Boboiboy x Lia: Lost Memories

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This is a story requested by heszefron. Hope you guys enjoy it! And this is the song "What makes you beautiful" from One Direction! Lisa out! ^^
One day, Boboiboy is outside, playing soccer with Gopal. Suddenly, a strange girl comes to confess with Boboiboy.

"Hi! Are you Boboiboy right? The girl asks.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Boboiboy says with a smile.

"I am your fan! May I have a photograph with you?" She ask in an excited face.

"Sure! Okay!" He take a photograph with her.

But Lia is standing at the ice cream shop, behind the tree, eating an ice cream while watching both of them. She is extremely jealous because of that.

"Ehhh!! How dare her?!!! How dare her to take pictures with my boyfriend?!?!"

Lia comes out and attacked that girl, Gopal tries to stop but he can't, he run away. Boboiboy stops her and protect that girl.

"Lia! What are you doing?!?!"

"I can't take it when I see you are taking photos with the fangirls!"

"But she is just taking the pictures! She doesn't hurt anyone at all!"

"What?!?! Now you protect for that girl?!?!

"Yeah! She is innocent! Why did you hurt this girl?!?!"

"Urgh.... Fine! Just go with her! I don't need you anymore!" Lia angry and run away.

"It's fine now.... " Boboiboy gives that girl the camera.

"Thank you, Boboiboy!" She smiles and she runs away.

"I hope that Lia is okay...." He hopes.

At Lia

"How?!?! How could he protect that girl! And he scolded me?!?! Urgh! He forgets me, going with another girl! Argh! " Lia says in anger while she is running to the road.

Suddenly, a car comes to her way and hit her.

"AAHHHHH!!!!" She screams very loud and faints.......

. . . . . After 3 days . . . . .

Boboiboy is there at the hospital, worries about her life. His friends are there too.

"I shouldn't say those words to Lia...." He sighs and sad...

"Things are gonna pass, dude." Fang comforts him.

"Yeah! You can't blame yourself for that. It's also Lia's fault- ", Gopal is about to say full sentence but ended up Ying hits him on the head.

"Esh! Gopal! Stop saying that!"

"Hey! What did I say wrong! It's true you know!"

"We know but if you say that, you know it may hurt someone okay!" Yaya says to Gopal softly.

"Hazz.... okay." He sighs.


"Ung.... Argh.....Ow..... " Lia awakes and rubs her head.

"Oh my gosh!" Yaya surprised.

"LIA!!! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!!" Boboiboy gasps, shakes her, his tears are falling out.

"Eh..... who are you? And how do you know my name....." Lia asks with her empty eyes.

"What?!?!" All of them are shocked. "Lia, you don't remember anything?" All of them except Boboiboy ask her.

"No..... who are all of you?.... And why you all know my name?" She asks in confusion.

"Guys.... I think that Lia... Has..... an......" Yaya says in despair.....

"AMNESIA..... she losts her memories......"

"What?!?? It can't be......" Boboiboy gasps again, shocked, his tears are falling down on his cheeks. "What have I done?......" He says as he runs out of Lia's room.

"Boboiboy! Wait! Guys.... we need to split out! Fang, Gopal, you go to Boboiboy and cheer him up. I and Ying will stay here take care of Lia. Okay?" Yaya tells them as she is holding Lia's hand.

"Alright!" Fang nods his head and goes out of the room.

"We better cheer Boboiboy up. I don't want him to be sad and upset." Gopal sighs and goes with Fang.

Then, both of Gopal and Fang have gone out to comfort Boboiboy up.

At Boboiboy

"I.... I am such an idiotic person.... because of me..... Lia has an amnesia...." Boboiboy cries as his face is red.

"Hey Boboiboy.... it isn't your fault at all....." Gopal is sitting next to him, pat his back.

"Yeah..... it's not your fault so don't worry! We will make sure that Lia remembers back!" Fang is comforting him with a sad face.

"Okay....." Boboiboy smiles back.

"I and Gopal gotta go for a while, see ya!" Fang says as he leaves with Gopal.

"Bye....." Boboiboy waves hand and still thinks about Lia in sadness.

Time skip to in the evening ~

"I hope that this plan works...." Fang says as he is crossing his hands, watching Boboiboy from behind the bushes.

"Agree....." Gopal nods his head, watching Boboiboy.

~ Flashback on ~

"Hey! i know how to make Lia remembers back again " Fang had an idea.

"What is it?!!!" Boboiboy and Gopal surprised.

"How about we setting up a date for you and Lia! You just need to tell Lia everything in the past, Boboiboy." Fang exclaimed.

"But are you sure this will work? Cause I don't want to lose Lia again." Boboiboy sighed.

"I am sure! You just need to invite her to date with you tonight. We'll take care the rest." Gopal patted his back.

"Thanks guys.... For cheering me up....." Boboiboy smiled.

"Of course! We are friends remember, silly!" Both of them flipped his head.

"Ouch! That hurts!"

"Sorry.... hehe.... Well we better start the plan now. Bye!"


~ Flashback off ~

"Lia is here, hide quick!" Fang knock Gopal's head.

"Okay okay..... but please don't knock on my head like that!" He whispers and rubs his head, "Ow...."

"Shhhh! There they comes."

At Boboiboy and Lia.

Boboiboy, who's wearing a vest and standing in front of the restaurant, waiting for Lia. Lia comes to him, looks at him while blushing.

"Wow, he is so stylish and awesome.... Wait! What am I thinking Lia! Stop thinking and blushing! I need to ask him first." Lia says in her mind, "Hm..... So you are Boboiboy, aren't you?" Lia asks in shyness.

"Yes Lia, I am Boboiboy." Boboiboy looks at her nervously.

"So you wanna date with me? Okay!" Lia holds his hand and goes into the restaurant, same goes with Boboiboy.

Inside the restaurant

"What would you like to call sir?" The waiter holds the pen, asks them politely.

"Well I would like to call a turkey. How about you, Lia?" Boboiboy smiles. "Um..... I would like to call some drinks." Lia blushes a bit.

"Right on, sir." The waiter writes and leaves away.

"So, Lia. Did you remember this restaurant? This is the place that I've dated you for the first time." He smiles kindly.

"Let me see...... Hm.... Oh yes...... I remember this place....." She chuckles.

As the food and drinks has served, both of them eat and talk each other happily. Later, they leave the restaurant and go around the city.

"Hey...... There is a place that I want to show you." Boboiboy holds Lia's hand, smiles nervously.

"What is it, Boboiboy?" Lia blushes, asks him as she holds his hand tight.

"But first...... I need you to wear this blindfold."

"Oh.... Okay!" She takes the blindfold from Boboiboy and wears it. Boboiboy holds Lia's hand and they run to a secret garden.

Inside the garden

"Here we are, Lia. Boboiboy walks behind Lia and takes off the blindfold. "Now..... Open your eyes....."

Lia opens her eyes, she is very surprised, can't believe what she sees in front of her. "Boboiboy it's beautiful!" She smiles beautifully and cheerfully.

"You love it?" Boboiboy blushes.

"I really love violet flowers! Thanks Boboiboy." Lia hugs him.

Suddenly, her memories have refreshed, she can remember everything back.

"Boboiboy..... I have remembered back everything!" Lia smiles.

"That is so amazing! Yeah awesome! And hey..... Can you forgive me about what i have done three days ago? I shouldn't have scolded you....." He says with a sad smile.

"Hmph! How dare you to scold me like that!" She makes a very cute tsundere face.

"You look very cute when you make that face." He chuckles. Lia blushes hard.

"Alright.... I forgive you....." Lia says as she hugs him.

"Lia...... Isn't this beautiful and wonderful?" Boboiboy sits on the grass besides Lia. "Yeah.... It's beautiful."

"But you are more beautiful than those flowers, more than anyone that I have met."

"Really?" Lia blushes. Boboiboy nods. "Hey.... This is just a first surprised for you. I have got one more....."

"Ohh! What is that?" Lia is very excited about her next surprise, she closes her eyes. Boboiboy takes out a necklace and put it around Lia's neck. Lia opens again, and sees a necklace.

"Wow..... Thanks Boboiboy" Her tears are coming out. Boboiboy hugs and kisses her passionately and deeply. Lia blushes mad, kisses him back.

"Please don't leave me, Lia. I am very scared that you don't remember me...." Boboiboy cries.

"I promise...... I love you, Boboiboy."

"I love you too....."

~ The moon is rising up ~

~ The flowers are blooming ~

~ The wind is blowing ~

~Everything is beautiful in the purple night ~

~ But love is the most beautiful of them all ~

~ Don't lose it or else everything will be faded away ~

~ Peaceful, beautiful and love ~

~ Love is same all ~

             ~ The end of the story ~

Please vote and comment the story. heszefron , sorry for letting you wait so long. So here it is! 😊
P/s: If you guys notice the last sentence at the end of the story, you will see that she is a Japanese singer. Guess who is it?
The one who gets the answer right can request anything for a special oneshot.
Lisa out! Peace guys!

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