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She was lying on the hospital bed, her husband beside her while holding her hand. She looked at him and smiled weakly as her husband smiled back at her. 

"How are you feeling, Love?" Boboiboy asked with a worried expression painted on his face. 

"I'm fine." Yaya replied weakly with a smile on her  face. She caressed his cheek, lovingly as Boboiboy held her hand which was on his face. He held it tightly, never wanting to let go. 

"Do you need anything? Like food? Drinks? Are you in pain? Do you want me to get you medicines?" She chuckled because of how he was acting.

"You're so worried, Hun. I'm fine. Just stay here." She said while laughing a bit, but she felt some pain which made her frown. Boboiboy quickly noticed and his eyes widened. 

"Hey, why? What's wrong? Tell me." Yaya just shook her head which made him sigh.

"Here you go again, Yaya. You're always keeping everything to yourself. Look, i'm your husband. You can tell me anything or everything that you feel or think about."

"It's nothing really. I just felt a little pain, that's it. It's probably because i'm laughing too much." Yaya said, assuring her husband that she is alright. Boboiboy just shook his head and smiled. He stood up and leaned forward, making their faces close to each other.

"I'll just get some food, okay? I'll be back." He said and gave her butterfly kisses all around he face.

"HEY GUYS! WE'RE HE---" The both quickly looked at the door and there, stood the three. Ying holding a basket of fruits with Fang beside her and Gopal on the front who has his hands spread in the air, looking so cheerful. He was the one who shouted, by the way.

"Gopal! You just ruined their moment!" Ying scolded him while he is still lookig shocked of what he just did. When he realized what was going on, he immediately stood on a proper position and laughed nervously.

"Sorry." He said as he was scartching the back of his neck. Ying just sighed and Fang smirked. Boboiboy just laughed and went near them.

"Actually, you're just on time. I'm about to leave to go get something that Yaya can eat so will you guys look after her while i'm out?"

"Yeah, sure." The three agreed which made Boboiboy smile.

"You guys are the best! Thank yu so much." He said to them and he turned around, looking at Yaya. "I'll be back later, Hun." He said and winked which made her face red. She just looked away, embarassed, and gestured him to leave.

"Be careful." Yaya said before he got out.

The three entered the room and Fang closed the door without making any noises. Ying went beside Yaya and placed the basket full of fruits on the side table. She hugged Yaya tightly but not that tight to hurt her. Fang looked at the both of them. Well, more like glared. He looked pissed. Yaya accidentally looked at him and saw what face he was making. She smirked.

"Ying, i think we should stop now. Someone's jealous over there." She said and pulled awy from their hug. Ying tilted her head.

"What do you mean?" Yaya pointed at her back and Ying followede and looked where she pointed at. She saw her husband there, looking all grumpy and serious while scanning his phone. She rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Such a jealous loser."

"He's always been like that when it comes to you."

"Yeah, but he doesn't show it much. He keeps it to himself and just let the fact that he is jealous fade away."

"He can do that?"

"Yep. That's what starts most of our fights. I mean, who wouldn't be mad? I'm his wife and i'm here to help him get through those things that he thinks about and i'm here to lessen it. For me, it seems like he doesn't trust me enough to tell me about stuff."

"Or maybe he just doesn't want to be a burden to you?"

"Why would he be?"

"Because whe he tells you, he just adds more problems?"

"I still think it's unfair. I always tell him my side."

"Well, he sounds like someone i know." Yaya said and smirked.

"Or should i say, someone WE know." Ying said and looked at Yaya. "Right, Yaya?" Yaya just rolled her eyes and laughed softly.

"Does it still hurt?" She nodded and smiled at her weakly.

~After 30 minutes~

Boboiboy was walking his way to the room which his wife was in. He was holding 3 plastics with a meal in it. He decided to buy food for everyone since it's almost dinner time. He was walking quietly in the hallway when he saw Ying, Gopal and Fang outside the room. Gopal was walking back and fort, looking all frustrated while Fang was comforting Ying who looks like she just cried. He quickly ran to them and placed the food aside.

"Hey! What happened to Yaya!? Is she okay!?" He said, panicking. He was about to open the door to check on her but Gopal stopped him.

"The doctors and nurses are inside. They're currently checking on her. Don't interfere." Fang said.

"You're telling me to not interfere? Fang, she's my wife. I need to know what is going on to her."

"I know Boboiboy but will you please just calm down? She's gonna be okay." Boboiboy sighed and just sat beside Fang and Ying. Fang and Gopal just patted his back.

"What happened earlier? Why is she being checked?" He worriedly asked.

"She was in so much pain that she cried as her sweat keep falling down from her cheeks. It's probably because she was laughing too much." Ying replied and Boboiboy sighed.

"I told her not to move so much."

"It's our fault, okay? We're sorry." The three said and they kept apologizing.

"What are you guys saying? It' no one's fault, okay? You're just trying to make her happy, that's all and i thank you for that." He smiled. "Don't blame yourselves, idiots."

The three looked at him and frowned. "Wha---"

They were cut off when they heard the door opened.

"Good evening everyone." The doctor greeted as he closed the door. He gestured the other nurses to leave and they did so.

"Doc, what happened to my wife?"

"Oh, it's nothing serious. It's normal for her to feel such extreme pains. But all i advice her to not move so much so that she won't feel any pain such as what happened earlier." The doctor smiled at them.

"Thank you, doc." They all said and the doctor was about to leave when Boboiboy stopped him.

"Doc, when will we see the baby?" Boboiboy asked with a little tone of excitement.

"I can see that you all are excited." He chuckled. "We will take him to you later." Their eyes sparkled.

"Thank you so much!" Boboiboy said.

"You're welcome." The doctor said and left.

"Ohh...now i remember." The all turned to Gopal who just said those.

"My wife used to get extreme pains like those too after she gave birth to our baby." He said and looked at them. They all looked so pissed that it made Gopal terrified.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US EARLIER!? WE SHOULDN'T HAVE PANICKED! IDIOT!" Ying said, raging. Boboiboy just sighed and shooked his head. He decided to go in the room to check on Yaya. She was quietly resting with a frown on her face.

"What's with the face, Love?" Boboiboy said and massaged her forehead trying to erase the frown. She opened her eyes and looked relieved when she saw her husband.

"You're back." She said as she spread her arms out, signalling him to give her a hug.

"I missed you." She said and hugged him tightly. He laughed.

"I was only out for 30 minutes." He said and kissed her cheek. He buried his face on her neck and planted a soft kiss on it too.

Meanwhile, the three was staring at them with a blank face. Fang faked a cough whch made Boboiboy raise his head and release a deep sigh. He turned to them.

"What?" He blankly said.

"Oh, nothing." The three sarcastically said. They went to the bedside and asked Yaya how she was.

Boboiboy was preparing their meals when he remembered something.

"Hey Hun, the doctor said that they will take the baby here later." He said while still preparing the food. Yaya's eyes sparkled like a star.

"Really???" She said, really excited that she was moving and almost dancing.

"Now, what did i tell you about moving so much?" Yaya immediately stopped when she saw that Boboiboy was glaring at her.

"Stop that. You might feel that pain again. Do you want that?" Yaya shooked her head fast and pouted.

"Then, don't move too much."

"Okay, okay."

Boboiboy gave each one a meal and they all ate. He sat beside Yaya and tried to give her a spoon filled with food.

"Say ah~" She stred at him blankly.

"Love, i have hands. Let me eat on my own."

"But i want to feed you." He said and pouted.

"Then, how are you going to eat?"

"I'll feed you first."










"Then, i'm not going to eat if you won't let me feed you."

"Ugh! Fine!" She was about to eat the food on the spoon but Boboiboy stole a kiss from her.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Yaya said, blushing while Boboiboy was laughing.

"Okay, okay. Here you go~ Say ah~"

"Don't treat me like a baby." She said with a blank face.

"You're my baby." He said which made her face, again, blush.

"J-just let me eat, okay?"

"You're embarassed that you're my baby?" He pouted and was about to put the spoon down but Yaya stopped her.

"No! It's not that! Its just...t-they're here and...w-we're acting like... t-this...in front...of t-them." Yaya said stuttering and slowly turning into a whisper.

"Honey, we're a couple. What's wrong with that? Age? We're just 23. PDA? So what? They don't care."

"No. I just thought that we should keep all this stuff private." Boboiboy sighed.

"Okay. Let's keep it private." He laughed as she ate the food that he was giving her.

"You're so cute, Y." He said and gave her a peck on her lips whch made Yaya, again, blush.

"Woah, so much PDA here." Fang said and smirked. Boboiboy glared at him.

"See?" Yaya whispered and pouted. Boboiboy smirked.

"Watch me." He said and turned to Fang.

"Wow, you're saying that like i didn't caught you and Ying making out in the Boys' locker room back in high school." Boboiboy said and smirked as Ying and Fang's face turned into red. Gopal laughed at them.

"Stop laughing, Gopal. It's not just Fang and Ying. I also caught you making out with Shannah in the Girls' bathroom." Yaya said which made Gopal stop and embarassed. Boboiboy and Yaya laughed at the three as they remained embarassed. The two made a high five and continued laughing.

"Pfft---HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Gopal joined in laughing and as well as the other two. They were all happy and laughed together.

Someone knocked on the door and all of them stopped Gopal opened the door and there appeared a healthy baby boy in front of them. He is on a crib and is sleeping so peacefully like an angel.

"Here's your healthy baby boy! I'll be back to gt him later but for now, he'll stay with you." The nurse smiled and left.

Gopal pushed the crib and place it on the side of the bed which is where the parents are. Boboiboy and Yaya were speechless. They didn't know what to say.

"He's just too much of an angel. That's why you guys are speechless." Fang said.

"He's so beautiful." Ying said.

Yaya couldn't help herself but cry because of happiness. She looked at Boboiboy who was currently staring at the baby and biting his lip, not letting his tears fall.

"Oh come on, you can cry if you want to." Yaya told him.

"I'm not crying. It's just that he's too much of a blessing."

"I know, Love. I know." Boboiboy couldn't help and just let his tears fall.

"Why don't you pick him up?" Yaya asked.

"I-i don't know how to h-hold him." He shyly said which made Yaya giggle. She pulled the crib closer to her and picked him up. He sat beside her.

"You should hold him like this. Make sure he's comfortable." She said as she kissed the baby's nose.

"He's so tiny. I love him so much." Tears escaped her eyes and kept falling.

"Hey baby...it's mommy. I'm your mommy. I love you so much." She said and planted little kisses on his face. She then looed at Boboiboy who was staring at them while smiling.

"Do you want to carry him?" He was hesitant at first but decided to carry him in the end. He did what Yaya told him and succeeded in carrying his son.

"See? I know you can do it." She said and gave her a peck on his cheek. Boboiboy smiled while his tears are falling.

"Hey little one...i'm your daddy. I'm so blessed to have you. I love you." He said.

While the family are haing a moment there, te three were just staring and couldn't help but to tear up because of what they are seeing right now. Yes, even Fang is tearing up. Ying looked at Fang who was wiping his tears on his eyes.

"He looks like you, Love." Yaya said and laughed.

"But he got your eyes." Boboiboy smiled and Yaya just agreed.

She smiled as she looked at the family who was now having a group hug. She sighed.

"Umm...guys? Can i just say something for a moment?" The four looked at her. She was so nervous that she just wants to get out of that room.

"I just found out that..." She paused for a second.

"That? What?" The four said. She looked at Fang who was so curious about what she was going to tell them.

"What is it?"


"You're???" The four, again, said.

"I'm pregnant."



So here it is! Sorry for not updating for so long. I had to finish my requirements. But since it's our sembreak, i can update all i want! I'm free! Thank God!

By the way, Shannah is my OC from another story that i'm currently making. But it isn't published yet. And i'm not publishing it sooner. It will just remain as a draft. As for THRWTMF, i am currently writing the next chapter.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed!





" YOU'RE WHAT!?!?"

"I'm pregnant" Ying repeated.

Fang fainted but luckily Gopal caught him.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?!?" Fang shouted. He was really shocked. It is the first time that he knew. And besides, he is going to be a father, who wouldn't be surprised?

The others laughed at him and just congratulated them. Fang was still dumbfounded there as Ying and the others are enjoying themselves.

"But seriously Ying, why didn't you tell me?" Fang pouted and Ying sighed.

"I told you, i just found out earlier. I thought that announcing it to all of you was great because you've all been part of my life and i know that i can trust you guys. So please, help me with this." She said nervously

"Of course, Ying. We're here with you." Yaya said and assured her.

"Thank you guys." She said and smiled. Fang pulled her away from them and hugged her.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. I was just shocked." He said and kissed her forehead.

"No, i should be the one saying sorry. I didn't tell you earlier." She teared up and Fang wiped it away for her.

"Ying, that's the best news i've ever heard in my entire life and i'm so thankful and blessed that i have you and our baby. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Fang." Ying said and kissed him.


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