Blaze x Ember: Close to you

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So this is the story, I can't think about the title but I hope that you enjoy it! ^^
Third Person's P.O.V
Blaze and Ember are the best childhood friends. Blaze is a cool, energetic boy. Ember is a sweet, kind girl. Blaze have a crush on Ember but she didn't know. Today, there is something different happens between both of them.

Blaze: hi Ember! Do you wanna go with me to the park after school?
Ember: sorry Blaze.... I have got something to do after school.....
Blaze: what is it?
Ember: it's a secret hehe. Anyway I have classes now, see you later! *waves her hand and goes away*
Blaze: See you later..... *blushes*
(At Ember's class)
Ember: I wonder what am I going to do tonight?
Suddenly the text message comes
Ember: *sees the message* Oh it's Daniel.
Daniel2869: hi Ember! Can you meet me after school? Cause I wanna talk to you.
Embercoolgirl: okay. Sure where do we meet?
Daniel2869: at the school gate
Embercoolgirl: well I will gonna finish late so can we meet at 4:45?
Daniel2869: okay. Anyway I gotta go and study now. Bye! ^^ *offline*
Embercoolgirl: bye. *offline*
Ember: what does he want me to meet this time?
(At Blaze's class)
Blaze: what is Ember doing after school? I better should check her.
(After school)
Ember: *goes to the school gate to see someone* hi Daniel!
Daniel: Hi Ember! Do you want to go with me to the mall tonight? Cause I will need your help.
Ember: sure! But this is just the secret between both of us.
Daniel: then come on! What are we waiting for? Let's go! *take Ember's hand*
They didn't release that Blaze is watching them.
(At Boboiboy's house)
Blaze: I can't believe it! How could Ember go with a guy in this night *angry face activated*
Cyclone: ooh ~ you are jealous at both of them? *smirk*
Blaze: no I am not. *angry cute face*
Solar: aw.... You are blushing darling. Face with it.
Blaze: no I won't.
Ice: relax, Ember likes you, she will never love someone else.
Quake: dinner's ready guys!
The boys (except Quake): wow noodles!
Quake: Blaze, if you don't wanna see that, you must go and see her.
Blaze: okay! *finishes the food then leaves*
(At the mall)
Ember: well what's else do we have to buy?
Daniel: only the flowers left. *go to the flower shop*
After they but the flowers and go outside of the mall
Daniel: thanks for helping me to buy these Ember! ^^
Ember: no problem! If you help a problem, call me!
Daniel: bye Ember! See you tomorrow! *leaves*
Ember: bye. *goes home*
(When she is at her way to her home)
Ember: I better should go home now, it's late.
???: no you are not gonna be
Ember: who is that? *scared*
???: don't you remember me?
Ember: is that Blaze?
Blaze: yup I am.
Ember: what are you doing here? It's getting late!
Blaze: I am going to take you with me.... *take her going to the dead end street*
Ember: Blaze!!!!
(At the dead end street)
Blaze: * grips her waist and pins her against the wall to not let her escape*
Ember: let me go! Blaze, let me go!
Blaze: tell me why are you going with that boy?
Ember: Which boy?
Blaze: the boy that you meet after school!
Ember: *started to cry* he isn't my boyfriend, he is just my friend for asking me to help!
Blaze: *suddenly kisses her madly*
Ember: mph..... *blushes and kisses back*
Blaze: sorry for letting you here... Actually I just jealous because you two went together. You have liked him aren't you?
Ember: I am not silly Blaze...... I loved you even more, more than anyone else. Just only you, you are the only one who warmed my heart.....
Blaze: Ember....... I loved you for a long time ago..... Since we are childhood friends....... 
Ember: Blaze..... *hug him and buried her face to his chest*
Blaze: *blushes and hugs her* come on it's late now. Let's go home..... *goes home*
Ember: okay! *go home with Blaze*
              ~ The end of the story ~
Well that's all for the story. Thanks for your request itsme_Ember . ^^
Sayonara everyone!

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