5: Blaze x Jolyn x Cyclone

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 Hoomans! I have returned with another update! I wanna try something new! So if you don't like it then feel free to tell me! And I'll fix it immediately!

 Anyway.. this was requested by BuRocks17 ! Hope you like it and let's get started!


Jolyn's PoV:

 I am so excited! It's my first Academe-talon in STAA High! If you don't know the Academe-talon is, then it is a contest between two schools, where they will battle through knowlegde, skills, talents and VIDEO GAMES!!

 It's said that every year the representatives in the video games battle never changes. It also said that they have the same strength, skills and capabilities. So I'm gonna find out today if the so called "Legendary Gamers" can be beat!

 But first I'm gonna go to my dorm.. 

_-Tem Skip-_

 So my dorm is dorm number 666.. I hope me and my dorm mates can be friends! 

 "Here we are! Dorm number 666!" I exclaimed getting weird glances. Huh? They're weird.. I already like them. I opened the door to see a really clean living room.

 "Oh you must be the new student." a male voice said behind me, it wasn't intimidating nor scary it was somehow comforting?

 "huh?" I said in confusion while turning around to see a boy wearing a black dinosaur cap backwards. "I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Jolyn, STAA High newest student!" I said happily stretching my hand out for him to shake it.

 "Oh! I'm Boboiboy Earthquake." he replied and shaking my hand. "I'll show you to your room here!" he exclaimed happily motioning for me to come inside.

 While on the way on my room I saw other doors with symbols and a door with stickers of dabbing unicorns? We finally reached a plain white door. Coming in I was amazed! It's big! It even have it's own computer!

 I dropped off my bags in my bed and rushed out the door and shouted "BYE!! I'M GOING TO THE GAMING CLUB!!". 

 On my way I saw a girl and a boy talking in the field. The boy was tying his shoelaces as the girl when over to him holding a gun?! i went out and grabbed the gun out of the girl's hand.

 "Umm... sweetie? Are you new here?" The girl asked me, I just replied with a nod. Her eyes instantly lit up and got her gun back. "Sweetie, this is a gun that indicates the start of a race! I can tell that because I won't kill anyone! Right?" The girl cleared up and asked a black and red dino cap. The boy mumbled something and just nodded.

 "I'm Karensa! And that guy is Thundy!" The gi- I mean Karensa exclaimed then pointed at the boy. The boy huffed and corrected her "It's Thunderstorm and stop calling me that." "I'm Jolyn! And do you mind telling me where is the Gaming Club?" I asked.

 "The gaming club is in the third floor, starting point of the hallway!" Karensa explained "Thank You!" I shouted and ran there. I checked my phone and saw that it's almost 1:00 pm! 'I am so going to be late' I thought and tried to ran faster.

_-Tem Skip-_

 I finally made it! And there they are! I tapped the hooded guy's shoulder to gain his attention. He paused the game and looked at me "Oh, who are you? and what is it?" he asked. "I'm Jolyn! And I wanna challenge you and Cyclone to a video game battle!" I exclaimed. (I literally have no idea how video games work.. soo yeah)

_-Tem Skip After They're Done-_

 "I WON!" I shouted gaining everyone's attention and getting shocked stares. This is making me a little nervous.. suddenly an arm was on top of my shoulders. I looked and saw Cyclone and Blaze glaring at him? Meh, that's probably nothing.. right?

 I stretched my arms and said "I'm going back to my dorm!" I was about to walk out the door until Blaze grabbed my hand and exclaimed "I'm coming with you!" with a toothy grin. Cyclone grabbed my other hand and said "Me too! So Blaze and I can visit you anytime!" with a wide smile too.

 "Sure! Let's go!" I replied with a smile. I swear I saw their nose bleed a little! 

_-Tem Skip Again-_

 We finally reached the dorm and they and the look of disbelief in their faces? "What's wrong?" I asked them, they answered with "This is our dorm too!" Oh.. that make sense.. "That's great!" I replied to their answer.

 As we go in I saw Quake cooking in the kitchen, psshh he should be called 'Mama Quake' for that! I also saw a guy with glasses reading a giant book in a corner, a guy with a green and black dino cap watering a dozen of plants, a blue and silver hooded guy sleeping on the floor, and Thunder trying to keep Karensa away from the chocolate.

 i sweatdropped at this, then Blaze and Cyclone jumped on blue and silver hoodie guy and shouted "DAWG PILE!!" and the green guy jumped in too while shouting the same thing as Blaze and Cyclone.

 Karensa saw me and grew bunny ears and tail then hopped over to me. "JOLYN'S HERE!!!" she shouted nearly deafening me. "Boys! Introduce yourselves!" Karensa commanded like this was some sort of military training.

_-Tem Skip After They Introduced Themselves Because I'm Lazy-_

 "Sooo... are any of you guys representative in the Academe talon?" I asked in curiousity which all of them replied with a yes. "What contest?" I asked again.

 "Cooking" -Quake

 "Speed.." -Thunder

 "...Ice Skating...." -Ice

 "Instant Gardening!" -Thorn

 "Intellegence" -Solar

 "VIDEO GAMES!!" -Blaze and Cyclone

 "Magic and Survival Battle!" -Karensa

 "That's..... interesting.." I said awkwardly after hearing the last one. 

_-Tem Skip To The Video Game Contest Because I'm Lazy-_

 It's finally the battle! I'm just a back up though.. But it's okay I'm sure even if they don't use me! STAA High will win!!

 "And round one's winner is STAA High!" Hearing that makes me trust them even more! (I'm Becoming more lazy so yeah sorry)

 "Round Two's Winner! BHNHS High!"

 "Round Three's Winner! BHNHS High!"

 "Round Four's winner! STAA High!"

 This is round five! It's also the last round, so that means this will be a tie breaker.. Jeez.. I can hear Karensa's ear deafening shouts of encouragement..

 Well if you can't beat them then join them! "BLAZE, CYCLONE!! YOU BETTER WIN THIS!! I KNOW YOU CAN!!" I shouted, not really words of encouragement but meh.

 "ROUND FIVE'S WINNER ISSSS......... STAA HIGH!!" Wait wait wait! They won! YAY!! But I also lost that bet...

 "Dammit.." I mumbled under my breath. I feel an arm slung over my shoulder follow by another one, I looked at Blaze and Cyclone who is grinning like an idiot.

 "You know what this means?" Those idiots asked me which I replied with a mumble of yes. They grinned super wide again which I don't know how is that possible.

 "What do you guys want?" I asked them they grinned again then kissed me on the cheek! They left the gym leaving my blushing so much! I hear camera clicking and saw Karensa snapping a lot of pictures then ran out shouting "I REGRET NOTHINGGGGGGG!!!!!"

 I swear this guys are crazy, but that's what I like about them especially Blaze and Cyclone.


 The competition is finally over. I went back to my room and plopped on the bed.

 I saw and envelope neatly placed in my bed, when I opened it I saw a letter that says:

Dear Jolyn,

  I have a gift for you! I hope you like it! next time I'm going to send that photo framed. This is the memories you had in your first Academe-talon just don't try to kill me after this!
                     With Lots of Love, Karensa<3

 When I opened the envelope I saw many good memories in the Academe-talon... INCLUSDING THAT KISS!!

 "I am so going that girl but first." I stood up and went over the computer playing some online games.


Author~chan: *updating* *got lazy* *went to Animax* *saw Cells At Work episode 7? i dunno but it was the battle with Cancer-cell*


 And yeah hope Jolyn likes this.. It took me a whole week to think of a plot! And it still sucks! Oh yeah and if you have a request, tell me in the comments. I'll do it as soon as I can.


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