Our story (Izuku and class 1-A)

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Izuku's p.o.v.

It all happened 10 years ago. It was pure coincidence, but it has made such a big impact on my life... if that day hadn't happened things would've been completely different for me. It's weird how one person can change your life.

That day, when I met All Might the first time I was gobsmacked. To see my favourite hero, my example, right in front of me, in the flesh... wow... At that point in time I could've never guessed he would let me inherit One for All, and even when I knew I still couldn't comprehend it. Me... simple, quirkless Deku... would be the next All Might... from that day on, my path as a hero began.

It took me years of training to be able to deal with One for All, to be able to use it without breaking my bones every time I used 100%. All Might had been there alongside the road all way. He was amazing, and... it even felt as if I had a dad for the first time in my life... a dad that was there for me when I needed him... Of course I could never admit it out loud or everyone else would think All Might favoured me and I didn't want that. Little did I know that Iida, Todoroki, Kacchan and Uraraka saw the special bond between me and the number one hero.

I couldn't have asked for better friends than them, they've been there for me too! Whenever I needed them they were there for me! Everyone did it in their own way; Kacchan knew how to get me motivated again, Uraraka helped me if I was down or shared my excitement, Iida helped me with my techniques and strategies and Todoroki helped me train my power. We all helped each other to become better, to be the best pro heroes there were in Japan... and we did it... we're at the top...

However... what had been a set-back for us was when All Might passed away. He was completely worn out because of his fight with All for One and wearing his quirk out, which drained his body from energy. We had seen it coming by far, the number one hero was getting thinner, he couldn't stay for more than 10 minutes in his hero form, and he coughed up a lot of blood. All Might had meant so much to us, for all of us, class 1-A especially. He'd always be carried in our hearts though because he became part of our lives. Even if he isn't here anymore that won't mean he isn't still a number one hero to the end!

His funeral was sad... we all missed him incredibly... I guess in the end he's been like a kind of dad to us all... even in his last moments he joked around as if nothing was wrong, and he even praised us all... he was so proud of us... of what we became... he had seen us growing from youngster to amazing heroes. Everyone grew in their own way and specialised in their own divisions. It was weird, because even if All Might wasn't here anymore I could still feel him around. One for All connected us and I knew he was watching over me!

Like I said, we all became pro heroes, the best of the best, but we weren't like those heroes who did it for the money or the fame, no, everything our class had experienced together changed our view on heroes, villains, keeping the world safe etc... and it made us closer, we did end up going our own ways but our whole class still comes together once in a while.

A couple of years ago we defeated the League of Villains, but that doesn't mean there's no evil anymore. It was our biggest mission and there were some unexpected turns of events but we still managed to work through it... as a team... just like All Might taught us. Sometimes being a hero and saving people requiers teamwork, not everyone can do it on their own. Villains still lurk around today the day and we continue to protect the people, working together and being there for everyone.

When I was young I always wanted to become like All Might, and in some way I am. However, over the years I learned to be myself too, to make One for All my own, to be my own hero; Deku. I want to make All Might proud by using our power right, to help the people! Till the day I'll die I'll fight, I'll continue to make you proud All Might... I'll promise to make you ptoud mom, to make my friends proud too... to protect our society... because that's what heroes do!

That's how my story... no... our story started and continued... how our bond grew... How we as young heroes grew... But also how we become our own individuals... thanks All Might... for everything...

''oi Deku! Hurry up! You're falling behind nerd!'' a loud voice interrupted my thoughts as I was staring at the beach in front of me. The sun was already setting and a beautifully, warm, orange glow spread out over the water, over the endless horizon. It made it look like burning water, which kissed the reddish sky in the far back where the eye could reach. This was it... the last place I had seen All Might before he passed away... the evening before he died he took me to this beach, to properly say goodbye, because he knew it was his end. I cried so much... gosh, I thought I had stopped that habit after UA, but knowing this was my last embrace with All Might... I couldn't help but let the tears flow. It hurt so much to lose him, he was a part of my life... it would leave a hole in my heart if he'd disappear... but the number one hero told me a very important thing before he left... he told me no matter how far away we were from each other, our memories would always connect us, and that the real him would always be in my heart, as long as I won't forget him. It wasn't even One for All that connected us, but the bond we had because of everything we experienced together. He gave me a last hug, told me how proud he was of me, told me he would always be with me and thanked me... I never got to ask him why he thanked me because I was crying so much but it meant so much to me... because after a while I began to understand why he thanked me... because I played a huge role in his life too, not just as his successor, but because he thought of me as the son he never had... I only understood that once a small envelope was given to me with a last letter of the number one hero and a picture of us together, which marked 'me and my boy – 19-08-20XX'. I never told anyone about it... but those things and the memories were the only things I had of All Might... and I cherished it every second.

''c-coming!'' I yelled quickly as I ran after Kacchan to catch up with the rest. We had come together again for a fun day on the beach. Everyone told about their hero jobs, their latest missions and we had lots of fun. It's sad to see how fast time goes... sometimes I think back to the good old days when we were still young... I miss them and sometimes I wished that, just for one day, I'd be able to go back, but life goes on and there's nothing we can do about it. I'm really happy though everything worked out well! I wouldn't have wanted it different, not for a million!

Uraraka chuckled as I caught up with the rest, Kirishima and Denki were holding a race to see who was able to reach the parking lot first, the girls were chatting and giggling, Kacchan was being sprayed wet by Sero (who had to run for his life), Iida was panicking and making his signature handmoves while yelling at everyone to stick together and watch out, Todoroki walked besides me with a gentle smile, Mineta was... trying to be a perv... (some things never change) while Shoji tried to refrain the grapefruit from doing so, Dark shadow was pestering Tokoyami, Ojiro held hands with Toru and chatted a bit a think..., Aoyama was carried by Sato as he still laid bare-chested whilst sunbathing a bit... with those big sunglasses of his... and Sato was talking a bit with Koda. Seems like our class indeed hasn't changed a lot...

I glanced up at Todoroki, who looked back at me, before flashing him a bright smile and gently intertwined my fingers with his as we walked over the beach.

I hope we'll be able to spent many more days like this with us all, just like the good old times, in a safe world where we fought for, just like All Might did. 

I began as a quirkless boy, knowing I could never be a hero without one... but I didn't give up, and neither should you! Always follow your dreams, do what makes you happy and fight for it! Life is hard, life hurts sometimes but in the end, everyone's in the same boat. However, write your own story, focus on your goals, stay positive, fight for your dreams, and one day you'll find /your/ All Might, your One for All and smile upon all the bad things that happened, holding up your hand in a peace sign and go plus ultra! 

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