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Ever heard of the saying, "Great minds think alike." ? Really, what is the possibility that maybe someone has the same mind-boggling thoughts as you. The same hurt that you conceal. Would you consider that similar to a soulmate? I don't usually involve myself with petty things like soulmates that take up my time, but I'm not one to talk, I have three mates that are all rooting for the other side. Im still not quite sure if I'm doing this for them, or myself. Definitely not for myself, and not for them either. My current being isn't helping anyone besides the villains. 

I snickered hearing Dabi bang on the metal door that separated us, my rock music blaring throughout my lab. "M/n you mother fucker open this door or turn down that awful music!" Although he couldn't see me, I hung my middle finger high in the air. "Fuck you!" 

I rubbed a hand over my oil greased face, sighing. Trying to create an Omega potion (of some sorts) was quite difficult, seeing as I had no idea where to start. Whilst attempting to not drop the beaker filled with red liquid, I felt my heart race again. Too much stress? Anxiety again?

"M/N! THIS IS IMPORTANT, OPEN THE DOOR!" Dabi sounded more crazed. Hurrying to hide all my lab equipment, I rushed over to the metal door. Once entering the code, the metal door slid open and Dabi slid in, having the most panicked look on his face. "Close it!" And so I did.

"What the fuck is wrong?"

"They're here.."


"The heroes."

Eyes dilating, I moved towards the window I frequently escaped from. I ushered Dabi ahead. "Go." The metal door-- that was once on its hinges-- busted open, revealing All Might in all his glory. "Young M/n, long time no see." 

"Fuck fuck fuck, Dabi go!" Once he made it past the window, I attempted to follow, only to bed held back. "M/n?" Dabi peered back down, eyes going wide. "Shoot, Dabi go, Ill be fine." Multiple footsteps seemed to invade my lab. "Ill be back M/n, were gonna get you back."\

And he was gone, leaving me to deal with nothing but the many heroes that filled the empty space. Alpha.

I turned my head, seeing those who I could eventually call lovers. "What's up hedgehog?" The anger infused male came tumbling towards All Might and I. He crushed me in an embrace, I felt tears from him run down the back of my back. "Mother fucker.. I missed--" He completely tore me away from the number one hero, and moved his head to my neck. "..you.. all of you." I inhaled his scent, feeling calm. More heat developed around me, I looked up. "Half and half bastard," I grinned that shit eating way, "Midoriya.." He smiled softly.

SIMU was the only one whom spoke then, "Sir M/n, It appears that you will soon have another extreme anxiety attack, I have no one to inform of this. I suggest you leave immediately." All Might quickly grabbed me and handed me off to a doctor, "Hospital.. now." 

"Sir, you are now undergoing your attack."

My heart raced and my vision blurred slightly. "Needles, doctors, no!" I looked back at my three mates who looked almost as panicked as I did. "Young M/n I suggest you don't struggle so we don't have to put you under any drugs." I felt energy surge through me. Theres no fucking way I'm going to a hospital. With bright lights, and needles, loud noises, people.

"AH! WHAT THE HELL!" Someone-- who I couldn't really make out-- screamed in pain most likely. "Aizawa! Whats going on?!" I felt my throat burn more than I ever has, purple quickly darted around my body, "Im sorry.. I couldn't help it.." My voice was hoarse, weak more than anything. I didn't mean to, I don't like my quirk. "I didn't want him to see his nightmares..."

I gripped All Might arm, and slammed him into the ground in front of me, taking one last glance at my lovers who ran towards me, I darted out of that building. And out of sight. SIMU was still connected to me, at all times. "Sir, you aren't helping your situation with your quirks."

I panted and whimpered, not like I would admit the noise, but the sudden pain in my head threw me off guard. "SIMU, conditions. Now."

"Your quirks are currently unstable due to your anxiety attack, and possible depression." I gripped the front of my shirt above my heart, It felt like I would explode at any second. "Any..thing-- else?" SIMU silently scanned my body rates. "Your blood pressure is significantly higher than it should, or heart beat is currently racing at 134.789 beats per minutes-- I am tremendously worried about your health." 

"Thanks SIMU."

"No problem sir."

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