Filler Chapter 3: The Big Bad Wolf and the Woodcutter

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With the basket filled with colorful flowers, a half-filled wine and her signature cookies, the Pink Hijab girl felt happiness when she saw the familiar old house under the big old tree. She ran past the meadows of the quite open field. With excitement shining in her eyes, she called, "Grandma Ying!"

Something beside her squeezed her free hand making her turn around and slap the foreigner. She can't take any of these crappy and scary atmosphere anymore!

"AW!" he groaned and massaged his swollen cheek.

"Boboiboy?!" Yaya yelled, surprised.

In an instant, the pain on his face was exchanged with an apologetic smile. "Sorry if I scared you. And also for leaving you alone. Hehe."

Hearing that, Yaya made a questioning look,"Why did you suddenly left me? Is something wrong with you back there?"

"Maybe, coz your biscuits tasted horrible and the wine made me lose my control. I had to leave." Boboiboy put his hands on his  chin ad he tried to remember what happened. He never paid attention to Yaya's silent wrath after she heard him commenting about her own biscuits. How dare he! She should have never gave him water when he'll just criticize her home-made cookies! Boboiboy came into senses and glanced on the old cabin a few kilometers away. Yaya saw him changed his peaceful face into a troubled one.

"Is anything wrong?" She asked, looking to where his eyes were locked on.

He looked at her in her eyes, and then to her rattan made basket. It was filled with dead branches which he thought was weird,"Hey. Why are those dead branches on your basket anyway? It might ruin your cookies already."

Yaya looked back at the colorful pretty flowers on her basket and frowned. This boy is getting on her nerves. "Hey. They're not dead branches, they're pretty flowers which I carefully picked on my way here." She frowned.

"EH?! IT COULDN'T BE! YOU'RE UNDER THAT BAD WOLF'S SPELL!" Boboiboy panicked. Good gracious! What would he tell to Gopal later? If he will know that Boboiboy left his daughter alone and met the wolf, he can't have his seven penny anymore!

Yaya, now noticing his panic, asked," What do you mean I'm under the spell?"

"I suspect that you had already met the wolf...?" Yaya nodded, and Boboiboy continued," You have fallen into that Wolf's bewitching aura, Yaya!"

Yaya's eyes went big,"WHAAT?!" It was her turn to panic as she held her head and regretted why this had happen.

She had been a bad girl. She supposed to listen to what her Papa Gopal had said- never talk to strangers, and go to shortcuts. But...

She glanced at the boy beside her who was carrying an axe on his right shoulder and concerned brown eyes focused on her. His face was close from her and she could see how his eyes shone with regrets. Boboiboy's eyes fell. He put his axe away like he doesn't care and reach out on her, hugging her. "I'm sorry for leaving you back there."

With that sudden act, the pink hijab girl feels her cheeks burned and she pushed him away from her. So much with being too close on her zone. Why, she had only met this boy this morning! She should build some distance, also because her heart had betrayed her for beating so fast.

Boboiboy continued,"I... I wasn't in my self so I... I" he scratched his head awkwardly and whispered to himself," I went away to control myself. Damn that wine. I never thought it would make me dumb."

Yaya was confused on why he was arguing with his own self, whispering inaudible words infront of her. Boboiboy looked at her and again scratched his head with embarrassment. "Are you okay, Boboiboy?"

The boy blushed and turned away from her. Darn Alien, why does he even have to feel this way... Today? He had always been looking from a distance at her when he would deliver some fire woods at her backdoor, waiting for her to open that backdoor and wish to pick some firewoods and help her, and smell that home made cookies made by her. Just by looking at her made him want to steal her away from that boring house. "I'm okay."

Yaya remembered her visit to her grandma,"You don't have to be sorry tho. And since we are here, why not let us both go together and visit my grandma Ying?" She gave him a sweet smile and again, he blushed. Darn Alien who's making his heart beating! He should steal her. RIGHT NOW!

As Yaya started to walk ahead from him, he pick up his axe on his way and carry it. Yaya knocked on the door,"Grandma Ying! Your granddaughter is here, Yaya!"

Nobody answered inside which made Yaya knock even harder, "Let's knock a little harder. Grandma's too old to hear me now, I think."

Boboiboy smirked. If only she knows that her grandma's appearance is still young. No wonder why someone loves her that deeply. Yaya called again,"Grandma Ying?!"

She turned the doorknob many times but it never opened. She looked at Boboiboy for help but notice that something is off. He looked at her in a weird way, making her uncomfortable. "Are- are you okay, Boboiboy?"

He was silent. "Say my name again."


"Say... Say my name." He repeated.

Yaya, now scared, took a step back. "What's happening here?"

Suddenly, he gave her a deep laugh making his chest and his axe rise and fall. He grabbed her left arm and repeated," Say my name." He commanded as he grip it hard.

With a surprised look, she shook his hands away," Wha- BOBOIBOY! STOP IT!"

Now that turns him on.

He gave her a laugh again, but never let go of her. He then opened the door and took her inside while he still carries his axe.

Once inside, Yaya could see a familiar woman who was lying on the wooden floor tied around with a rope made of... She squinted her eyes. Wait, it's black. Is she seeing shadows?

"YAYA!" The woman called her in a panic tone.

The girl gave the woman a confused look,"Grandma Ying?"

Ying was still squirming to free herself but failed," DAMN YOU DOG! I COMMAND YOU TO UNTIE ME!"

Out from the shadows somewhere in her grandma's room appeared Fang still in his human form. "Now, now. Calm down, darling Ying. Don't be in such a rush with you and your granddaughter's reunion." He laughed and acknowledged the boy behind the pink hijab girl. "I thought you wouldn't make it today, Boboiboy." (☞゚∀゚)☞

Boboiboy gave him a smirk as he adjusted the axe. He patted Yaya's head,"Welp, this whole thing of kidnapping my beloved sure is easy. I easily fooled that dumb fatso, anyway." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Both females gave them a hissing sound and angry faces. Damn, sooooo alluringly cute. (*≧▽≦)

Yaya asked,"What are you two planning anyway,huh?"

Boboiboy gave her a shrug. "Well, I would like to steal you away from your father. Marry you. Have a family."

His answer surprised the heck out of her. That was a straight to the point answer. "WHAAT?!"

He gave her sad smile, "Honey, you don't have any idea how much I have longed for you."

Yaya wanted to die. This boy is crazy! He can't be serious!

Ying grunted, "Oi! How dare you talk to my granddaughter like that! You stupid kid! You should probably control your hormones!"

Boboiboy and Fang laughed. Why, these warewolf and woodcutter are good friends! Who would've thought?

Boboiboy teased,"Wow. You got quite a woman there huh, Fang."

Fang smirked and look at Ying in a manner that made her puke. "Well, I'll never regret a woman like her, you know." He pointed to the speechless Yaya. "You also got a woman who is shy, huh." And the boys laugh.

Yaya wished to be awake, if this is a nightmare. How can the outside world of her house be this terrible! She heard Ying call out Fang's name.

"Fang... Please. I beg you. It's between you and me. Don't lump my granddaughter with this. Please, let her go."

Fang looked at her in a bored look,"Woman, I am not interested in your granddaughter. You already know that you are the only one one whom I always find!"

Ying groaned in frustration. "I want to kill myself."

Fang looked at Boboiboy. "Well, you know what to do now."

The orange cap boy's face lit up,"Ooooh! So I shall now take her away and start a family." He get her right hand and kiss it. Yaya, instead of feeling giddy, snatched her hand away and slapped him. Hard. On his right cheek.

Her face was now red in anger,"I don't have any idea of this but I won't go with you!"

Fang laughed seeing how Boboiboy's face was hurt.

Ying desperately tried to free herself from the rope made of shadows. "Please. Fang! I'm begging you! You don't have to make that boy just like you! Please! Fang! Get into your senses, please!" Gosh. This whole thing is entirely messed up.

Fang pretended he did not hear her," Didn't you notice, Ying? Because you lock yourself away from everyone after I killed your husband, you didn't know what I did for these past years."

Okay. What's with that?

Both girls went silent as they waited for him to continue. "I personally killed every townspeople in this planet so that I can find you. Since I found out that your son was living silently on that area, I decided not to kill him yet. You see, Boboiboy is my son. My son whom I created because of my deep sadness and grudge to the whole world without you. Fortunately, he happened to be head over heels with your granddaughter and disguised himself as a woodcutter."

"We have been waiting for this perfect moment. And now that your son Gopal was finally killed by my son, you are mine now. Hahahahaha!" Fang laughed hard as Boboiboy smirked at the surprised Yaya.

She looked at him in a hateful way, "How could you!" She slapped him again simultaneously and then hit him with her basket. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY FATHER!" She wailed.

Fang turned his attention to Ying, who was staring on the wooden floor- eyes blank. "Look what you made me do, my darling Ying."

Her tears started to drop and cried for her son's death. Fang interjected," It's all your fault."

(ง °Θ°)ว(ง °Θ°)(ง °Θ°)ว

Oh yeah. Cliffhanger.

Well, this concludes the filler chapter. Hope you like it. And sorry for being late in updating. Also, you don't have any idea how much I am happy for those who inspired me to update. It really help me. Still, I think this chapter is bad. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone.

Hopefully, more actions to come.

What do you think about this chapter? Comment below.

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