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The school day ended, and most of the students were heading home, others stayed for tutoring or sports practice, except for the football team since the were mourning the loss of their two players. Jeremy and Michael were already home. Jeremy was preparing dinner (Turkey burgers and salad), and his idea for his latest kill: Jared Kleinman

'Jared, all you had to do was stay away from my prince, and this knight wouldn't have to slay you. But I'm not enjoying this either; I have to sedate Michael so that he'll be too drugged to notice what I'm doing. See? We're both unhappy.'

Jeremy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small container of pills. He crushes one of the pills with a rolling pin, while imagining it's a certain high-tech pill from Japan that almost ruined his life, and sprinkled it in Michael's Pepsi

'Everything I'm doing for you Michael, is out of love. I wouldn't want you to discover what I'm doing. This is something a prince should'nt have to know about.'

"Jere, are you almost done?" Michael called from the living room

'That's right. It's my nickname, Jared!' "Just finished!"

Jeremy takes the plates, not forgetting the drugged soda, to the living room where he sees Michael sitting on the couch

"And you remembered my Pepsi?" Michael smiles when Jeremy hands him is tampered drink, then kisses him on the cheek "You are the best Boyf ever."

"I know what my Riend likes."

Michael took one sip of the drugged soda, and immediately started feeling drowsy

'Wow, that sedative works fast.' Jeremy thought while trying not to look guilty "Are you alright, Micah?"

Michael nodded, but immediately regretted it when his head started hurting. He, leaned on Jeremy, and rested his head on his shoulder, much to Jeremy's delight

'Aaaww!' "Wanna go to bed?" Michael nods slowly, not wanting to worsen the pain.

Jeremy smiles and picked up his boyfriend bridal style, then carried him to their room and tucked him under the covers "I'll be with you in a minute, baby." He kisses Michael on the forehead and he drifted off to sleep. Jeremy giggles at his boyfriend, then left the room to prepare for his next kill

And now a word from our sponsor

Kevin: Hello! Kevin Price here once again! Are you a Yandere going on a killing spree and you don't want the person you're protecting to know what you're doing out of fear they'll leave you forever and possibly report you to the police? Give them Oblivio! This pill is guaranteed to weaken your lover's senses and make them love you forever!

Wanting: Oblivio may cause headaches, nausea, submissiveness, dependence on the Yandere, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

Remember to give your lover Oblivio about every ten hours, otherwise the effects will wear off

Buy Now!

This has been a message from Elder Kevin Price


It was easy to get Jared to meet up with Jeremy at some abandoned warehouse in the bad part of New Jersey. All Jeremy had to do was to unlock Michael's phone using the password he had memorized by heart (JeremyxMichael), find Jared's number, and text him from his own phone telling him to meet up at the abandoned warehouse

Luckily Jared didn't have Jeremy's number. If he did, he might've told his parents who he was meeting up with, and his cover would've been blown

Jeremy had waited for about an hour with his duffel bag filled with tools of torture for his newest victim. He was about to leave and try again tomorrow, until he heard the door open

'Perfect' He smirked, then hid in the shadows to create an air of mystery and for the element of surprise

"Hello?!" Jared yelled out "Who wanted to meet me here?!" Still no answer "Look, if I don't get an answer in the next three seconds, I'm gonna leave!" ... "One... Two..."


Before Jared had a chance to look behind him to see the owner of the mystery voice, he fell to the floor with a thud. Jeremy stood right behind him, holding a baseball bat with an evil smirk on his face

When Jared finally woke up, he found that he was sitting in a chair with his ankles tied to the chair legs, and his wrists were tied behind his back

"The fuck?", he cursed, then tried to pull the ropes apart

"Don't bother.", a voice called out from the dark corner of the room "It's a constrictor knot. Hard to untie."

Jared looks around, trying to find his captor "Who are you?! What do you want, you freak?!"

A hand appears out from nowhere, and slaps him across the face


Jeremy steps into his view, holding a cleaver

"Jared Kleinman." He starts off calmly, "Do you know why you're here?"

"Heere?! What the fuck is going on?! Why are you doing this?!"

Jeremy glares at his captor

"I said..." He holds the cleaver close to Jared's neck, not enough to damage his skin, just enough to strike fear and make Jared to look the murderer straight in the eye "... Do you know why you're here?"

"N-no. I d-don't." He stutters

"Well, as you know, I love Michael so much. I would do anything for him." He takes the cleaver away from Jared's neck, much to his relief "I'd even kill for him. I'd kill people who try to flirt with him, bully him, hurt him, or just look at him the wrong way." Jared looks confused, he laughs "Don't act like you wouldn't do the same. I see the way you look at Evan Hansen. When someone hurts him, something just goes off inside you, doesn't it?"

Jared furiously shakes his head, "No! I love Evan, but I wouldn't kill people who hurt him!..." He looks down solemnly "Besides, he's with the school shooter." He remembers the situation he's in "And, Michael doesn't need this kind of protection! Sure, he gets bullied a lot, and..." Realization hits him like... Like...


It's snowing outside, and Jared is building a snowman with Evan. A snowball appears out of nowhere and hits Jared in the head, causing him to fall into the snow, face-first

End of flashback

Like the first snowball of Winter

"You killed Kurt and Ram, didn't you?... I'm not your first kill, am I?"

"Aaw, are you upset you're not my first?" He jokes "And yes, I did kill Kurt and Ram. They called Michael a horrible name, and violated him... I had to do something. They had it coming. Though, I'm surprised it took this long for someone to finally do something."

Jared is trying not to cry, but fails "You're a fucking psycho! I didn't do any of that shit to Michael!"

Jeremy digs the cleaver deep into Jared's arm, causing him to wince

"I heard you guys talking... He called you 'Jare'... That's MY nickname! He's been calling me that since kindergarten!" He pulls the cleaver out of Jared's arm, much to his relief, then he pulls a knife out of his bag, and stabs his leg

"SHIT!", Jared yells out in pain

"Michael will always be MINE!" He continues to stab Jared's arms, legs, and his chest, causing the boy to cry and thrash around in pain "That's why I'm doing this for him. To protect him. He will always love ME!" He raises his knife

Jared coughs up some blood, and wheezes "When Michael finds out-"

Jeremy laughs as if Jared said the funniest thing ever, and leans in close, "Michael is, and will always be oblivious to what I'm doing. He doesn't need to see this. He's too sweet for this kind of violence."

Jared coughs up some blood on Jeremy's face, but he doesn't even flinch

"He's gonna find out." He coughs up more blood, and his breathing becomes slower "And when he does, he'll see just how much of a damn psycho you are."

Jeremy's look darkens. He wraps his hand around Jared's neck, and slowly digs his knife into his chest, just over his heart "Don't you ever say that my prince will stop loving his knight." The knife digs deeper, and deeper, until Jared can feel it poking through his back

"P-please... Stop." Jared shudders. He knows it's too late, but he still wants the pain to stop "Jer-J... Jeremy, pl... Please." He begins to vomit up blood, about half of what's in his system. He becomes paler, colder, and finally... Silent

"... You dead?" Jeremy slaps Jared across the face, and receives no reaction. He laughs, then begins to untie him "This was way more fun than shooting people! I'm gonna keep doing this." After he finishes untying Jared, he drags the body into a storage closet "You'll be safe in here, Jared." He smiles happily, and carelessly tosses the body into the closet, then closes the door

Once Jeremy cleans up the blood off the floor and his face, he heads back home, and finds Michael, still sound asleep in bed, clinging onto a blue pillow

"Aaw." Jeremy slips into his pajamas and gets under the covers next to Michael. He pokes at his cheek a few times, causing him to stir in his sleep, then finally open his eyes to find his murderer of a boyfriend in the bed right next to him

"Where were you? I got worried." He sets the pillow to the side, and starts hugging Jeremy's arm

Jeremy came up with an excuse right on the spot, "Sorry baby, I got tired and fell asleep. It won't happen again." He wraps his free arm around Michael, then kisses his forehead

"Good. I don't like sleeping without you." He snuggles into Jeremy's chest and falls back to sleep, causing Jeremy to giggle at his boyfriend's adorableness

'You'll always be my Micah, no matter what.'

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