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Clang. Clang.

"Ying, have you seen the big yellow bowl resting on this table?" Yaya, on her filthy face, worriedly asked.

The yellow clad turned to her and answered, "I used it on my spicy recipe. Why?" She added some spicy aromas on a medium-sized pot.

"Eish! It was mine! I was planning to use it for baking more on my cookies!" Yaya started to go in frustration.

"Hey!" Ying faced her in her sassy way- putting her left hand on her hips while her other hand is stirring. "It doesn't have your name engraved on it, why are you telling that it's yours?"

With time ticking, Yaya saw the bowl that she needs. Inside it was some fresh noodles Ying had finished preparing. She went back to her place and grab another square shaped bowl. Quietly transferring the noodles with a grunt, Ying noticed her. "HEY! YOU- HAVE SOME MANNERS, YAYA!"

"THIS IS MINE." She said flatly.

"I WAS THE ONE WHO USED THAT FIRST! IT DOESN'T COUNT IF IT'S YOURS OR NOT! PUT THEM BACK!" Ying gets the yellow bowl from Yaya, but Yaya did not back out.


"NO! YOU DROP IT!" Ying countered back.

Yaya used her super power strength to win against Ying. "YOUUU! DON'T YOU DARE USE YOUR POWER TO ME!"



The bickering of the girls was getting the nerves of Admiral Tarung and the other boys who were shaking their heads.

"They won't usually get along like this, huh," Fang grunted.

Boboiboy continued to watch the two, and the more he looks at them, the more he saw them like two big cats scratching off and lashing out on each others face. "Uhmm, should we stop them now?"

Gopal gave them a disapproved look, "Dey! If those two won't stop, they'll surely get some of Admiral's scoldings. Leave them be, Boboiboy."

The commotion still continued infront.



Captain Kaizo and Noodle Man both tried to calm them down, "Woi. That's enough." But both the girls gave them a fierce look of don't-you-dare-stop-us-or-do-you-want-your-throats-lash-out?

This gave Noodle Man goosebumps, "Man, those two look scary!" He noticed Tarung shaking in his anger. "Uh-oh."

Admiral Tarung yelled at the top of his lungs, "BOTH OF YOU!"

"WHAT NOW?!" They barked in chorus without realizing who they are talking to.

Sai sarcastically commented on the background, "Looks like two heads are going to be hung on the wall this afternoon." Shielda gave him a grunt and observed the girls again.

Tarung grinded his teeth in his anger "ENOOOOOOOOUGH!"

PLAACK!  The bowl that they are arguing was accidentally dropped on the ground when they realized that they have shouted at the Admiral.

"ALAMAK! W-WE DIDN'T MEAN TO--" the girls are now filled with fear. "WE'RE SORRY, ADMIRAL! PLEASE FORGIVE US!"

Tarung walked close to their places and everyone embraced at his outburst, "YOU ARE BOTH DONE! YOU BOTH HAVE FAILED THIS TEST!"

Ying was the first to react, "But Admiral, we still have some time! Please! Please, let us continue this exam!"


The girls were filled with more fear and they both sincerely apologized. They walk back to where Boboiboy, Fang, and Gopal are.

Gopal muttered, "Serves you both right!" But Boboiboy nudged him on his side.

Yaya squeezed her knuckles close to her chest as she stared on the ground. She felt that her tears are running now that her eyes sting. Meanwhile, Ying had just wiped her tears with her arms as she silently sniffles.

"Ying and Yaya-" hearing both their names called by Kokoci made them froze. "You both have failed to acquire teamwork. You also both have failed to produce a recipe to present to Captain Noodle Man. Therefore, it is right to say that you have both failed and therefore---"

Boboiboy suddenly bursted out, "Commander Kokoci."

All eyes were on Boboiboy, including the fierce gaze of Tarung. He continued as he scratched his head, "Heheheheh. Ahhh, I think they still have time to finish each of their recipe, so why---"

Kokoci continued, "You are right. But the Time here is not important for this test- it is teamwork. I have seen these two argue on the Survival Exam. They also both failed on teamwork, and now look- they still haven't changed." Kokoci turned to them, "I thought you both are good friends. But you obviously still fight on this."

"I hope you all understand the importance of this exam. This is also connected to your upcoming mission, and since Yaya and Ying have failed this test. This means that Boboiboy, Gopal, and Fang will have to advance together with Captain Kaizo and Sai in the next mission. Those who have advanced, we will be having our meeting tonight, after dinner. Now, we are all dismissed." Kokoci ended his speech.

Tarung called Captain Kaizo to stay, and also the Shield siblings leaving the teens to leave the room.

"Urrgh." Fang had to complain under his breath. "Why do we have to do this? I'm sure they'll reconcile soon. Just leave them be. Girls are just a pain in the butt."

"You don't get it, Fang!" Boboiboy started.

Gopal cut him off, "Of course he won't understand Yaya and Ying because he is not really close to the both of them. Look at him, he is a lone wolf who thirsts for popularity. He won't mind them!"

Fang crossed his arms. Of course he doesn't get it why they have to reconcile both girls. They must be crazy! Both girls must be fuming with anger at everything now that they have failed the test. But oh, serves them right. "Tssk!"

Gopal went to him, "Fang. Please. If we can't fix those two, we probably can't stop this Cold War!"

"Cold War?" Fang repeated.

"Dey. Don't make me explain things, Fang." Gopal said.

Boboiboy had to step in, "You see, if those two won't reconcile, we will lose the balance of this friendship. Those two will take everything in the more competitive way, Fang!"

"So?" Fang gave him a boring look.

Boboiboy pouted in annoyance. "This means that because of what happened, it will make a big gap to them. And most probably, it will affect soon of the upcoming missions. And if that'll happen, it will sabotage everything. Hmmm. I also fear that it will also sabotage the popularity of this group. Oh, man. Imagine if those two will come across each other and will be competing in the number one position on the top. Man, I wonder what place would I get if that'll happen?" Boboiboy pretended to think deeply.

And it seemed to struck the reality out of Fang. "S-so what should we do, Boboiboy? We're currently on a mission with Captain Kaizo and Sai. We're thousandths of light years away from TEMPUR-A station. How would we reconcile them?"

Boboiboy glanced at Gopal, who was also giving him a cheeky smile. They gave each other a high five and made a peace sign infront of Fang, "We already got it covered!"


On this mission, Captain Kaizo and Sai are both dressed as charming waiters on a fancy restaurant called, LEMME EAT 'EM. Fang, Boboiboy and Gopal were tasked to become chefs on that busy kitchen. Because Fang cannot cook, he has to assist Boboiboy and Gopal on running some errands.

"Hey, Fang! Bring me those--- ah, yes! Also those!" Gopal commanded. "No! You got the wrong one! Do you want the costumers to puke on too much garlics, Fang? Why are you bringing me a sack of those?"

"Tssk." Was all Fang could say as he carried the sack of onions back to the clean cabinet. When he finished putting them back, he stretched and gave a big sigh. He looked back to Gopal and a triple split of Boboiboy- Petir, Tanah, and Angin cooperating to each other as they cook a new recipe Fang had never seen or even tasted. He saw them both having a good time as they laugh and gave each other a happy high five and look at Fang as they wave at him. He sighed again, "I'm sure those monkeys enjoys commanding me around. Hmn." He crossed his arms and gave them a glare.

All the while, Captain Kaizo entered the busy kitchen and gave everyone his un-Kaizo brightest smile. He chirped happily, giving everyone in the kitchen, also the other alien chefs, who are busy making some of their signature dishes, a motivation, "Okay, everyone! Those good and fancy people outside are all patiently waiting for your delicious and lovely dishes! Please hurry your paces cause we don't want them to starve, do we?"

"Okay!" They gave each other a pumped up cheer as Kaizo gave them again his sweet and big smile. "I can hear 'em loud and clear! Okay! I'll go out now and entertain them! Do your best, everyone!"

"Ohhhh! He's so cute! I hope I would go back to become as young as him! Ohhhh!" Boboiboy and Gopal heard one of the aged alien woman fan girls about Kaizo.

"Woi! You're too old to fan girl the new guy! Anyway, I agree that he is much better than the other one- so sarcastic." Another alien commented.

Fang saw Kaizo looking at him in his serious face as he gave him a knowing nod. He nod back in response as he let his eyes travel back outside the kitchen.

Kaizo put on his bright smile as he charmed everyone around him, be it lovely ladies or gentlemen.

"Ooooh! He's so dreamy I could faint!" A group of lovely humanoid alien ladies whispered on a nearby table.

"Not to mention that other guy there. He's so serious. Oh my alien! He's my type!" Another alien lady cooed.

"I haven't seen them in a place like this before. Are they new?" A serious tone asked. She was wearing a very conservative yet lovely light green dress.

A lovely voice replied, "I heard that those two hotties have been here for five months now. They have completely attracted more costumers around the galaxies." Like the other lady, she was also wearing a very conservative pink dress that also stands out among the crowd.

"Oh my.... I want to eat everyday here! Even if it would mean spending too much of my money, I will!" Another alien lady fan girls which made the whole ladies on the table laugh.

The light green clad lady look at the pink clad teen beside her as she gave her a knowing nod. "Excuse me, Mister!" She called Kaizo when he passed by their table.

He gave them all his charming and warm smile, "Yes, madam? What can I do for you?"

The other ladies have chuckled conservatively. "Can you please give me and my girls here your best juice?"

"Of course, madam! Which would you like to prefer- Strawberry or the Watermelon?"

"We're all okay on whatever you'll give to us. Hahahaha," the other alien girl gave him a light smack on his shoulder, "Haven't you know that you look so... Dreamy, Mister?"

He gave her another sweet smile, "Thank you, madam." This made her almost fainting as her other friends supported her. "Will the Watermelon juice be okay for all of these lovely ladies here?"

They nodded as Kaizo left their table, leaving most of the girls day dreaming. "Oh my..."

"I shall excuse myself." Said the lady dressed in pink.

"Where are you going? Wait. I think the most important guest here would be arriving soon." Said the alien lady.

"I would like to go to the comfort room to you know." She gave them a nervous laugh.

"Oh? Okay, okay."

"Can I also join? I think I have to also you know," asked the lady wearing her light green dress.

"Sure, sure. Be sure to be here before the Chairman and his daughter will arrive soon."

Inside the comfort room, both girls silently secured the area before they spoke, "Shielda, I saw Kaizo signalling me to get ready for five more minutes after the Chairman arrives."

"Affirmative. Sai also gave me the signal that the other target is now sitting on the left, away for some three tables from us." Shielda reported.

"I'm getting nervous for this one-  that man kidnapping Ying. I hope Ying's gonna do her best-" She almost wanted to slap her face. "I mean- whatever."

Shielda gave her a concerned look, "Yaya, we're having a mission. Just focus on your part, I know Ying is doing her best right now. Okay?"

Yaya stared on her reflection on one of the mirrors. She sighed, "Yes,"

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