💜🖤Izuku Midoriya- What once was 🖤💜

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I do not own the art

Time for the angst! It's been a while since I uploaded and I've been in an angsty mood :/

Tw: Death
You and Izuku were close. As close as two twin siblings should be.

The two of you were born quirkless, which broke your brothers heart but you didn't mind. You knew as long as you were with your brother you would be alright.

Izuku often looked to you as he was getting bullied at school by his friend, Katsuki Bakugou. You were there to help him patch up his scrapped up knees and palms of his hands. You were like his guardian.

You loved to watch All might do his hero work. You and Izuku would play heroes together and "rescue" your mother when she was "in danger".

But it all changed in middle school.

You were back at home,preparing that night's dinner while your mom was at work. You had the news on the tv playing in the background. You heard a commotion from the screen so you decided to take a peek. The images on the screen terrified you. Bakugou had been captured and held hostage by a villain that even the heroes couldn't seem to stop. After a few minutes of staring at the screen in horror, you spotted him.

Izuku ran at the villain at top speed, throwing his backpack directly towards the opponent. Once he reached the gelatinous villain, he started to claw at him, trying to free his friend. Your body began to shake as you could not tear your eyes away from the scene. You nearly screamed when the villain went to attack your brother.

All might had arrived just in time, like he always did. You collapsed back onto the couch, trying to catch your breath as tears rolled down your face.

You would never forget that day. You began to see your brother less and less the following days. He would always come home exhausted, slinking into his room late at night. You assumed he had to think about that day for a bit so you thought nothing of it. Not for the first few weeks that is. You started to notice a change in him. A change you didn't know if it was good or bad.

You curled further under your bed covers. Your brother had just announced to you and your mother that he had developed his quirk, claiming that is where he has been going. Training his new found quirk. You were happy for him of course, but you felt left behind. He was the only one who understood the pain of being born without a quirk and all that had changed in a day.

He made it in. He got into UA. The school that you two had dreamed of attending together. Izuku has apologized on numerous occasions about the fact that you couldn't attend, but you would always tell him that he had nothing to apologize for. That you were fine where you were. It wasn't a lie for the most part, but there was the smallest bit of sadness behind those words.

He would come home every day from school and talk about the wonderful experience he had at school that day. You would respond at first, but as the weeks went by, you had stopped. You just ate your dinner and went to your room as soon as you had finished. You couldn't listen anymore. It hurt too much.

You wished you were there with him. You wished you could make the same friends, share the experiences, and have the same adventures. But you knew that you couldn't. You knew Izuku was happier in that school than he ever was with you. Following the announcement that you two were born without quirks, he lost his spark of hope. He began to seek out friends with quirks as to live vicariously through them. You didn't have it that easy.

Just when you thought he couldn't leave you further behind, the USJ attack occurred. Izuku began to train even harder, spent more time studying, and hardly came home for dinner with you and your mom. He would always come home late at night, long after you had gone to sleep. He hardly talked to you. Were you not important enough? Were you his last priority? Had you become someone who got in the way of his progress? You never knew.

You gasped desperately for air as you ran full speed down the streets of the city. It was still behind you. You could hear it's thundering footsteps closing in. The Nomu pursued you, only a few strides behind. You let your legs carry you wherever they wanted to. You quickly realized that was a mistake as Izuku's school had come in view in the distance.

You knew you couldn't lead the beast to the school so you took a sharp turn down the street. You quickly pulled out your phone and pulled up your brother's contact. It rang a few times before you heard his voice. You were about to speak until you realized that it had gone to voicemail. Your heart dropped. How had you not thought of it? He must have been out training or at school at the time. The phone sounded the tone to indicate that you could leave a message.

"Hey Zuku. It's me. I'm sorry to be bothering you while you are doing something more important but I really need you to listen. I'm sorry for all those times I walked away while you were talking about school. I should not have done that. I should have been happy of you. I really am but I think my jealousy got the better of me. I am leaving this message to say that I am sorry for everything. You have been a great brother and I know you are going to do great things. You are going to be a great hero. Mom and I are so proud of you. This... this might be the last you hear from me so I thought I would let you know what my true feelings were. I love you Zuku. Become the great hero that mom and I know you were meant to become."

Izuku stared at the phone in his hand, his entire body shaking. What did you mean when you said it may be the last time he heard from you? What was going on? His vision started to blur, tears filling his eyes as panic started to set in.

"All might, you don't understand!" Izuku shouted, hot tears streaming down his face. "My sister may be in danger! We have to do something! At least help me find her!" He pleaded.

The American hero thought for a while but eventually agreed. He didn't know what he may have to go against, but if his apprentice was so panicked, he was willing to help. He would not be able to focus if they didn't do anything to help his trainee's family.

They hadn't found you for weeks.

Izuku was listening to your voicemail to see if he could find any hints that my have left when your mom burst into his room. She was shaking excessively and tears flowed down her cheeks like rivers. She didn't even get a word out before Izuku rushed to the tv.

The news had been on with bold letters scrolling along the bottom of the screen.

"Missing person found dead: Y/N Midoriya found dead in an abandoned warehouse. Police and Forensics are still trying to find cause of death."

Izuku's legs have out from under him, causing him to sit on the floor. He stared wordlessly at the tv screen, mind flooding with questions.

Who could have done this? Could he have been able to stop it from happening? Was the body they found really you? Why did it have to be you?

Inko walked over to your brother and wrapped her arms around him, the two spent the night crying into each other's arms, wondering what they could have done to protect you.

Little did the know, a tall figure stood outside their building. His pale blue hair swayed slightly as a slight breeze blew by. A twisted smile formed on his face as he looked at the building where the two resided.
Wooo! Emotions! As I said at the before, I was in a mood for angst today. Sorry I killed y'all but this was just the story that came to mind. I also really do like Izuku, I just wanted to make him a somewhat neglectful brother for the plot. He would never do that but he had to in this in order for the story to make sense. Also too lazy to do word count for now. Might put it in on a later date.

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