Best Friends

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Boboiboy was sitting on his chair while looking out the window when the bell rang informing everyone that it was already lunch time. He stood up, fix his things and was about to leave when his friends approached. Gopal put his hands around Boboiboy and Fang's shoulder and pulled them closer. Boboiboy quickly removed Gopal's hands around him and stared at them blankly.

"Stay away from me." He stated and left which made the four shocked. recently, Boboiboy started to ignore the four and not talk to them the usual way he talks. They were confused at what was happening and kept  asking Boboiboy about what his problem is or what is happening but his responses are just "Nothing." He started acting coldly to them last week. They cannot think of something that can be the main reason why he is acting this way. But today is different, it is worse than before. he totally told them to stay away from him. 

Fang frowned. "What the hell was that!?" Even Ying formed a frown on her face. 

"Uh...maybe he just have problems?" Yaya said and smiled, trying to convince them that he was just acting like that because he has problems. 

"If he has a problem, he could just tell us and we'll help him out!" Ying shouted in anger. 

"Yeah! What are we to him!? Someone that he just hangs out with but he never trust!?" Fang agreed with Ying. Gopal didn't say anything, instead, he just thought of what can possibly be Boboiboy's problem. 

"Hey guys. Calm down. Let's hear him out, okay? Let's just go at the Kokotiam later after school." Ying and Fang sighed and just nodded in agreement with Yaya.

"So, should we eat now? I'm so excited to give you my cookies!" Yaya said with her eyes sparkling. As she was about to look at them again, she saw that no one was there and she was the only one in their classroom. 

"Eh? Where did they go?" She pouted and just shrugged it off. She left and started to find them.

~Time Skip~

(Btw, Boboiboy has already gone home during lunch time. In case you guys get confused.)

It was dismissal time. The others hurriedly exit their classroom. They're so excited to know what Boboiboy is hiding from them so that all of this would end and they'll be just happy and normal again. They ran and ran to the streets until they reach the Kokotiam. Sadly, they didn't see anyone and anything there. There was nothing there. They just decided to go to Boboiboy's house thinking that they just closed the store early for who knows what their reason is. When they arrived, Gopal quickly knocked on the door. They waited for someone but no one answered. He knocked again three times but again, no one answered.

"Oy!" Someone shouted at them. They turned around and saw a lady who they think just lives nearby. They often saw her here, especially Yaya since she lives just next to Boboiboy's.

"What are you guys doing there? There's no one inside that house." 

"Huh? What!?" The four said in unison as their eyes widened in shock. 

"Tok Aba, the old man who lives there, escorted his grandson to the airport."

"AIRPORT!?" Again, they said in unison. The lady just nodded and said, "Yes, the airport. Didn't you guys know? His grandson is actually going to America. He's going to study there for college.I thought you guys are best friends? How come that you, his friends, didn't know this?" The woman sighed, shook her head in disbelief and left. The four was left there, speechless because of what they have just heard. A tear dropped from their faces and yes, even Fang. They couldn't believe that Boboiboy just left. He left without them knowing. They sat there at the stairs, dumbfounded. Each of them couldn't even say a word. All you can hear is sobs and sniffs from them. Yaya looked at the plant beside her. She was observing the plant, playing with the leaves of it. She cried even hard when she remembered whose plant this is. This was Thorn's plant. Not just an ordinary plant but it's his favorite one. She smiled despite her tears falling down her cheek. She continued playing the leaves of it when she noticed something shining in it. She tilted her head in confusion and picked up the thing that was shining there. As she picked it up, she realized that it was Boboiboy's power watch. 

"Guys! Look what i found!" The silence was broken because of her informing the others that she found one of the most important things of Boboiboy. They all gathered around her and cried as they saw it. Yaya looked at the plant again, checking if there was more hidden things there. And she guessed right, five envelopes were there. She picked it up again and showed it them. When they looked at the envelope, there were names indicated on the envelope. Each one of them got the envelope that has their own name on it. Yaya's envelope is pink, Ying's is yellow, Gopal's  is green and Fang's is violet. As for the fifth one, it was a white envelope and it was much bigger than the individual letters. There it is indicated, "To my best friends who never gave up and fought with me until the end." They put away their individual letters and started to read the one which was for all of them. 

Hey guys!

I bet if you are reading this, i already left. First of all, i just want to say sorry to all of you. I'm sorry for everything that i've done. I am so sorry for lying and for hurting you guys. Those painful  words that i said earlier, i really didn't mean it. Yes, the reason why i was acting that way to you guys in the past week is because i am going to leave for America. I'm going to study here and i don't know when i'll come back. I don't even know if i'll ever come back. I didn't tell you this because i don't want you guys to get hurt. I know that it is just another stupidity of mine. I didn't thought of it and decided well. I was so focused on my emotions, anger and sadness, it all took over me that i started acting without thinking. I hope you all forgive me. I want to thank you guys for everything. Thank you for those memories, experiences, and adventures that i will never ever forget. Thank you for being my best friends. I am glad i met you guys. Thank you for supporting me with what i want. Thank you for being by my side. Thank you for making me realize that my life isn't just like game which you can end when you are tired. You made my life extraordinary. Thank you for being those people who are there when i'm down and depressed. Thank you. Please take care of each other and please protect everyone there. I entrust the protection of the world to you guys. Also, please take care of my power watch. Use it f you like but remember to use it if you just need it. Just let Ochobot teach you for splitting and other stuff. I won't have time to contact you or to answer your messages and calls. I'm sorry. And please, promise me, that you will be together always and cherish the friendship that we made with each other. Even if i am away, even if you guys don't treat me as a friend anymore, please keep you friendship. Never ever let anyone ruin it because that friendship and the bonds that you have is so precious. It is like a gold, you can never find it anywhere. Please also check on Tok Aba and Ochobot. Take care of them for me. So this is goodbye? I guess? Till the next time we meet guys. Good luck on your own lives. You guys will be always in my heart.


After reading the letter, only sobs and sniffs can be heard.

"Why didn't he told us? He shouldn't have suffered all the pain inside him. So stupid." Ying said which made everyone slightly giggle.

Yaya sighed. "I wanna punch him right now." She said and rolled her eyes. Fang looked at his watch. He realized that it was already 7 pm in the evening.

He stood up and said, "I guess he's in America by now." They all nodded in agreement and Gopal stood up and sighed.

"It's time to go home..." He said with a sad tone.

"Hey! Cheer up Gopal! He will come back after college." Yaya said, cheering him up.

"That's not sure yet."

"He will come back. I'm sure of it." Yaya said as she wiped her ters and smiled.

"So, shall we start heading home? Our journey awaits. Those four years will be just quick." Everyone smiled. Gopal was the one to leave due to his father picking him up. Ying was about to go but Fang held her wrist and said, "Hey Ying, i'll bring you home."

"Huh? It's fine. No need to." Ying argued with him.

"No. Can't you see? It's dark already. Something might happen to you if you go alone."

"I have powers."

"But you're still a girl! You shouldn't rely and be confident with you powers all the time."

"How about Yaya? Why don't you bring her home, too?"

"Yaya's house is just there." He said and pointed the house next to Boboiboy's. Ying just replied with an "Oh~" and just insisted. Yaya was just laughing at the both of them. The two waved at Yaya and started walking.

"Bye lovebirds~" She whispered and giggled. She sighed and took the power watch, Boboiboy's power watch. She stared at it, remembering the one who used this power watch.

"Hope you're safe there." She smiled and started walking towards her house.

When she arrived at her house, she went straight to her room and let herself fall on her bed. She took out the letter and started reading it.

Hey Y,

Miss me already? I bet no. I'm really sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for causing you these troubles and for lying to you. I know that we promised each other not to keep secrets but i just can't. I don't want to share this burden to you. You're so stressed out on school so i decided not to tell you so that i won't be one of the reasons why you're so down. I want you to focus on school because i know that it is your priority. And now that i am away, i hope you'll have a full time on your priorities. About our relationship, it's up to you whether it's over or not. If that makes it easy for you then i won't complain, Love. We might've kept this thing between us for four years without anyone knowing but if it doesn't work out, then let's just go with it. I hope when i come back, our feelings for each other will just remain the same. Well, that's if you won't break up with me. Why am i worried about it anyway? I wouldn't even have the chance to know what your decision is. I won't be connected to all of you in those four years or maybe for the rest of my life. Such stupidity i have. 

Please always remember that i love you and i always will. That will never change. Even after i die. I'll miss you, Love. I hope you can find someone better and someone you deserve. Someone that will make you happy and that will cherish you. Someone that won't hurt you like what i'm doing right now. Y, when you found someone for you, i hope we can stay like we used to be. Like best friends. Not like others who treats each other as strangers aside from their past. I don't want us to be awkward when we meet again. Well, guess it ends here. I have lots of things to say but i think this is too much for now. I don't wanna hurt my beautiful (ex?) girlfriend too much. Promise me that you'll always be safe. Be strong for yourself, Honey.

                                         I love you so much.


After she had read the letter she grabbed her pillow and buried her face on it. She cried on the pillow, making the sobs and sniffs have lesser sound so that no one would hear her. 

"I hate you for hurting me this bad." She mumbled under her breath. "You're so stupid."

She put the letter in her drawer and sat beside her window to watch the sky full of stars. This is one of the things that Boboiboy and Yaya did verytime that they'll sneak out and secretly escape missions just to spend time with each other. Galaxy or Earth, whatever the place is, they'll always find a way to meet up with each other. Even if it'll be risky to the point that if they get caught, they'll be punished. They just don't care about wat'll happen as long as they see each other.

"See you in a while, Love. I'll wait for you. I love you so much."



Sorry for not updating like forever. I just had a lot of things to tke care of. But yeah! Here it is! Hope ya enjoy it!

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