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Kaizo has seen many generations of TAPOPS recruits come and go. Some gave up, some were too old, some got fired, and some died in the service. 

All of these people, no matter what their rank is, are displayed in the hall of members along with their achievements. Kaizo was currently walking along that hallway, having have no work to do at that moment.

The red-eyed alien smiled thinly as he watched several new recruits crowd at a particular frame of his. However, he can't really blame them. He knows he's good-looking and has done so much for TAPOPS itself.

But they weren't as much as what they did.

Walking a bit more, he finally arrived at the frames of the people he wanted to see. It was the frames of the five people who sacrificed themselves in order to save TAPOPS from being destroyed almost a decade ago.

Evil laughter echoed from the chasm as Kaizo struggled to stand up from where he was lying down. His brother was in the same predicament from a few ways from him.

Through blurred eyesight, Kaizo could see flashes of light from where the fight was happening in front of him. Those flashes of light were quickly joined by blazing balls of fire and a few bits of red lightning. Those attacks were then countered by a more powerful force, sending the three attackers stumbling back towards their position, them merging back to one person.

"BoBoiBoy! Are you okay?" Fang asked from beside him.

BoBoiBoy didn't answer. Instead, he stared at Fang, his face as blank as an unused paper.

"Time for Plan C," the orange-capped elemental said softly, whose response caused the younger red-eyed alien to look at his friend grimly.

"But, BoBoiBoy... I don't like this. Yaya, Ying, and Gopal... they've already fallen. We can't do this without them," Fang whispered.

"We can. We have to, Fang. For them. For TAPOPS."

Fang sneaked a look at his brother and his face hardened. "For TAPOPS."

"Fang..." Kaizo was pleading now. He didn't know what their Plan C was, but he could deduce from their faces that it was not good.

Sharing a look with Fang, BoBoiBoy swiftly stood up and changed into Thorn. "As much as I regret to say this, we don't have much time, Fang. Do what you must. I'll distract him."

"How about you, BoBoiBoy?"

Thorn smiled sadly. "Me? I've already said goodbye on the moment I went back to space despite their pleadings for me to stay on Earth." With that, he sped away to meet the villain head-on with his thorny vines.

They should have been around 24 years old now, had they been still alive, Kaizo thought to himself, caressing the frame of an image of a boy whose eyes were identical to his.


"Shhh, don't overexert yourself. The medics are on their way. Just hold on until then." Fang swallowed as he kept his tears at bay. "Kaizo... brother... please... I just want to hear it from you. Did you... did you care for me?"

"Fang... I never stopped caring for you. It's just... no. I don't have an excuse," Kaizo's voice was a whisper now.

"No, brother. You do, and I understand that now. You did what you thought was best."

The younger alien looked in the direction of the fighting and saw that BoBoiBoy was holding his own, but he could see that he was tiring.

Fang made to stand up but was stopped by Kaizo's voice. "Fang... I have an idea on what the two of you are going to do... and I just want to tell you that..." Kaizo's voice hitched as a tear fell down unseen from his eye. "I'm proud of you. And that you will never be forgotten. Along with the others. You will all be legends."

Fang's eyes closed as a few tears escaped from his eyes and he quickly wiped them away. "Thank you, brother."

Kaizo's fists clenched as he remembered the final moments of his brother. His words, his face, his dedication. He remembered also his promise, and how he hadn't made a move to fulfill that.

"Commander Kaizo, can you tell us who are those people in the frames are?"

Looking at the source of the voice, he smiled a bit as he thought that maybe, maybe this is the moment that he needed. 

You were forgotten for a long time, Fang. But not anymore. You will be a legend. You and your friends will be, Kaizo thought as he told the story of the five friends whose journey to save people would never be forgotten.

"Ready, BoBoiBoy?"

Cyclone nodded as he blasted the villain away with his wind sphere before reverting to normal and stepping down beside Fang. 

An aura of varying colors surrounded the both of them as power built up from their bodies. BoBoiBoy split himself into the second tiers of his seven elements, all glowing with their respective colors. Fang himself managed to merge himself with a shadow dragon. Together, they permanently took down the threat to TAPOPS, taking the villain's like with the exchange of theirs. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, I'm sorry for the continuous angst stories. I can't help it.

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