getting home.

"Hi Mr. Heere." She said, smiling as best she could.

"Hey...Christine, right?"


"Okay good, I get all of Jeremy's friends except Michael confused. Speaking of Jeremy, where is he?"

"He' his room...he needs to tell you something important."

"Oh he needs to talk with his old man for once. Okay, well you have fun wherever you're heading off to. I'm sure I'll see you again when Jeremy invites you over." He chuckled, waving as Christine skipped down the street, sending a back wave.

Mr. Heere opened Jeremy's door and froze at the sight. Jeremy was crying, a lot, his tears were mixed with blood, one of his eyes couldn't even be seen because of the flower overtaking it, and he was petals.

"Son. What the hell happened to you? Are you...of course you're not okay you have flowers growing out of you!" Mr. Heere ran over to Jeremy and the teenager looked up at him and sobbed violently.

"C-Call M-Mic-cha..." He could barely talk before puking back into the can.

"Michael?" Jeremy nodded and he pointed to his phone. Mr. Heere grabbed it and recognized Michael's phone number and contact immediatley.


Michael was playing video games, alone sadly, when his phone blasted Video Games by The Young Professionals. Jeremy.

He picked it up and used his shoulder to hold it against his ear.

"Jeremy, buddy, where have you been all week?"

"Michael you need to come over. Now."

"Mr. Heere?"

"Jeremy needs you..." Michael stood up, not even pausing his game, and ran out of the basement and outside.

He didn't even bother getting in his car, just clicking his heels and skating to the Heere house.


"Just hang in there Son, Michael's coming." Jeremy was now on his bed, sitting up against a pillow, still puking into the bucket.

Michael burst through the door and froze as he looked at Jeremy in horror.

"Jeremy...the hell happened to you?" He asked, walking over to his best friend and sitting next to him.

"Hana....hanahaki...." Jeremy whispered and Michael's eyes widened...he knew all about this, he'd learned about it from his moms. Luckily, Mallory saved his mother from dying.

"Who is it?" Jeremy didn't answer. "Jeremy please, who is it?" Michael grabbed his hand tightly, squeezing it in his own. "Please..."

Jeremy puked again, the contact only causing the disease to get worse and worse.

"Jeremy c'mon I'm worried for you, I don't want you to die...I don't wanna lose you..." Jeremy could hardly talk from the clumps of blood and full blown flowers, leaves and all, coming up from his throat to his mouth, burning the inside. "Jeremy please!" Michael was begging. He didn't want Jeremy to die. He didn't want his Player 2 to die...he didn't want to lose the one person he...he knew how to fix it. " it me?" Jeremy didn't respond and Michael sighed hoping this worked..."Jeremy...I...I love you...I just...didn't...didn't wanna come to terms with it...please...please let the person you love be me."

Tears were flowing from Michael's eyes now, he was still clutching Jeremy's hand, trying not to sob. He seen a flower gently fall to Jeremy's covers and looked up to see the teenager rubbing his eyes.

"Jeremy?" Jeremy blinked once and smiled softly when he realized he wasn't throwing up flowers anymore. He quickly sat up and wrapped his arms around Michael, smiling enough to where his teeth were only slightly visible.

"I love you Michael...I love you more than anything..." Michael could tell Jeremy was smiling from his voice alone.

He gently pushed the brunette away and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I love you too Jeremy... I thought I'd lost long had you...?"

"Weeks...weeks Michael...Christine knew...she told me to call I had my dad call you....I'm glad you came..." Jeremy was holding Michael's other hand in his own and his smile was the purest thing Michael had ever seen. "I'm glad I fell in love with you... Michael Mell..."

"I'm glad I realized I'd fallen in love with you...Jeremy Heere..." They were inches apart now and Jeremy nodded when Michael gave him the look of "can I?".

So they kissed smiling into it calmly, blush tickling at both their cheeks.

When they finally released, they enwrapped each other in a warm embrace, just glad they were together...and alive...and that they hadn't run out of time...

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