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Zoey was cleaning up after the last teenagers in the cafe, and she waved to Penni as the girl walked out the door, her shift over. With the sun slowly dropping, the lights inside became brighter and the neon letters outside glowed. It had been a long Friday, and they were all glad the day was practically done.

"See you tomorrow, Zoey!" she waved, pulling her purse on.

"Thanks, Penni! See you!" Zoey waved back. Zoha came out of the kitchen, apron around her arm.

"Hey, I think I'm going to take off since we're closing soon," she said, hanging up the cloth. "My mom wants me over for dinner tonight."

"Tell her I said 'hi!'" Zoey smiled.

"Will do," Zoha said. She followed Penni outside. "Bye!" Zoey waved again and walked back to the cashier where Mark was counting bills.

"And the last group in here is RM," Mark said, wrapping a rubberband around the fives. "The one group that made you nervous since they came in. What a coincidence."

"I know right," Zoey slightly frowned.

"Well at least they've been really nice," he commented. "Also they ordered a lot of food. Like a lot." He held up the bills with a shrug, making Zoey smile.

"You're right," she said, patting his shoulder. "Thanks Mark."

"No problem, Zoe," he smiled back. They heard shuffling and turned to see Namjoon and his group standing up, pushing the chairs back into the table. They all headed towards the register, and Zoey hid behind Mark a bit.

"Thanks so much for the great food," Hoseok said. Mark gave a smile.

"No problem. That's our motto here: 'Make better than good food,'" he recited.

"Interesting motto," said Yoongi.

"He's kidding," Zoey facepalmed. "It's really: 'Boba is as good as its maker.'" Her words sprouted laughter from the group, and she felt her face flush again.

"Why don't we have a better motto like that, Hobi?" Seokjin said to Hoseok. The latter shrugged.

"It's a great motto," laughed Namjoon. Zoey nodded.

"I made it," Mark said proudly. She rolled her eyes.

"Liar," she said.

"So Zoey, Hobi told us that you're the owner, right?" Namjoon asked. She nodded, and Mark pushed her in front of him. She gave him a small slap.

"Uh yeah," she replied. "I founded this place. It's been my dream since like high school."

"We'll be sure to come back, especially since hyung has a restaurant here now," the man named Jungkook said. Hoseok nodded.

"Ok well we should probably get going," Yoongi said, hands in his jacket pockets.

"Yeah, Riri's been calling me for like an hour," said the headband man. He pulled out his phone, and another one of them glanced at it.

"She's going to be so mad you got boba without her, Tae," he laughed.

"It's fine, I'll make sure to give her lots of kisses," Taehyung smirked. A couple of them rolled their eyes, and Mark and Zoey exchanged looks. "Too bad you don't have a yeoja chingu, Jiminie."

"Hey, don't make fun of him for not having a girlfriend!" Jungkook said. "It's not his fault he's so short!" He grinned as they all burst out laughing. A man, Jimin, punched Jungkook's arm.

"You're lucky we don't live together, or I'd kick your butt," Jimin said. "But tomorrow morning at the studio will be a different story."

"Ok we should really get going," Hoseok interrupted. Jimin protested, but Hoseok pushed the six away and to the door. He gave an apologetic expression to Zoey.

"We'd be happy to have you all over again," she said with a small smile.

"Bye, boba lady!" Jin called.

"Aigo! Why are you so rude?!" Jungkook hit him.


"Oh my god, why are we friends?" Yoong muttered. Mark and Zoey saw them go into various cars, waving and saying "bye's."

"Well," Mark said, starting to rubber-band the money again. "That was interesting."

"I know right," Zoey laughed. "Who knew Namjoon's friends would be so crazy?"

"I wonder how they all know each other," he said. He filed the money away in a locked drawer.

"Who knows?" she shrugged. Zoey walked over to the door and flipped the sign, officially marking the cafe closed. She gave a satisfied sigh. "And we are done for the day. I cannot wait to get home to Kit."

"I still can't believe you named our cat, 'Kit,'" Mark rolled his eyes. "And how it's short for Kitty."

"Shut up! You know the real reason," Zoey said.

"Kitty Pryde, yada yada," he poked her arm.

"Also she's my cat, not ours; stop saying things are ours," Zoey laughed.

"Well we do live next to each other, so..." He shrugged, and she shook her head.

"Sometimes I think I should move in with Amy," she said.

"She wouldn't let you, even if you bribed her with Kit," he scoffed.

"Rude!" Zoey feigned a gasp. "I could fire you, you know."

"Oh please," he said. "That'd be the biggest joke of the century."

"Don't test me," she laughed. They finished cleaning up the cafe in about an hour. Zoey washed the rags and put them up to dry in the kitchen, while making sure the fridge was still working.

"Want me to drive?" asked Mark when she came out. He twirled the car keys around his finger, and she nodded. They usually drove together to save money. He put an arm around her shoulder as she locked up the cafe, and she laughed. They got into the silver car, Zoey humming one of RM's songs subconsciously.

"You think they'll come back?" he asked as they drove away. Zoey leaned her head on her hand, looking out of the window. "You're hoping so, huh?" She rolled her eyes.

"You know me too well, Mark," she said.

"That I do," he laughed.

Their apartments weren't far from the cafe. In fact, Zoey picked them out because they were nearby. Yes, Mark and Zoey were neighbors. They had shared a dorm in the second semester of their senior years in college, and although people thought it would be weird, it actually worked out. After they graduated, they spent half a year away from each other but then with the founding of Café Cho, they decided to stay together as neighbors.

"Home sweet home," Mark said as the parked. Zoey sighed and got out.

"Thank goodness," she said. "Today was tiring."

"You say that every day, Cho," he said.

"Not true!"

"Uh huh."

"Ok whatever," Zoey grumbled as he laughed. 

They walked over to two side by side, almost identical apartments. Zoey's porch was more messy though. She liked having aloe plants, and they were scattered across the whole front of her porch. Mark, on the other hand, had a table with a bench and two chairs out. It was the designated meeting spot for homemade-boba and-brainstorm days.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, Zoe," Mark waved. Zoey waved back.

"See you," she said. She went to her door, unlocking it with a purple keychain of keys.

The moment Zoey walked into her house, Kit ran up and started pawing her feet. Zoey knelt down with a laugh, picking the kitten up.

"Hi Kit! Did you miss me?" she said. The black kitten pawed her face and meowed. "I'll take that as a yes." She put Kit down, tugged off her shoes, and threw her purse on the couch. "Ok Kit we are having leftovers tonight. Yay!" The kitten started playing with a chair leg. "You're a cat, what do you know..."

After taking a quick shower, Zoey heated up some dumplings from the past night and slid her laptop onto the table. She turned on some music and ate while watching her cat play on the computer. Her phone suddenly rang, and she rolled her eyes when she saw the contact name.

"What do you want, Mark?" Zoey laughed. "I just saw you like two hours ago."

"Can I come over?" he asked. "I have some miso soup to share! Also I have a date tomorrow night, and I need tips. As always."

"Anything else?"

"Also...I miss you," he added. Zoey laughed again.

"I'm flattered. Come on over, maybe we can watch a movie," she said. A few seconds later, the doorbell rang. Zoey opened the door to see her grinning best friend in a grey hoodie and sweats. He held out soup in a bowl.

"Oh! I smell dumplings!" he said, coming in.

"Come on in, please," she said sarcastically. He gave her a look while kicking off his shoes.

"Hey Kit!" Mark put down the bowl and picked up the kitten. She meowed loudly.

"She likes you, maybe you can ask her for date tips," Zoey said. He laughed, cuddling the kitten in his arms.

"Don't tease me, Zoey, I really like this girl! I met her at a dope boba place!" he said. They both sat down, and Zoey put the music down.

"Our boba place is probably better," she scoffed. "But ok fine. Go heat up the soup, and I'll help you.."

As Mark put the soup to boil, Zoey thought about Namjoon. She wondered what he and his friends were doing. Probably fancy, famous stuff.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

"Ay! Hyung, get off!" Jungkook yelled at Jimin, who was beating him furiously with a pillow.

"That's what you get!" Jimin yelled back. Taehyung was laughing his head off on the couch, and Yoongi was watching with slight emotion.

"Stop fighting!" Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Don't break my stuff!" He put out food on the coffee table carefully. Taehyung clapped happily and grabbed some quickly.

"You make the best snacks, Hobi," he said, mouth full.

"Thanks, Tae," laughed Hoseok. He went back to the kitchen, where Jin was trying to teach Namjoon how to make ramen.

"I cannot believe you don't know how to make ramen," he said. Namjoon shrugged. "It's the easiest thing ever."

"Hey! I know how to put the noodles into the water, ok?" said Namjoon in defense. Jin facepalmed. They noticed Hoseok, who was laughing. "You have the most annoying cook."


"Well he does make good food," Hoseok shrugged.

"You know, you could become a dancer if you wanted," Yoongi said, walking into the kitchen. "Or a rapper with Joon." Hoseok smiled.

"I'll stick to what I'm good at," he said.

"You're really, really good at dancing," Jin pointed out.

"Thanks, but you're really good at singing," Hoseok said. "Why don't you become a full time singer?"

"Good point," Jin said.

"Well I'd like if you could help out with my next track, like with choreographing or rapping," Namjoon asked, getting an apple out of the fridge. "If you want."

"Maybe," Hoseok said.

"What are we all doing in here?" Jungkook and Jimin walked in, Taehyung following them.

"Talking about how Hobi should be a dancer," Yoongi said.

"Oh yeah! You should!" said Jimin, putting an arm over Jungkook.

"You guys are too nice," Hoseok said, looking back down.

"Hey, maybe you could film a video at the new restaurant," suggested Jungkook.

"Or at that boba place, it was really nice," Jimin added.

"Who was that girl's name again, Hobi-ssi?" Namjoon asked.

"Zoey Cho," replied Hoseok. "She owns that place."

"She was joh-eun," Yoongi said. "Her friends looked nice too."

"Do you think that guy was her boyfriend or something?" asked Jimin.

"She said he was her business partner," Hoseok said.

"Someone jealous?" Yoongi laughed.

"No! Why?" said Hoseok.

"She does know how to have a good restaurant," Jin said. "She'd be cool to have as a chingu at least. It's good to have business buddies."

"Yeah," Namjoon patted Hoseok's back. "Just be friends?"

"Ok friends is fine," he said. "But you all better not tease me or anything."

"Can't promise that!" Taehyung smirked. "Moving on, has anyone seen Yeontan?"

"Maybe he's at your apartment," said Yoongi, eyebrow raised. 

"Tayhyung ie babo!" Jimin sang. Taehyung narrowed his eyes.

"Shut up!"

"Food fight!"

"Oh god..."


again...i have too much fun with this book

also oof mark jakckwkdksk

also i can totally imagine BTS having a food fight lmaooo

i hope i didn't mess up any of the korean ahhhh im so sorry if i did


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