Next Gen OC: Saori

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(If Yasu crush is Aizawa)
Name: Saori Aizawa
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Seiai Academy Student

Nationality: Japanese
School: Seiai Academy
Year: First year
Distinguishing Features: One red eye
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Future Eye

Quirk: Fortune
Weapons: None
Gadgets/Tech: None
Likes: School, Heroes, and Video games
Dislikes: Rumors, Her sister, petty people
Habits: Always needs a bracelet or necklace to fiddle with
Fears: Dark, Blood, and Failure
Family: Dad (Aizawa), Mom (Yasu), Sister (Mikoto), Step Uncle (Kai)
Romantic Interests: Open
Allies: Open
Rivals: Mikoto
Enemies: Open
Physical Weaknesses: She bruises easily
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: She's not that mentality strong
Parents: Aizawa and Yasu
Relationship with parents: Aizawa- Looks up time him a lot and hopes to make him proud. Yasu- She's proud of her mom for being able to hear again and try to learn to talk again
Parents relationship with each other: (Look in Mikoto page)
Background of parents: (Look in Mikoto page)
Name of your quirk: Fortune
Description: Same as her mom but must stare at her opponents just like her dad. She does not lose sense when she uses it.
Strength: Can be at a far distance to use her quirk to have them see their future
Weaknesses: Her eyes get irritated like her dad
What age did you obtain it: 7
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): She was with her mom and dad at the park while her sister was at a birthday party. She was staring at her mom while Yasu was using sign language to talk to Aizawa when she stopped abruptly which freaked out Aizawa a lot.

Extra information: Gets out of school early and gets driven to UA in a limo by her rich friend. She visits Ms. Joke and her mom a lot even if means she has to sneak out

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