He's Dating the Gangster (Part 5)

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So, the last part of He's Dating the Gangster! I'll miss writing this story. This has been very interesting. But, I have a new story to look forward to! It's going to be a Dark x OC story as requested by ThundClone_Shipper12 . But before that, enjoy this first.

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Time flew by and they were already in their fourth year in college. Thunderstorm was got out of his abusive home by Cyclone and was living alone by his insistence. He was happy, happier than Cyclone had seen him when they were younger and it made him smile.

"What are you smiling at?" Solar asked him as the three of them walked to school out of habit.

"Nothing much. Just remembering the time when Thunderstorm got out of his old house," the blue-eyed boy said.

The thought of what happened that day made Solar smile as well. "Yeah, he looked so happy at that time."

"Who wouldn't?" Thunderstorm said.

"Touche," the two of them said. They all looked at each other and burst out laughing. Thunderstorm loosened up after Cyclone arrived, even more so when he got rid of his past life. He still maintained his reputation as The Silent One at school, though. Solar has also become more outgoing, while still remaining as the strict school president who wouldn't hesitate to send you to the Dean's Office when you break a rule. Cyclone, on the other hand, had learned to be reserved when necessary, while still retaining his outgoing nature.

"But seriously though, you look so much like my twin when he was allowed at the park at that time," Cyclone said, sobering up.

"Twin?" Thunderstorm and Solar said at the same time.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. It's that, he died nine years ago. He was the reason we went to New Zealand, to move on from him."

"What's his name?" Solar asked, curious.

"His name was Thorn. He has green eyes, which was the same as his favorite color." (Hahaha. Look! Thorn is Cyclone's twin! Hehehe. Surprised?)

Solar stopped. Thorn. No, it can't be.

"Did he, by any chance, die in a car crash while playing in the park?" Solar said, dreading the answer.

"Yes, how did you know?" Cyclone asked him.

Solar's breath hitched. He hadn't told them of his childhood friend, and he knew it was time to tell them, especially Cyclone who he recently knew as his twin.

"Thorn, he— he was my first friend. I met him in the park exactly two years before his death. He encouraged me to play volleyball. But then one time, I hit the ball a bit too hard and it was sent in the middle of the street. He went to get it and didn't notice the car coming after him. I tried to warn him, but it was too late. He got hit by the car," Solar said, sobbing. "I-I'm sorry, Cyclone. It was my fault he died."

Cyclone was crying too. "It wasn't your fault, Sol. I should even thank you, for bringing light to my twin's death."

"B-but, you lost him, you lost your other half," Solar took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.

"But you lost your first friend as well. But Solar," Cyclone made Solar face him. "The ones who died never really left us. It remains in here," he pointed to his heart, then Solar's. "Know that Thorn's in a better place now." He then proceeded to hug him.

Thunderstorm, who was quiet throughout the whole exchange, had come forward to join in the hug, knowing that the two of them needed it. After a while, they broke apart and the two dried their tears.

"Let's go to school now, shall we?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thunderstorm was back in his favorite place again. He watched as Cyclone came out of the building hand-in-hand with Mimi, a beautiful girl in their year.

"Cyclone's got a girl, huh?"

Thunderstorm didn't need to look back to know who was talking to him. "Yeah, I'm kinda jealous, though."

Solar quirked an eye at him as he sat down. "Oh really?"

Thunderstorm chuckled. "Not in the way that you think, he's practically my brother. But yeah, I'm jealous of him. I mean, he has a girlfriend already."

Solar internally sighed in relief. Even after two years, his affection for the red-eyed boy hadn't gone away. In fact, it has grown exponentially. However, he was afraid to tell his feelings because one, he was afraid to ruin their friendship, and two, Thunderstorm was probably straight.

"You mean you want to have a girlfriend already?" the golden-eyed boy asked as he fixed his glasses.

"No. I'm homosexual."

Solar was startled. Thunderstorm was homosexual?!

"Oi, don't look so shocked. It's been one of the reasons why my parents don't like me. I can't change the way I feel though," Thunderstorm said defensively.


"So, do you like anyone?" Solar asked the red-eyed boy.

"Yes, but I'm afraid he won't like me back," Thunderstorm admitted.

"I'm pretty sure he would. I mean, you're a great person!"

"Is that so, Solar Photine?"

Solar found himself pinned to the ground by (drumroll please) none other than Thunderstorm.

"T-Thunder! What are you doing?" he said, blushing hard.

"What can I do to admit my love for that person?" Thunderstorm asked, ignoring Solar's question.

"W-well, if he was dense, you could just come up to him and say 'I love you' then kiss him," the golden-eyed boy said, still flustered by the fact that his crush was above him.

"If that's the case, then I like you, Solar."

Solar was speechless. He was caught off-guard by Thunderstorm's admission and honestly, his heart was racing a million miles per second.

"B-but if you don't like me, it's okay. You're probably straight," Thunderstorm got out from where he was positioned above Solar.

"N-no! I-I mean, I like you too, Thunder. I-it's just I thought you were straight as well."

"You aren't straight?" Thunderstorm asked, bewildered.

"No, I'm bisexual." Solar gathered his courage and kissed Thunderstorm.

Thunderstorm was shocked at first but then he kissed back. After a while, they separated and resolved to just look at each other, their foreheads touching.

"So, what does this make us?" Thunderstorm asked but he already knew the answer.

By the next day, Cyclone was jumping around in joy as his girlfriend shook his head in a corner with a smile on her face. Whispers followed the four of them as they knew the rumors had come true. The Legendary Duo has become a couple.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ThunSol! I'm having trouble deciding my OTP already! T_T

Anyway, as I said in the first Author's Note, I'll miss writing this story. But I hope you enjoyed this! And expect a new story soon! Requests are still open.

For the conversational story (or whatever you want to call it), I can't start it yet as the position for Quake, Fang, Ying, Yaya, and Gopal is still open. Although I just need to fill the character of Quake to start and the other four can just join afterwards. Just pm me the character you want to join.

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