¿Michael x Jared?

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A/N: look y'all, I love boyf riends and all but I think they are a good fit to sooo.. heere ya go!

 TW: shitty writing


Michael was walking out of school when his phone bussed, he looked down at his phone, it was a text from Jeremy:

Jer~bear: Hay! wanna come over? my brother Evan is bringing a friend and I don't wanna be lonely 

It's not like he had another plans

Micha: Yeah sure! be over in 10

he got in his PT cruiser and drove off

                                                                                   ~10 mins later~

knock, knock, knock, knock! 

Michael stood out side and when he heard the keys from the other side jingling he expected to Jeremy but when the door opened he was greeted by a laughing kid about his age with glasses, who was a little shorter than him and was facing the other direction. 

Jared looked over and into Michael's eyes, still smiling. Michael just stood there and looked at him.

"um, are you gonna come in?" he Jared giving Michael a look that sent butterflies  swirling in his stomach 

Michaels face turned red at his own obviousness 

"y-yeah, thanks" he said stepping in to find Jeremy and Evan sitting on the carpet in the living room.

"Michael!" Jeremy seid, still gaining at whatever Evan had said, "wanna go upstairs and play AOTD?"

"Hell yeah." he said still looking at Jared, who was now lying down on the couch with his phone

Jeremy glanced between Michael and Jared then back to Michael, his face lightly dusted with Jealousy 

(love triangle/ square??)

Jeremy grabbed Michaels hand and pulled him upstairs and into his and Evans room

"who's Evans friend?  what's his name?" Michael asked lying on Jeremy's bed as Jeremy set up AOTD

"whoah slow down, dose some one have a cwush?" (crush) he said in a baby voice

"sh- shut up."

"well, I know his name is Jared, he is Evans family friend who used to only hang out with Evan so his mom would pay his car insurance but he ended up becoming actual friends with him. I also know he used to go to this school but he moved for some reason, probably cause this school sucks"

"huh" Michael said gazing of into space

Jeremy was staring at his best friend who had his hand behind his head and legs crossed, staring at the ceiling. The light bounced of his dark brown hair which gave him a lighter halo of hair, all framed perfectly with the setting sun, seen from Jeremy's window.

Jeremy caught himself staring, blushed and went back to setting up the game for his.... best friend.

A/N: lol I kinda got bored of my own story😅 so imma leave it heere, but if someone wants to heere the end of the love triangle I can make a part two 

The love triangle is, Jeremy likes Michael, Michael likes Jared and  Jared likes Jeremy (Evan is dating Connor btw)



words: 498

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