Not Your Ordinary Murder

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Almost forgot about this.

Trigger Warning: Mentions of rape and slight gore.

Glace slammed the door of the spare room shut and sank to the floor. Her heart was beating loudly against her chest, and her hands were shaking badly.

Behind her, Solar was trying to open the door by slamming his body against the wooden frame. Glace knew that it wouldn't take him long to realize that he has his powers in his arsenal.

Glace let out a shaky breath as he tried to reign in her fear. She knew that Solar will stop at nothing at trying to convince (read: force) her to be in bed with him.

The banging on the door did not cease during her musing. In fact, it had gotten stronger. Glace tightly gripped the small knife in her hand. She hated the fact that she had to go through drastic measures just to stop him from raping her.

Steeling herself, Glace moved away from the door just as it slammed open. With a speed that would've made Hali jealous, she swung the knife towards the direction of Solar's throat. It hit its mark, and Solar collapsed on the floor, choking on his own blood.

Glace's hand shook as the realization of what she had done sank in. The bloody knife hit the floor with a loud clank, and she had to lean on the wall for support.

She had just killed someone.

No, not the type of killing where you just write the death scene of the character of your choice. It was the type where you can feel the blood of the victim on your hand, and see their haunted looks as you close your eyes.

Glace's knees shook from beneath her and she sunk to the floor slowly. She tightly squeezed her eyes shut as she forced down the bile that was rising to her throat.

But she couldn't stop the loud sob that came out from her lips, not the dam of tears that came from her eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On the other side of the screen, Glace groaned as she nursed a small headache. She tried not to think about the massive pile of school works that she had to finish before the week ends. Not to mention her upcoming exam in Basic Calculus.

She was very close to crying, really. She may be smart, but her knowledge comes with a price. Glace gritted her teeth as she corrected some of the answers in her activity. 3 plus 3 is 6, goddamnit, not 9.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hello. I just rose from the dead for a few moments to give you this one. I'm sorry if it's not that good, since my creative juices had abandoned me.

This is actually a sneak peak of the drama in the sequel of the wedding book. However, the book itself might not be published until mid or late March because we're all busy.

Also help, I'm dying in three research papers, three reportings, one literary blog, calculus exam, one 3D print artwork, valentine's day booth, and a book review.

Lots of love (and tears) from your one and only Queen of Angst, Glace.

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