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This will be a BoYa fic for a change.

But will still be a dark-themed story.

BoBoiBoy has cancer.

I know, it's cliché. But I don't care.

None of his friends knew it, of course.

Only his grandfather did.

One day, his cancer got worse.

He decided to resign at TAPOPS, under the reason that he wanted to stay with his grandfather.

Which was half-true.

He did want to spend time with his grandfather.

Especially after he got the news that he only have a few months to live.

His friends were disappointed. They wanted their friend to stay with them. Especially Yaya, since she has feelings for BoBoiBoy.

However, BoBoiBoy's mind can't be changed.

He went back to Planet Earth and lived permanently there.

A few weeks later, his friends visited Earth for a vacation.

The had went to Tok Aba's KoKoTiam, but BoBoiBoy wasn't there.

They asked Tok Aba, but he refused to say anything.

"He told me not to tell you anything. He said that it's for your own good."

But the four friends were persistent. They wanted to visit their friend.

They had tried to go at their house, but BoBoiBoy wasn't there either.

They had contacted BoBoiBoy's parents, but they had just received the same answer.

They didn't give up though. They even extended their vacation for it. And their efforts weren't in vain.

 A few months later, they had found their friend in the place that they least expected him to be.

And I think most of you (if not all) already know where he is.

They had went to the hospital to visit Yaya's childhood friend who has the same disease as BoBoiBoy.

The rest came along with her for moral support.

Afterwards, they had found Tok Aba coming out from a room.

Naturally, they became curious and confronted him.

Tok Aba was hesitant to tell them and was about to tell them a lie.

But then a weak voice sounded from inside the room.

"Let them in, Atok. They need to know."

They went inside and were shocked at what they saw.

BoBoiBoy was lying on a hospital bed, gaunt and pale. He also looked really tired and weak. Despite this, he smiled at them.

They had immediately hugged their friend.

"Why didn't you tell us?!"

"I don't want you to see me suffer."

They had found out that BoBoiBoy only had a short time left.

They resolved to spend it with him, to make him happy.

A few hours later, Fang, Ying, and Gopal bid their goodbyes, but Yaya had stayed.



"I love you."

"I-I love you too. B-but Yaya... I only have a short time left to live."

"I don't care."

Yaya was already teary-eyed, so was BoBoiBoy.

A few days later, BoBoiBoy got out of the hospital.

He was still weak, but the doctors cannot do anything else to help him.

All they have to do is to wait for him to die.

His friends, his girlfriend, and his family had spent every moment they could with him.

BoBoiBoy never had so much fun in his whole life.

However, contrary to what the doctors had said, BoBoiBoy was getting better each day.

He had even started to celebrate his birthday full of energy.

Everyone was happy.

But their happiness was short-lived.

BoBoiBoy collapsed halfway through.

So he was brought to the hospital.

The doctors had told them that the cancer cells in BoBoiBoy's body had multiplied so much, that's why he collapsed.

BoBoiBoy only has a few hours left to live, if not minutes.

They had went inside the room to see BoBoiBoy awake. He smiled weakly at them.

"Hey guys..."

They returned his smile in the same fashion and sat down around him, none of them saying a word.

"Thanks for staying with me. I've never felt so happy in my life."

Yaya held his hand, and BoBoiBoy looked at her.

"Thank you."

With that, he took his final breath.

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