Filler Chapter 2: The Pink Hijab Girl and The Big Bad Wolf

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You might even wonder why the filler chapter is involved about a fairy tale entitled The Red Riding hood, not galactical adventures? Relax. This is only in Gopal's thoughts. (This is mostly Fang and Yaya here)

Yaya was sure that she saw a fluffy figure from her left side on her peripheral view, but when she turned to meet it, no one was there except for the rustled leaves of the bush. She remembered what her father Gopal had said that if anything might happen, she can run straight to her grandma. But... it was a very long time ago since she last visited her. The road she used to know was changed and they look foreign to her.

She hugged her basket close to her and decided to run to where she last saw Boboiboy. She called out, "Boboiboy? Are you still there?" But he never replied. Where could he be?

She stopped from running when she saw someone behind her.

But nobody was there.

She can hear her breath among the silent dead trees of Dhirghaya. She won't stop. If she's all alone now because Boboiboy had left her, well she would better move on without him. She ran again and she felt that every time she moves around, she was being watched silently by something she wished she would know.

By the time she almost arrived at a deserted road where two dead trees stood against each other, she felt something hairy had touched her frightened arms. She gasped but no one was there.

"W-what's happening here?" she muttered, confused. When she back stepped, she was so sure that the ground had collapsed under her. She yelped but her back stumbled on something.

"Hmm?" she heard a deep voice behind her and when she looked back, she saw a raven colored man looking down at her.

He looked mysterious but his cheeky smile made her feel a bit creepier. The man said, "Hey? Why do you look so stunned in there?"

it took her a moment to gather to her senses and apologized to him, "I'm very sorry if I stumbled on you, mister. I wasn't looking on where I was going. I-I thought someone's following me."

"Eh? Who could that be?"

"I really don't know, Sir. But thank you." she smiled at him.

He gave him a cheeky smile again and got curious to her basket, "What is inside that basket? Can I look at it?" Without any response from the girl he opened the basket and inhaled the scent of the cookies. "Hmmmm! Must be very delicious cookies!"

Yaya seemed to blush, "Eeh.. Thank you, Sir."

"Are you selling these?"

"No, sir. I was planning to visit on my grandma today because she is sick, so I made her cookies." Yaya smiled.

"Oh. What a good grand daughter, eh? But... you seem lost? Do you need any help?" he asked in a worried tone.

The pink clad girl smiled in embarrassment, "I see. Perhaps I can help you? Do you know... where your grandma lives?"

Yaya was being too comfortable with this stranger infront of her, "I do remember that she lives in the middle of the forest, but I really don't know where am I right now. "

The man got surprised and started laughing, showing off his two perfectly white fangs, which never bothered Yaya. "Oh, I see. Perhaps I can help you then." He pointed to his back, "You just gotta have to take this short cut over here and go right three times and take another three left turns and go straight and then go right and left." he directed.

Yaya seemed to be taken aback by the directions, "Uhm... Is it really a short cut? It seemed long for me. And my father said that I should not take short cuts. "

The man waved off her worries, "Naaaah. Believe me. Short cuts are better than taking a long time." His face was actually irritated but it turned cheeky again, "Oh yes, along the way you can actually see flower fields there. You can also pick some for your sick grandma. It can make her better, I promise! My grandma also did better when I gave her some of those flowers, you know."

"Really?!" Yaya seemed to be pumped up by the idea of getting her grandma some flowers.

"Yes, yes. Now you go now, miss." he pulled her hastily on the short cut he pointed. He seemed to be excited about something, but because Yaya is now clueless, she thanked him and entered to that "short cut".

Not long after that the boy smiled evilly on himself as black clouds covered him and changed him to a big wolf. It gave a cheeky grin and look to the other direction of the forest. Who knows that his meal today would be two fresh fleshes and being a hungry and selfish big wolf as he is, he planned to visit first in that old hag's house and eat her and next is her own granddaughter.

The wolf laughed and his red eyes were fixated to that prize. He ran four paws on the ground and headed to the middle of the forest. He should be there first before she would know.

Yaya was peacefully walking and following on the man's directions and infront of her lies the flower field that the man had said. "Waaaah! How cute!" She ran to the flower fields and debated on her self on which of the colors of red, orange, blue, violet, pink, and yellow colors that she would pick. Everything around her makes her happy. "Perhaps I could spend some more time in here. So many flowers to choose from! W-what would grandma like?"

With fast leaping and excitement running down his spine, the big Wolf can smell the cabin of the old woman. Now sighting the cabin, he lighted his tracks and transformed himself as a bewitching human. He went to the door and knock happily.

It took him moments to hear a hoarse voice inside, "Yes? Who is it?"

Knowing that his prey is in there, he replied with excitement, "There is a delivery send to Grandma Ying living in this cabin."

"Oh? Who could that be?" the old woman whispered as she tried to remember something.

The bewitching man heard that the old woman had left her own rocking chair and approached to the doorway. With excitement hammering inside him, when the door was open, he jumped inside and trapped the person on the wooden floor.

He heard her scream, "Hey! Who the heck are you! Let go off me! Ow, my hip! Aw!"

He gave her a grin and moved his head close to her. He scanned his features only to get surprised. "Eh? Why don't you look old?"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" she struggled to free herself. Heck, this old woman right here sure is strong. She kicked him on his knees and distanced herself away from him.

With the surprised man throwing a glare to her, the woman instantly recognized her foe, "Eh? Fang? That Big Bad Wolf?"

It's surprising that he was well known to this forest. He really is popular everywhere he go, even with his human form. What? "How did you know that it's me, old hag?"

"Why, you dare on calling me an old hag?! EAT THIS!" she threw the vase beside her but Fang dodged it. He gave her a smile.

"Hmmm. Who knew that we shall see each other right here? Inside your house? Alone?" he laughed cheekily.

Ying grunted, "So you have mastered on taking that human form of yours, I see."

He shrugged in full of pride, "It's better to trick more people, 'darling'. Aren't you proud?"

"Heh! Don't you ever call me darling, you dog! TAKE THIS, YOU DOG! HIYAH! FLYING KICK!" She threw him a powerful kick.

"SHADOW COCOON!" he shielded himself.

"WHY YOU! " Ying went to her kitchen and gathered all of the spoons, forks, and knives that she have and threw them at him.

"Hey, calm down." he was surprised seeing the utensils being thrown at him at full speed so he used his shadow power to pin them down. He was successful at that but he saw Ying kicking him the wooden table. Even if she was old she sure is strong. He dodge for the wooden table flying down at him.

Ying was more annoyed, "Eish! How did you find me,"

Fang sighed and walked near to her rocking chair, "From your granddaughter, darling." he gave her a seducing smile.

Ying felt terror inside her, "W-what did you do to my granddaughter huh, you dog! Tell me the truth, did you eat her?"

He replied in a bored expression, "Naaah. I did nothing... Yet."

Ying calmed her fear, "What do you want from me,"

She saw Fang standing up and walking close to her. She doesn't know that Fang had already heard Yaya coming around the corner with  happy steps. He enjoyed looking at her cute face trembled, "You really want to know what I want from you?"

Ying never answered him but kept her gaze at his red eyes. She can't be mesmerized by them. Ha!

Fang stood close to her, " I just only want you, darling."

Ying swatted him away, "Get lost, you idiot! You just want to eat me and my granddaughter! Now, before I might kill you, just go away."

He turned serious but Ying saw that something sorrowful in his face, "What are you really afraid of, Ying? Why... why do you have to put a spell of getting me lost into this forest? Do you know how much it had always hurt me?"

Fang saw her tears fell. She said, "And do you know how much I lamented for my husband's death for many years? Why do you have to do that!"

"Can't you see, Ying? Can't you see how much I am into you?" He reached out for her.

"You're being insane! You don't have to kill the one who I love, Fang!" she swatted his hands away from her again.

Those words hurt so much. He fell silent and looked into her blue eyes. Ying can see deep anger and sorrow in them. Fang moved his face close to her ear and whispered softly at her, "If I can't even make you mine, I will."

Ying heard her granddaughter calling at her name far away, "Grandma Ying!" She pushed Fang and started to run to the doorway.

"Oh no, no, no, Ying. SHADOW FINGER!" he tied her on his own shadows and smiled evily at her. He reached out on her frightened face, "How many loved ones of yours do I have to kill just to make you mine, oh my darling Ying?"

"DON'T YOU EVEN DARE!" she yelled at him but it just turns him on.

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

Gosh. I never thought that this new version of the Big Bad Wolf could be a psycho. Does it fit for Fang?

I do not own the story of Red Riding Hood. I just made a revision of mine.

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