8: Solunder/Thunlar?

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 AND BY THE WAY... I give up trying to find out who's in top and who's at the bottom..


 "And the last partners are Solar and Thunder!" Ms. Ariana exclaimed at the class. Ms. Ariana was their physics teacher, and if someone fails.. there is a chance that someone will be out of class.

 After hearing that, Karensa immediately jumped off the window. "MS. UNICORN!! ARE YOU OKAY?!!" Ms. Ariana shouted at her, Karensa replied with "YEA TEACH! I'M FINE!" 

 "Okay class, she said that she was fine! So Class dismiss!" Ms. Arian exclaimed making everyone cheer.

 Solar walked over to Thunder and said "When are we going to do our project?" Thunder didn't respond and ignored him.

 Solar groaned and started thinking about ideas since it was obvious that he will do it himself.

_-Tem Skip-_

 It was the day of the submission of the pair up projects. Solar passed the project and sat down. Ms. Ariana looked at the project and shouted angrily "THUNDERSTORM, SOLAR!! BOTH OF YOU OUTSIDE WITH ME RIGHT NOW!!" making Solar die on the inside.

 "boys.. didn't I tell you to work together?" Ms. Ariana sighed while rubbing her temples and groaning. "But Ma-" Solar tried to explain but was cutted off Ms. Ariana saying "Alright! No more excuses! To Detention! Now!"

 Both of the boys went to Detention knowing that it is no use arguing with them.

_-Tem Skip To Detention-_

 Solar st down on the corner and started reading a giant encyclopedia while mumbling curse words. Thunder sat down on the teacher's chair and started blasting music onto his headphones.

 Solar said with no emotion "It's your fault.. I'd never get detention in my life but you.. ruined my clean name.." Solar didn't received a response so he looked at Thunder.

 Thunder was not listening. Solar snatched away Thunder's headphones and threw them at the ground. "IT'S YOUR FAULT! JUST YOU JUST HAD TO DISOBEY MS. ARIANA!" Without knowing Solar already had a few tear brimming his eyes.

 Thunder looked at Solar shocked. He knew Solar was supposed to be a blunt and emotionless person, he never knew this side of him. Thunder hugged Solar and gave him a peck on the lips.

 Solar turned slightly red and hug Thunder on the back. "TO BOOKLAND pEASANT!" Solar shouted making Thunder chuckle and carry him to his giant book.


 Karensa was spying on the door with Ms. Ariana. "I ship them sooo hard!" Ms. Ariana whispered to the Shipper Queen.

 Karensa whispered to Ms. Ariana "I don't ship it soo.. imma ruin their moment.." Ms. Ariana tried to stop Karensa but she already went in and shouted "HEY GUYS!! I GOT COOKIES!!" making the two boys blush a bit and stop.

 Solar took one and asked "Where did you get the cookies?" Karensa giggled and said "I totally didn't steal it from someone!" Thunder shrugged and took one and taking a bite.

 Solar didn't reply, he just took one and started reading the encyclopedia again.


Sooooo... what did you guys think?

I think it sucks! 

Zoe,sensei.. I'm sorry.. i failed my job. TTwTT

I take requests

SAYONARA HUMANS! *jumps off a window*

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