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Another angsty fic. Enjoy.

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Cahaya usually prided himself in the art of healing.

Being the most professional and level-headed one during dire situations (as Tanah seem to panic whenever someone gets hurt), the role had unofficially been given to him. 

However, he had given up on the position after that incident.

"Cahaya! We need your help!" Angin said, rushing into the house.

Cahaya heard his brother's panicked shouts and quickly went to them. His eyes widened when he saw who was floating behind them, lying on the hoverboard of Angin's second tier.

"What happened?" He asked the others while he checked for Petir's injuries. "I thought you were just going to the supermarket?"

"Adudu ambushed us," Tanah whispered, tears pooling in his eyes. "We were taken by surprise, and he took that chance to attack us. Petir was the first to recover and defended us. By the time we got to our senses, Petir was already gravely injured and Adudu has escaped."

Tanah's voice was lost to Cahaya when he recognized the nature of Petir's injury. He quickly called on Air, Api and Daun using his watch (one of his modifications) and quietly asked them to attend to their two distraught brothers while he works on Petir. He then quickly teleported the two of them to his room.

A few hours later, a tired-looking Cahaya faced the rest of his brothers, not looking at anyone in the eye.

"How was he?" Tanah asked quietly.

Cahaya shook his head, which opened the flood of tears to both Angin and Tanah's eyes.

"He's still alive, but barely. You can go inside and talk to him, he's awake. But he only have a few minutes at most."

His brothers rushed inside the room. From his peripheral view, he saw them crowd against the bed, and quietly decided to leave them all alone.

But someone stopped him.

"Can't you..."

"I tried my best, Angin. I really did," Cahaya tried to console his brother.

"It was your attack that caused that, Cahaya! Can't you do anything?!" Angin practically shouted to the light manipulator.

Cahaya winced at the acusation. It was true, what Angin said. A few weeks ago, Adudu tricked all of them and gathered a piece of everyone's powers, just like what he did during BoBoiBot's creation. Adudu had already used the others to attack them, where Cahaya heaaled them all pretty quickly. But this...

"I trusted you, Cahaya. I thought you could heal him, just as you did before. But this... not only your power caused him harm, you also failed to heal him."

Angin glared at the light manipulator through his tears and stimped inside the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Cahaya found himself unable to breathe properly. Yes, it was all his fault. His power was roo destructive, and he failed his brothers,  especially Petir. Hell, he'd let him suffer.

His legs collapsed from beneath him as he let out a choked sob. He pulled his knees to his chest and cried for what he'd done. He cried for his failure, and how he'd lost not only one, but two brothers because of it.

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