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"Mikey? Baby, what are you doing here? Why aren't you home in bed?" Jeremy asked, feigning innocence, while holding a knife and what looks like a very important organ. He sees Michael looking at JD in concern, and tries to ease his worry "Baby, I'm doing this to protect you." He cooed, dropped the knife and organs, and pulled Michael in for a hug "He got in my way."

"Jeremy, this is sick!" He pushes Jeremy away "I hate JD, but I don't want you to do this! What you're doing is horrible!" Michael yelled, while backing away from Jeremy who was backing him up against a wall "Please, stop this." He pleaded "I know you wanna protect me, but this isn't right!"

Jeremy looks hurt "Mikey, I don't like when we fight." Michael's back was now pressed against the wall "I'm doing this for you, baby. Don't you like having a knight who knows how to protect his prince?" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the Oblivio pills "You're my prince. I love you so much."

"Why do you have my medicine?" Michael asked, now becoming confused

Jeremy opens the bottle "I'm just gonna keep you safe, okay? I want you to always love me," He steps on Michael's foot, causing him to scream, then he puts the pill in his mouth "and what I do for you."

When he wouldn't swallow the pill willingly, Jeremy forced him to do so by tilting his head back, and Michael wasn't as tense. He almost fell to the floor, but Jeremy carefully set him down "Are you okay, baby?" He asked, and Michael nodded lazily "Good. Let me just take care of JD, then we can go home." Another nod

Jeremy turned back to JD with an excited grin on his face "Now, where were we?"

"What..." He coughs up an alarming amount of blood "Did you do to him?!" He screamed, really worried for the boy sitting on the floor with a dazed look on his face

"I'm just keeping him safe." Jeremy reassured "He'll remember this, but let's face it. Micah would never call the police because he would never want his Jer-Bear to leave." He tilted his head to try and seem innocent, but the blood-covered skin made it hard "So. You still got a problem?" He reaches into JD's cut open chest "Still got a bone to pick?" He pulls out a rib "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't pulled on my dick!" He stabs one of his lungs, causing JD to cry out in pain for the last time before finally going silent. The only thing on his mind is that he never got to tell Veronica that he still loved her

Jeremy untied JD's lifeless body and tossed him in the same closet where Jared's body resided. After cleaning up the pool of blood and changing into his spare set of clothes, he picked up Michael bridal style and took him to his car

Michael didn't wake up until they got home and we're in their bedroom. When he did wake up, he paled when he saw Jeremy hugging him tightly

"Hey, Micah! Glad you're up!" He kissed him, but Michael didn't kiss back as he usually would "Are you okay? Why didn't you kiss back?" His voice snapped a bit, but went back to calm and sweet "Is there blood on my lips? I can wash it off."

Michael didn't say anything, and he could barely think... Mainly because of the drugs, but also because he was in complete shock

"You're not gonna tell people, are you?" He cooed while taking Michael's hand in his "I don't wanna leave you. Something could happen to you if I'm not around, Micah."

Michael thought about it, and realized Jeremy was right. What if something DID happen to him? Who would make sure he's okay after he had another Jeremy-leaving-him-for-the-SQUIP nightmare, or when he was having a panic attack? So, he rested his head on Jeremy's chest while he lovingly played with his hair and planted kisses all over his face. He wanted to love Jeremy despite the fact that he's a killer

"Micah? You still love me?" It sounded more like a statement than a question

"Of course I do."

"And will you let me protect you?"

"... Yes."

"Good. 'Cause you're my beautiful prince, and your knight in shining armor wants to make sure nothing bad ever happens to you... Now, I have some rules for you."

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