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Change, Solar mused, is perhaps the only permanent thing in life.

Times change. Minds change. Places change. People change. Everything changes.

The light elemental sighed as he looked over his chemistry assignment. It would seem like even science is changing. A few decades ago, these stuff doesn't exist yet. And now, today's generation is suffering in the memorization of the periodic table of elements. Something Solar thought wasn't necessary because not everyone is considering a career on the field. He only knew one who's even considering it, and she's writing this story.

Solar ought to stop breaking the fourth wall.

He looked at the open window of his room, which gave him a nice view of their backyard. The rest of his brothers were there, having their own version of fun.

His brothers had also changed. Hali had opened up more after their war with Retak'ka. He was a little (emphasis on the word 'little') bit more affectionate now, especially to their fusion child, Supra.

Gempa had become stricter, but that was expected from a person who watched his own family die.

Taufan and Duri had become more playful, but more serious as well. They had seen the true horrors of the world, and were now trying hard to make sure that everyone doesn't feel down.

Blaze and Ice became more disciplined and rarely fights with each other anymore. Their training with Tok Kasa had done wonders to the both of them.

Even he had changed. He wasn't the same stuck-up arrogant person as he was before. Falling on Retak'ka's hands can truly change anyone. He realized that there was no space for arrogance in battle. There was only space for power, ability, skill, and determination.

Solar sighed and went back to studying, ignoring the peals of laughter coming from outside. He had to memorize how the different elements react with each other, so that he'll have an easier time experimenting in his laboratory.

He tried to focus on his studying, but his eyes kept wandering back to the window. Solar eventually decided that he was done studying for the day and gently closed his book. He positioned himself by the windowsill and rested his head on the frame. A smile unconsciously formed on his face as he watched his brothers play around their backyard, with Gempa watching over them like a hawk to make sure that nothing would go wrong.

It was a familiar scene, and the familiarity made him relax. Their family might have grown, but some things didn't change. They were still a family, albeit a weird one.

Solar didn't know how long he watched the others play around, but when he glanced at his watch, it was nearly dinnertime. Sure enough, Gempa had started to usher them all inside with the help of Hali.

Adjusting his clothes, Solar decided to make his way downstairs as well.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dinner was a boisterous affair as usual.

A few months ago, Solar and Hali would've complained of the noise, saying that mealtime should be a solemn event.

But now, the two of them just sat back, watching as their brothers exchange playful banters. The three fusions had fitted in quite well and had no trouble shooting back sarcastic remarks.

Supra, particularly, had a smart mouth.

Something must've looked odd on his face because Gempa had reached out and asked him what's wrong.

Solar shook his head. "Nothing. It's just amazing that despite everything that happened to us, some things still manage to remain the same."

Gempa smiled softly and brushed his hands against his.

"Some things never change, Solar," Gempa said softly. "Like the love that I feel for you."

Solar couldn't help but smile back. Despite the changes in their family, their love for each or had never changed. It was still as intense and as close as before.

He leaned closer to the earth elemental and closed the gap between them. The others had quietened around them, yet, they did not notice. They were lost in each other's world.

Sometime later, they had parted their lips, both panting heavily. Solar's eyes were smoldering, a tiny flame of love dancing in his eyes.

"I think I forgot how to breathe," Gempa said under his breath, his golden brown eyes staring at the light elemental's golden yellow ones.

Solar quirked a small smile. "Don't do that. Breathing is important."

"Only if I breathe the same air as you do," Gempa retorted softly.

Someone cleared their throat behind them, and they jumped apart, blushing to the roots of their hair. They both turned to glare at Hali, who was smirking, not at all bothered by the withering glared directed at him.

"There are children here," Hali said, still smirking. "Making out is done in the privacy of your rooms, not on the dining table."

Solar's glare intensified as they both turned redder than Hali's sword. But they had went back to eating, ignoring the gaping looks of their brothers.

Some things never did change, Solar mused. Like how they held on tight with each other.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was supposed to be a short drabble about the phrase "some things never change", but somehow I managed to make it this long.

So, Gempa x Solar. My new otp. The caring mama and the charismatic intellectual. Guess what happened after dinner :3

Hope you enjoyed this story.


Glace, the Queen of Angst

(P.S. The only reason I'm doing fluff is because our Reading teacher asked us to do a story, and the genre that we got was romance. :( I'm trying some plots and I can't seem to find a good one. QwQ)

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