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Chinese arguments was heard inside the room as Gopal, Boboiboy and Yaya were on a couch, sitting and eyes were focused on their phones and tablets.

Someone had always been a silent fan boy of these two bickering pair. Scrolling down on his news feeds, he saw a meme about a shipping pair who is always arguing and it goes like this: If your ship is constantly argues, is it called a
B A T T L E S H I P ?

"Why do you have to be so stubborn, Fang?"

"Me? Stubborn? Maybe you are!"

"Don't lump me in with you!"

Fang scoffed, "Heh. I don't want to deal with a midget like you,"

"Say I'm a midget again and I'll definitely hit your head!" She angrily waved her fist in the air, her eyes burning with extreme anger.

He mumbled something but Ying won't back out, "What did you say,huh?"

He gave her an annoyed look, "Excuse me? Is it wrong to talk to myself? Shrimp?"

Ying was fuming with anger and was about to hit him when Fang stopped her,"Hey now. I just said Shrimp not *toot*toot*toot* so you can't hit me," he walked away from her and decided to sit on the other couch, in front of the three silent figures.

Ying strode next to him, her hands on her hips, "Why do you always drink the milk ?"

Sighing, he rolled his eyes, "I did not saw it was yours. It's in the fridge, it's for everyone. Why can't you share?"

"It's from my mom and she wants me to drink milk! That's my milk!" She shrieked.

"Tch. I just drank few gulps, okay?" He gave her a look but he then gave a smirk, "Okay, my bad. Gosh. I'm really sorry, Ying. The milk was really delicious so I cannot stop my self. Anyway, I won't be drinking from it again, okay?" He look at her from up to down and then smirked, "I forgot that I am tall now, so I don't have to drink milk. Unlike you, who is short. A shrimp."

That ticked off Ying. She gave him an incredulous look and her right brows twitching, "What did you say?"

Fang gave her a shrug and stood up which made Boboiboy and Yaya's eyes followed his movement, "Short people need to drink milk for them to grow." He walked near her. Eyeing her down because he was clearly taller than the angry Chinese girl. He pretended to gasp, "Oh! I just realized! You didn't grow taller because I am always drinking the milk your mom gave you!" He gave her a look of apology, "I'm really sorry,"

Ying was growling and decided to hit him, but something made her right arn paralyzed. He used his Shadow Power on her.

The alien boy gave her a smirk, "What's the matter, shrimp? Gonna cry?"

Boboiboy's voice decided to cut their argument, "Fang. Stop that."

He replied with another chuckle and was still looking down at Ying's teary eyes. Gosh. He really likes to tease this midget.

Throwing him a smirk made Fang surprised but he was more surprised when she heard her say, "Okay. I'll just let it pass. Anyway, for an alien boy like you, you also need to drink the milk my mom has given me. Gosh. I'm glad I have a mom, right?"

Hearing those, made Yaya's eyebrows scrunch in disapproval.

Fang cleared his throat, his voice low, "What did you say?" In his anger, he used his Shadow Power to squeeze her paralyzed arm which made her surprised.

"What are you--"

"Don't say something that you don't even know, Ying. Or you might be sorry,"

With her free hand, she succeeded on hitting his head, sniffing, "You idiot! You should also stop pissing me off! Now you know how it feels to be offended, huh?" She hit him again, her tears falling down, not because of the intense pain her hand was receiving but on how Fang can always be mean at her.

Yaya summoned her Gravitational powers and separated the two fighting figures, "That's enough!"

Boboiboy ran next to Fang to stop his long and deep breaths. Gopal was just watching them behind Boboiboy's back.

Ying cursed her self for easily crying in front of them so she wiped them away hastily, "You!" She pointed at him in a pure offended and sad look. Noticing the swell on her stretched hand, she saw that it was starting to turn pink. She was controlling her tears to fall so she ended up huffing and choking on her repressed tears.

She heard Yaya say, "That wasn't nice, the both of you. Now look, you ended up offending each other again. Guys, you are not kids now."

Boboiboy sweat dropped, "Perhaps you should both work this out. This is clearly not helping for the both of you,"

"Well, he started it!" Ying bellowed but Yaya rubbed her back hoping to control her anger.

"Fang, you should say sorry for Ying." Yaya started, and then looked at her best friend, "And Ying... You should too. You know it wasn't also good to say it to Fang like that."

Glancing at the raven haired boy, Ying saw his red eyes glow but she did not cowered. But realizing that Yaya had ran towards the boy she had hated, and instead of comforting her, made Ying lost the anger in her. It was quickly replaced by a sudden realization that she had hurt him.

No one knows what happened to Fang's mom and dad; and opening up by means of a restback did probably made him angry. So instead of feeling angry, she hid her swollen arm behind her back. She could see that they have been comforting Fang, especially Yaya. She is her best friend right? She deserves to receive her comfort and not him! But something battled inside her, pulling her to the guilty side. She doesn't deserved to be comforted by any of them, even though she is still offended at how much Fang could tease her with her height. Yeah, maybe he was just joking. She just have to be used to it, even if it went overboard. 

She looked on the floor and silently muttered, "I'm sorry," and she started to pinch her swollen arm deeply she had to bit her lip to control her tears from coming out. She deserve this. She deserve this another humiliation. She is very childish anyway. She repeated again, "I'm sorry."

And with that, she silently left the room still hiding her swollen hand.

"Ying!" Yaya called her to stop but when she ran to her, her best friend was no where in sight.

"Yaya. Let us give them some space." Boboiboy said. Looking at his friend, he gave him a disapproved look. Fang should quit his jokes on Ying's height.

Hiding away from everyone, Ying took a shelter behind a dark room she knew no one would go to. Sniffing and staring on the dark, she started to cry silently making her chest sting. "I-I wish I would grow up fast. I'm definitely the youngest, the most childish, and the most weakest."

She had always been praying for her to grow up fast. But no matter how much she eat, she knew that she can never be a year older like them. Her childish thirteen year ego would constantly envy her friends on how they are older than her. She wanted to grow up, and be as strong as them. To be mature. But her power is too weak, she cannot protect herself when she ran out of energy. She's totally weak and childish.

Sighing, she noticed that her tears are constantly falling even if she blink them away. She balled her knuckles and hugged her knees. She had been a bad girl. Her friends did not comforted her because it was her fault he made Fang angry. She should just left the matters, instead of arguing it off.

From that day, she had always hated herself. And she would just stare at the milk that her mother always give her. Remembering the incident always leave a sour taste on her mouth she had to close the door of the fridge.

"Hey, midget." Fang called at her one night.

She was spacing off on the lonely table she shared for herself. She glanced and gave him a forced big smile as he silently went to the fridge. The heck am I smiling with this idiot. He said, "Hmmm. Lately you haven't been drinking the milk your mom gave you."

She tried to remember, "Really?"

Fang snatched the unopened cartoon bottled milk and waved it in front of him. This rang a bell in her head, she gave a chuckle, "I forgot."

Fang get two glasses on the counter and opened the bottle after asking a permission to Ying. He poured it to the two glasses, gave the other glass to her, and sat across the table.

He started drinking his part but Ying was just staring blankly at it. "What's the matter?"

"Oh..." She gave him a confused look, "What were you saying again?"

Fang gave her an are-you-okay look but Ying was too distracted to catch up. "Are you still mad? You haven't been touching these milk cartoons your mom gave you."

It took a moment for Ying to answer, "Why do you say so? No, no. I'm not mad. I'm just..." She started space off and sighed, "I was busy,"

"What do you always do?"

"Nothing... Just doodling." She gave him another forced smile, mostly to ease her anger at him.

Ying could feel his red eyes staring at her so she started to fidget, "You still haven't touched your milk." He said.

"Oh. I'm full. Hehe"


"Heheheh. Don't bother me. Heheheheh."

"I'm sorry."

"Heheheh. It's okay!" She was surprised she was laughing pretentiously and mentally rolled her eyes. For Kokoci's sake! Can he get out on her way before she can smack him? The nerve of him!

"No, seriously. I'm sorry, Ying,"

"Oh, Spikehead! Let's just forget what happened! Heheheheheh!" She laughed again, sweat dropping why the heck he is talking at her.

"No. I know you are still offended." His voice started to sound annoyed at her constant laughing.

"If you're talking about the milk, man! You can have it all! I will tell my mom that you love them, she'll definitely be happy to double it!" She gave him another laugh and then paused. Mentally calming her anger on him, she muttered, "It's okay... It must be hard, huh. Growing up without your mom and dad. I'm sorry for saying that."

"It's okay..."

"Heheheheh." Internally screaming and hoping that this conversation would end, she darted her eyes away from his stare.

"But thanks for the offer though, midget." Fang said in a serious tone.

He heard her repeat her forced chuckle, "Heheheheh! No problem!" He noticed her not touching her glass of milk.

"Just tell me if you don't like me calling you shorty or midget or shrimp." He shot her a look of doubt.

"Oh, you! It's okay! I won't mind!" Definitely offending! You should stop it! She wanted to say but she laugh it off again. "Besides, I must be so dear to you, you always call me these. Ha haha hahah!"

He chugged down the remaining milk in his glass, "Yeah. Coz you are younger than us. Our baby girl. Heheheh."

Ew. She joined his laughing, "Haha hahaha!" She started thumping the table to look that she's buying his joke.

"You still aren't touching your glass of milk, Shrimp." He pointed in front of her.

"It's mine? I thought you just put it in here," Was the Spike head serious?

"Don't be stupid,"

She scratched her head, "Heheheheh"

"Why don't you drink that?"

"I'm full. I just wanted a water."

"Don't you want to grow taller?"

The sad glint on her eyes was clouded with her fake cheerful smile, "Naaah! It seems like I grow up drinking for milks. Heheheheh." She glanced at her watch, "Oh. It's late! I think I gotta hit the sack!"

"Lol. It's past midnight. I'm surprised you are staying up late these days."

"Yeah. Haha hahaha. I must be too absorbed about the thoughts in my head," she blurted out.

Fang smirked. Gotcha. "What thoughts?"

Ying gave him a smile but her eyes looked blank, "My imaginary friends. They keep on visiting me."

Somehow this made Fang question her, but searching even just a trace of lie cannot be seen at her usual cheerful eyes. "Really? Nothing more?"

She nodded and she stood up with the glass on her hand. She walk near him and gave it to him. She patted his shoulder, "Finish it for me. Good night!" And then she run off.

Weird. But aren't teenagers grow up from imaginary friends? Why is Ying still absorbed to them?


He forgot. She's still a kid. He chuckled as he finished the other glass of milk.


Yes. This idea of Ying and Fang arguing over who constantly drinks the milk in the fridge is from Ms. Ariieya herself from Instagram. I just added it with a little depressing aura in the end but I still hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading.

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