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"Announcing the arrival of the Chairman and his lovely daughter." A waiter announced on the doorway. Unlike Kaizo, he was looking sarcastic, but he maintained his cool for the time being. He opened the door revealing a tall and white man dressed in his best and expensive suit. His hair was covered with his wide hat, and his blue eyes sparkles like the hottest stars in the galaxies. Beside him was his daughter. Her conservative yellow and blue dress sparkled through the ambiance inside the fancy restaurant. Her black short hair was flowing naturally on her shoulder as her blue eyes gave off a very poised and spoiled aura as she suppressed her smile.

Everyone inside the fancy restaurant welcomed them with a heavy applause.

Sai guided the Chairman and his daughter to a table in the middle of the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight has been a lovely evening for this glorious meeting. Now that everyone had settled, I am so proud to announce that my daughter here is on her legal age to enter the politics. This is quite an honor for me as her father. Please give an applause to my daughter,"

The crowd gave her a light applause. She spoke in a very different intonation, "Ay dzho he'by p'oclaim mahself as dey nhext Chai'man 'eplacing mah g'eat fathe'. Ay ahm pleased tho sea yu ahl fo' this humble evenin'."

"Gosh. How did Ying managed to speak like that?" Gopal whispered as the three of them look out on the doorway of the kitchen.

"She is really doing all her best for this." Boboiboy said. "I hope that she could charm our target."

Fang interrupted with his hushed voice, "Let's see. But she does look a bit nervous, and a bit uncomfortable. I doubt if she would ever charm him."

The three boys gave each other a disgusted look, "Why did Commander have to put her on that position? It should be Yaya because she acts more like a girl than her." Fang huffed as he crossed his arms.

"Alaaaaa. Did you forget that Ying's blue eyes are the highest asset for this? Aside from her blue eyes having the same color as Captain Noodle Man, she sure do look like his daughter." Boboiboy added.

"It's a good thing Captain Noodle Man covered his hair. But he looked weird, don't you think?" Gopal asked.

Sai walked by the table of Shielda and Yaya, who were both looking enjoyed on their dessert. When Shielda look up on him, he gave her a quick wink to signify that Ying had started the plan. She pretended to comb her long brown hair using her left hand as she grabbed her glass. Yaya's eyes were still  locking on their target.

It was clear to see that the 'Chairman', which was actually Noodle Man, was enjoying the talk of the few representatives on their table.

Ying heard one of the invited guests said, "Chairman, until now we are truly surprised to know that you already have a daughter--"

Noodle man gave him a smile, "What do you mean, Mr. Kevindish?"

Mr. Kevindish, on his baron-like suit gave off a nervous chuckle, "Y-You see... We all have thought that you are still not planning to have a family. But now- you have brought us your lovely daughter! Who really is she?"

Ying had to look down and unconsciously tugged her dress. All

Hearing that, Ying had to suppress the choke. "E'xcyuz meh fho' a bhit, gen'lemen."

"Where are you going, daughter?"

"Fathe', ay hahv to thayk in some ohf dze f'esh ai'. Ayll be 'ight bahk." She calmly walked away from them and walked by the table of where Shielda and Yaya are.

The alien ladies gave her their sweet smiles and greeted her, "Good evening, milady!"

She gave them a smile, "Ghod evenin', lov'ly lad'es!" She gave Shielda and Yaya a smirk as she continued to walk by.

Yaya and Shielda heard one of their comrades, "My... She's a lucky girl having a daddy as handsome as his father! I still can't believe that the Chairman was married and had a daughter!" This made Shielda and Yaya sweat dropped.

"Oh well, I hope the Chairman is still available! Kyaaah!"

Ying passed by the kitchen and caught a glimpse of Gopal and Boboiboy giving her a thumbs up look. She noticed a black circle on the floor. She glanced at Fang as he signalled her to pick it up. A Shadow Bracelet. She put it on quietly and went to a secluded place.

When she was alone, she breath out heavily. "Oh man, Oh man, Oh man." She muttered nervously as she listened to her surroundings.

The crowd. The laugh. The itching of the dress. Her unbunned hair. The mission. These are all making her nervous and she wanted to just jump off from this window. She remembered what Tarung had said:

You are destined to be kidnapped tonight, so that we can, at least, find one of the secret places of those cheeky siblings. Try your best to make them occupied that you are the Chairman's daughter. Remember, they have the power sphere that we are looking for. Do your best, Ying.

She nervously bit her nail and she take in and out some few breaths and muttered. "I don't know what will turn out of this mission. I will be alone. Yaya is not going to be there." She bit her fingers, "No. I can do this without her. Yes. I can!"

She stood straight and felt the cold evening breeze on her face. She closed her eyes and listened again on the distant laughs of the crowds, and when she opened her eyes, a pair of creepy and orange eyes was staring right at her on the window.

The captor gave her his best creepy smile under the quiet moonlight. Ying heard his deep voice resonating on her right ear, "Boo!"

She let out a scream which had alerted the distant crowd.

"What was that?" The Chairman stood up from his seat amongst the silent and alarmed crowd.

"I heard someone screaming." A voice from the other table said.

"Yes, I did too. Who was that?" Another one asked worriedly.

The Chairman started to look worried too, "Has my daughter returned? Have anyone noticed her?"

"She went on that veranda, Sire!" Shielda pointed to the distant veranda.

The Chairman ran to the veranda where his daughter was last sighted. The crowd quietly made it's way to him as they saw blood written on the floor.

Hey, Sucker!
We have your precious daughter!
Come and get her. Nyehehehe!
-Your Greatest Enemy

"Who the heck are they?" Someone asked.

"Chairman, what are we going to do?"


Kaizo, Sai, Shielda, and Yaya went inside the kitchen after the Chairman announced the suspension of the party.

"Fang. Did she take the Shadow Bracelet with her?" Kaizo, now on his true expression, asked.

His younger brother nodded, "Yes, Captain."

"Good. Now try to sense where they are now."

Fang summoned his Shadow Power as he closed his eyes in concentration.

Gopal was panicking as he tried to shake Boboiboy. "Boboiboy...."

"Shhhh. Quiet, Gopal! You'll disturb Fang." Boboiboy chided him.

Gopal bit her fingers and went to Yaya, "Yayaaaaaa!"

"Shhhh! Quiet, Gopal!" Yaya waited for Fang's news, leaving Gopal suppressing his own nervousness.

I suck at writing. I need some inspiration. Ugh.

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