He's Dating the Gangster (Part 4)

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Part 4 is here! As I made this story, I finished up with 2014 words so I decided to divide it into two, so expect a Part 5 after this.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Another day at school.

Solar was again walking on his way to school when he bumped into Cyclone.

"Hey, Sol!" Cyclone greeted him.

"Sol?" Solar asked, confused.

"Short for Solar. Why are you so confused? Don't your friends call you that?" The blue-eyed boy asked.

Solar became embarrassed. "Well, the truth is that I don't have any friends," he muttered.

Cyclone was shocked. Solar doesn't have friends?

No matter, he thought as he made his resolve.

"I'll be your first friend then," the blue-eyed boy said, letting out his hand for Solar to shake. "Friends?"

Solar hesitated as a memory comes back to him.


Solar was sitting in a park, reading a book when a green-eyed boy around his age came bounding up to him. He was wearing a short-sleeved black and green vest, which he remained completely open, showing his grey turtleneck shirt. He was also wearing a cap, which he positioned backward, angled a little bit to the left.

"Hi! My name is Thorn and I'm 10 years old. What's your name?" the boy said happily.

Intrigued, Solar put down his book and softly replied, "I'm Solar."

Thorn cocked his head to the right. "You look alone, Solar. Do you want to be my friend?" He held out his hand. "Friends?"

Solar was happy. Here was someone who wants to be his friend even though he's obsessed with books. He took Thorn's hand and shook it. "Friends."

He was about to pull away when his new friend tugged at his hand.

"Come on! We're playing volleyball!"

"But I don't know how to play it," Solar said but one look at Thorn's eyes, he knew he already lost.

"I'll teach you. Come on! Let's play!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Two years. It was exactly two years after he had his friend that he lost him.

"Mine!" Solar shouted as he ran towards the ball and hit it a bit too hard, sending it in the middle of the street.

"I'll get it!" Thorn said as he ran towards the ball. But he was so focused on the ball that he didn't notice a car fast approaching.

Solar, however, saw it and shouted. "Thorn, look out!" But it was too late. Thorn, his first and only friend, was hit by a car.

Thorn was brought to the hospital but he was dead by then.

"I'm sorry, Thorn," Solar whispered.

Solar continued to play volleyball in honor of his friend and eventually became a varsity player at Palau Rintis University.

Flashback Ends

(Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd ThoLar friendship is here!!! I don't want to break ThundClone and ThoLar up so I just made them friends. I also don't want to kill Thorn off but I need it in the story plot. Hehehe. I'm an evil author.)

Cyclone looked so much like Thorn that he was imagining his friend in front of him. He mentally shook his head as he got rid of the memories. Looking at Cyclone's hand, his heart ached. He wanted to be friends with him but at the same time, he was afraid that he'll leave him just like Thorn did. He longed for the feeling of complete acceptance that he once felt from his first friend so he squashed his fear and shook Cyclone's hand.

"Friends," Solar said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, what are your interests?" Cyclone asked Solar as they entered the school premises.

"Well, I like reading, listening to music, playing volleyball and playing the piano," the golden-eyed boy told his newfound friend, both oblivious to the stares of the students around them.

"Oh really? I remember Thunderstorm having the same interests," Cyclone said, knowing full too well the effect of what he said.

He wasn't disappointed. Solar stopped walking and faced him. "You know Thunderstorm?"

Cyclone hid his smile. "Of course, we were friends since we were little."

"Canyouintroducemetohim?" Solar blushed as he realized what he said.

The blue-eyed boy smiled. "Of course! You two could be friends. The more the merrier!"

Solar smiled giddily on their way to the classroom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thunderstorm was in the rooftop, again. It was break time and he was not in the mood to eat so he went to his favorite place: the rooftop. He felt so peaceful there, just feeling the wind. It reminded him so much of Cyclone's caresses, the way that his hands run through his hair, comforting him when he felt so sad, so alone.

It was then that he heard rapid sounds of footsteps as if there was more than one person climbing up to the rooftop. Thunderstorm frowned a bit. He didn't know anyone who would go to the rooftop when the whole school knows that it's his domain during this time. The only one he could think of going there was Cyclone, his childhood friend. But who would Cyclone bring to meet him?

His questions were answered as Cyclone and someone appeared at the top of the stairs. Looking carefully, he gasped as he saw who he was bringing.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind, I brought a friend," Cyclone said, tugging Solar with him.

"N-no, not at all," Thunderstorm said as he made space for the two of them. Thankfully, Cyclone sat beside him with Solar at Cyclone's other side.

At his friend's knowing smile, he knew he was up to something, and he didn't like it one bit. He glared at the blue-eyed boy who just smirked in his direction. He sighed in defeat.

"So," Thunderstorm interrupted the silence. "What do you want to do?"

"How about we just hang out and get to know each other?" Cyclone said.

None of the two could really object to that so they all brought out the food and talked to each other. It was a bit awkward at first, seeing that the two were shy with each other. However, as their break time went to an end, all three of them became quite close to each other like they've all been friends for a long time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Part 4 done~! Cyclone's Matchmaker Game has begun! How do you think ThunSol would end up? Hehehe. Expect a time skip on the next chapter. Hehehe. Hope you enjoyed it.

Au revoir, readers! See you in He's Dating the Gangster (Part 5)!

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