💖🤍Yuga Aoyama- A cheesy encounter💖🤍

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I do not own the art

I love this baby boy so much! He is so precious ☺️ he may be a bit out of character, but he's hard to write haha. I kinda imagined it as Yuga post recent manga events as I kind feel like he is a little more reserved after all that


You walked slowly down the isles of the grocery store. Every so often, you would lift your eyes from the grocery list you had in your hands to glance at the isle's contents. You would occasionally take an item off the shelf, throw it careless into the cart, and continue on your path.

"Alrighty... The last thing mom put on the list was..." you clicked your tongue rhythmically as your eyes scrolled down the list for the 100th time, "Parmesan cheese."

"Shouldn't be too hard to find."

You make your way to the dairy isle and peruse the countless options of cheeses.

Gouda, Brie, all kinds of cheddar, Colby Jack, pepper Jack, mozzarella, provolone. You name it, they got it.

That's when you found it. But there was one issue. "Did she want shredded, grated, sliced, or a block?" You anxiously asked yourself, bitting the tip of your thumb lightly.

"Hey you!" You exclaimed a bit loudly to the poor soul standing next to you.

"Huh? Moi?" The blonde boy questioned, clearly startled by the sudden outburst.

"What type of Parmesan goes on pasta?"

The boy blinked a couple times, trying to figure out why a total stranger was talking to him. "Uh..." finally collecting himself, Aoyama smiled. "It depends on the type mostly. What kind are you making?"

"We're making something with a meat sauce that my dad likes. It's his birthday today and we want to make his favorite meal. Mom just put Parmesan on the list, but didn't tell me what state she wanted it in." You let out a slight chuckle.

"In that case, I'd go with grated or shredded. Seeing the type of pasta noodles you are using, either could work great. Why not get both and see what your mom thinks?"

"I would if I could," You sighed, "but we're on a tight budget until dad finds a new job. His last place of work got destroyed by some villains."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that! I'm sure your père will find somewhere soon."

"My pear?" You tilted your head slightly. What on earth was this guy saying?

Yuga laughs softly. "No no no. Your père. P-e-r-e. It's father in French." He beams.

"Oh you speak French? That's so cool!"

Aoyama stands with a proud smile on his face, loving the praise he had just received.

You jump slightly as your cellphone begins to vibrate in your pocket.

"Sorry, I just need a moment." You tell the stranger before picking up the phone.


It was your mom.

"Hey! Are you still at the store? I forgot to ask you to find some cheese for the charcuterie board for the family picnic this weekend. We have everything but the cheese."

"How did you forget the cheese?" You ask astonished.

"It's not that I forgot. I just couldn't afford them on the last grocery run. There should be a little more room in the budget to get a few cheeses today."

"That's fair. I'll find something good, I promise." You reply with determination.

"Thank you! I know you hate doing these shopping trips, but it helps a lot so thank you again."

"It's no problem mom. I can handle it today."

"I love you, (Y/N)! I gotta go. My break is just about over. I'll see you in a couple hours."

"Bye mom. I love you too!" You end the call.

"We'll it looks like I need some more of your cheese expertise. You could say your exper-cheese." You snapped and pointed finger guns at the blond boy.

Yuga let out a snort and covered his mouth, trying not to laugh.

"That was terrible" He stifled his laugh.

"I know, I try. Now! Charcuterie board. Cheese. What ya got?" You placed your hands on your hips.


"So you're in the hero course at UA? That must be stressful. You guys have been involved in a lot." You muse. You continued to talk to Aoyama as you stood in line to check out your items.

"It is stressful, but all my classmates are pretty powerful and we've gotten much stronger from the experiences. They have forced us to grow and push our limits, no matter how much our tummies hurt afterwards." Yuga placed his hand on his stomach, face going slightly pale.

The two of you begin to place the items on the counter to be purchased. After everything was put down, you grabbed your wallet out of your purse and handed the person behind the desk a handful of cash.

You watch the cashier count the money, heart sinking when she made a look of concern before counting the yen again.

"Is something wrong?" You inquired, already dreading what she might say.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid your a couple yen short." The cashier grimaced, pity clear in her eyes.

You almost scoffed right there for her giving pity you didn't need, but you knew it wasn't her fault so you held back.

"Well... I guess I'll just figure out what to put back." You sigh in defeat. Before you could pick the unlucky item to be left behind, more cash was placed on the counter in front of you.

"I can pay for the rest." Yuga smiled at you.

"You don't have to do that! I just-"

"I want to. This is what heroes do. They help others."

"Thank you so much... uuuuuuuhhhhh" you paused, realizing that you had never got his name. All that time in the dairy isle and you didn't even think to ask who you were even talking to!

"Aoyama Yuga! Also known as Can't stop twinkling." He stated loudly, striking a pose.

This was not a side to him that you had seen previously. You liked it. He seemed so comfortable and confident. Something you were not. It was refreshing. It was something you could respect.

"Well, Mr. Aoyama, there must be a way I can repay you."

He placed his finger under his chin in a moment of thought before you noticed his cheeks gradually turn pink.

"You can give me your number and we can discuss how I can repay you that way?" He suggested.

"I think that's a great idea." You smiled.

Words: 1038

And we're back! It's been a hot minute! Finally got some more ideas for this book and I'm looking forward to sharing them! Cannot guarantee they're going to be great but we're gonna try!

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