Next Gen OC: Mikoto

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(If Yasu crush is Aizawa)
Name: Mikoto Aizawa
Gender: Famale
Age: 16
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: UA Student
Height: 5'0

Nationality: Japanese
School: UA High school
Year: First Year
Distinguishing Features: None
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Eraser Jr.

Quirk: Erasure
Weapons: Her cape can be manipulated to capture people
Gadgets/Tech: None
Likes: Gossip, Boys, and fighting evil
Dislikes: Goody two shoes, Perverts, and getting dirty
Habits: None
Fears: Insects
Family: Dad (Aizawa), Mother (Yasu), Sister (Saori), Step Uncle (Kai)
Romantic Interests: Open
Allies: Open
Rivals: Saori
Enemies: Unknown
Physical Weaknesses: Unknown
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Getting told off about her brattiness
Parents: Aizawa and Yasu
Relationship with parents: Aizawa- Doesn't care about his threats and warnings. Yasu- Makes fun of her a lot for being deaf and having hearing aids and having to learn how to talk again
Parents relationship with each other: Recently divorced
Background of parents: Yasu and Aizawa we're doing good up until this year. Aizawa filed for divorce and Yasu signed the papers. She moved out and currently is living Ms. Joke home.
Name of your quirk: Erasure
Description: Basically the same as her dad's except she needs to touch them and her eyes don't change red
Strength: She doesn't have the best for combat but can pack a punch
Weaknesses: She freezes when she touches her victim
What age did you obtain it: 6
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): Her dad was erasing a student quirk when she was sick one day and had to come to work with him. She hugged his leg and his quirk went away.

Extra information: Is neither a hero or villain

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