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Hoseok's first week of work was more than hectic, but he loved almost every second of it. Having a Korean restaurant had been one of his long-lasting dreams, next to being a professional dancer. As a child, he loved to cook and serve other people, showing off to his friends the magic of well-made Korean barbeque. When he realised that his dream might become reality, Hoseok was beyond ecstatic. He actually screamed in Yoongi's ear for about an hour (then apologized for another hour) (there were the perks of rooming with the hyper adult; one included Hoseok's excitement screaming).

The restaurant was called "Hopeful," a sort of inside joke between the group of seven. He was blessed to be working with some of his best friends: Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin. Kim Seok-Jin was an exceptional cook, and he bragged about being born out of the womb with the perfect knowledge of Korean barbeque (also with a perfect face, but they usually dismissed that). Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin were closer to Namjoon, as they were all in the music industry, but Hoseok was gracious enough to give jobs to the inseparable pair. They turned out to be perfect waiters: patient, kind, fast, and even funny sometimes. Hoseok himself did as many jobs as needed - cooking, waiting, managing, and more.

Before he knew it, Saturday had arrived and they were getting close to done with lunch. Most of the tables were filled and Jin was cooking like crazy in the back kitchen. Hoseok was running around, prepping meat and rice.

"Jungkook! Kookie! Where is that maknae?!" Hoseok said to himself, looking around for the waiter.

"I'm here! I'm here! Another family came in!" Jungkook called. He ran into the kitchen, and the two older men both almost smacked him with pans. He was wearing the "Hey! I am busy, ok!"

"Excuses!" Jin shouted as the food sizzled on the stove.

"Rude!" Jungkook shot back. He grabbed the ready food on the counter and practically sprinted out the kitchen door.

"That maknae," Jin shook his head. He tasted some boiling stew and nodded in happiness. "Wanjeonhan, perfect!" Hoseok laughed.

"There's someone at the door for you, hyung," Jimin walked in, wearing the same uniform as Jungkook. He looked more relaxed than the younger man though.

"Who is it?" Hoseok cleaned his hands on his apron.

"That guy who works at the boba place next door," said Jimin. He grabbed some food and went to serve it. "He says he has like a welcome gift from that boba lady." The raven-haired mochi walked out into the restaurant again.

"I'll be right back," Hoseok said. Jin nodded as the man followed Jimin.

Hoseok waved at all the families as he passed by and saw a man by the door. He was average height, Asian, with brownish black hair and a shy atmosphere. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt and also seemed to be holding a tray of boba drinks.

"Hi! Can I help you?" Hoseok walked over. The man brightened up.

"Hey! I'm Mark! I work over there at Café Cho, if you remember," he said. Hoseok nodded with his signature smile.

"Yeah! You guys were great! And thanks for being so nice this week!" he replied. The owner of the cafe, Zoey, had called up a few times to ask if they needed help with anything. She seemed very sweet.

"Oh it's no problem, we love to make new friends," Mark grinned. "Um this is for you, though! Zoey says congrats for surviving the first week!" He handed over the tray of drinks. There were four in total, a perfect amount for the four employees at "Hopeful." Hoseok grinned more.

"Thanks so much! I'll repay you back in a second!" he said, grateful. Mark waved his hand.

"No no! They're on us. Don't worry about it," he laughed.


"No! It's totally fine!" Mark cut him off. He headed towards the door before Hoseok could get out money. "You all can stop by tonight if you want since it's a Saturday. We're usually there after hours. See you!" Mark walked out the door, hands in his sweatshirt pocket. Hoseok was left standing with the boba in a bit of a shock.

"We got free boba? Sweet!" Jungkook said with excitement. He took the drinks from the startled Hoseok and went into the kitchen.

"That hyung didn't let you pay him back, huh?" Jimin laughed when they all met up in the kitchen for a short boba break while the restaurant was slow. Hoseok sipped his drink. It was perfection.

"Nope," he shook his head.

"It's an Asian thing," shrugged Jungkook. "Like the bathroom bill trick."

"Oh! I've used that so many times!" Jin said triumphantly. "Joon always gets mad at me." He and Jimin laughed.

"Hey, hyung, you're more quiet than usual and that's never a good sign," Jungkook said, turning to Hoseok. "What's wrong?"

"Oh I just wish I could repay Zoey back," said Hoseok.

"Why don't you go after the restaurant closes?" Jin suggested. "Mark said she'd be there."

"Aigo! Do you listen to every single conversation I have?" Hoseok slapped his arm. Jungkook laughed.

"Alright, we should probably get back to the uh restaurant," Jimin said, putting his drink in the fridge. Hoseok nodded in agreement, and they all followed suit. Jin went back to the stove in a hurry, and the two waiters went out to check on the tables. Hoseok wondered how Café Cho was at the moment.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

Zoey looked up as Mark walked back in. Her highlighted hair was pulled up in a simple braid. She had an apron on, and her white shirt had some black cat hair on the hem. She picked at it.

"Did he take it? Did they pay you back? I told you not to let them give you anything!" she demanded. He laughed, putting up empty hands.

"I followed all your orders," he said. She grinned. The cafe was slower today, since it was almost 4:30. Business usually slowed around the mid-evening. She back on the counter, and he went to join her, leaning on her. She shoved him off, and he laughed.

"Thanks, Li," said Zoey.

"Hey can I go now?" Mark pointed to the door. Zoey rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes, go have your date," she pushed him away. He grinned and gave her a quick hug.

"Thanks! See you later!" he said, walking out the door.

"Have fun," she sighed, waving.

"Mark has another date? Dang," Zoha said, coming out of the kitchen. "If only I had his luck."

"I know right," Penni agreed, also coming out of the kitchen. She put her hands on her hips. "He needs to focus on like work though."

"He does, he does," Zoey laughed.

"Whatever," Zoha said. "He's a nice boy, of course he'll get all the girls."

"He was so shy in high school though," Zoey smiled at the memories.

"You talking to him so much gives him too much self esteem," Zoha said. Zoey rolled her eyes.

"Sure, sure," she said. "Ok now get back to work, you two!"


"No cursing, Zoha!"

"It's not like anyone here knows though..."

A long hour after, Zoha and Penni packed up as usual once the cafe closed. Zoey waved to them as they walked out. A few minutes later, someone came into the small restaurant. She looked up and saw a younger Asian girl waving her hands frantically.

"Mark told tell you...that his date...isn't going well... also...why aren't you answering his calls?!" Amy Cho said in between pants. Zoey raised an eyebrow and continued to wipe the tables. She threw a wet towel at her younger sister who groaned, but dropped her bags and started helping with the cleaning.

"He knows I'm not supposed to answer my phone during work hours," she said. Amy rolled her eyes.

"Are you working right now?" she said.

"Don't get sassy on me, Mini Cho," said Zoey. Amy rolled her eyes again but grinned. "How was school?"

"So. Boring!" Amy said, exasperated.

"You're almost done, Ames," Zoey laughed.

"But still," Amy said, throwing some trash away. "I'm dying."

"You always say that."

"It's true!"

Amy Cho, the younger and more hyper sister of Zoey Cho, was probably one of the best parts of Zoey's life. The two sisters had grown very close over the years, Amy being the hip one and Zoey being the "older" one. They shared many similarities: they both adored cats, boba, and good music; but Amy was always a bit more ahead of Zoey, whether it was grades or the new quirky internet trend. Amy was a business major in the same college where Zoey had gone, and she was a hard-working, intelligent, cute Chinese girl who attracted many guys. Of course, Zoey approved of none of them and plus, Amy wanted to focus on work rather than go partying with sleezy Asians. Zoey was very proud of her, even though Amy thought her older sister was too overprotective at times.

"So did Mark call you to drive over here?" asked Zoey after they finished cleaning. Amy pulled out her phone to check some texts whilst sitting on one of the tables.

"Yep," she nodded, distracted. Zoey crossed her arms.

"So you know he came to me for advice last night," she said. Amy nodded, still distracted. "He told me he met this alien girl, and she was wicked hot. She even showed him her spaceship. That's the girl he's going on a date with right now."

"Sure," Amy said. She texted some more, and Zoey raised an eyebrow.

"After we talked, Kit turned into a human and tackled Mark. He was like crushed. She was wearing a black leotard and those cat ears all your college student friends wear."

"Uh huh."

"And she declared that she was having her freedom and then ran out of my apartment, shouting about sushi. You know it's her fave." Kit actually hated sushi, which Amy knew.


"Aaaand then Mark told me that I was pregnant. With RM's child."

"Wait what?!" Amy's head shot up, leaving Zoey clutching her stomach in laughter. "Hey! That's mean! Don't joke about those things!"

"Then pay attention more," Zoey said, still laughing. Amy rolled her eyes once more and hopped off the table. She grabbed her backpack and pulled it over her shoulder.

"Do you need a ride home?" she said. Zoey nodded.

"Give me one sec," she said. She went into the kitchen, pulled off her apron, made sure all the dishes were washed and ready for Tuesday, and then went back out. But before the two could leave, someone knocked on the door. Zoey peered out of the glass and saw Jung Hoseok waving, a bright smile on his face. He was wearing some jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

"Who's that?" Amy whispered as Zoey went to open the door.

"RM's friend," she said. Amy's eyes widened.

"Wait wha-"

"Hi Hoseok!" Zoey said, letting the man in.

"Hey Zoey! Uh sorry for coming late," he said. "I see you guys are closing up."

"Oh it's no problem," she said. "What's up? How was your first week?"

"It's been good!" he said, laughing. "This place is great!"

"I've heard your restaurant is a hit," Zoey said.

"Really?" he said, bashfully. "I try." They both laughed, and Amy facepalmed a bit. "So uh thanks for the boba this morning! It was really good."

"No problem," she said. "Happy to help."

"Here," Hoseok opened his hand up to reveal a couple of crumpled bills. "I feel bad."

"No no no!" Zoey said in mock shock. "Don't pay me! I told Mark to tell you!"


"I'll take it," Amy interrupted. Zoey gave her a look.

"Thanks Hoseok, that's really nice, but honest, I don't want to take your money," she smiled. He sighed. "But if you ever want to treat me to KBBQ..." His face lit up.

"Yeah! For sure! I think my friends are going out tomorrow because it's our day off. I'm sure it'd be ok if you and your friends tagged along," he grinned.

"It's a Monday tomorrow, so yeah! I'm free," Zoey said.

"Do you want my number?" he offered.

"Oh! Yeah sure, that might help," she laughed. She slid her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him. Hoseok typed in his digits as Zoey hit Amy to not start screaming excitedly.

"Ok well I'll see you tomorrow! Text me!" he said, walking out of the cafe.

"Bye!" she waved. As soon as Hoseok walked out of the store, Amy let out a loud scream. "Ok, ouch."

"You two are going to be the perfect couple!" she said, jumping up and down. Zoey blushed and shook her head.

"Ames, no no no and more no," she said, trying to control her sister. "We've only known each other a week! Calm down!"

"Ok fine, but I'm always right about this stuff," said Amy, winking. Zoey facepalmed.

"Just drive me home, and we can forget about this, please."

"Fine fine. But does RM have any other cute friends? Can I come tomorrow? Are you inviting Mark? Do you think he'll be jealous? Nah, he's Mark, it's ok. But can I please please please come tomorrow?! You have to let me! I can skip my afternoon class! It's not that important! Please, Zoey, please-"



also riri will be introduced in the next chapter ehehehehehHEHEH

oof i hope this book isn't boring ahh i feel like it is ahslfhfuasfasf



( also that gif kills me )

( also also: ehe new sign out ! )

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