10 | ..as your brother / sibling

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Earthquake :

- Second mom to the family

- Probably the second father to the family

- Nanny / second nanny to the family

- Protective, but not overprotective over you

- Bakes, cooks and cleans for the family, even sometimes taking care like a doctor

- Basically brother (boyfriend) goals, too bad that he's your brother and not a boyfriend

Thunderstorm :

- O V E R P R O T E C T I V E

- Acts like he doesn't care, but actually cares a lot for you (don't tell him you know, he gets blushy and angry)

- Likes to kiss your forehead when you go to sleep (sometimes you pretend to sleep)

- Probably questions your ideal type of boyfriend and compares it to him

- Will kill whoever hurts or breaks you

- Rarely gives you affection, but when he does, you should be grateful and crying tears of joy

Cyclone :

- PANICKS whenever you cry or whenever you're in your jimjam time, he just doesn't know what to do and will probably call mom


- Sometimes overprotective, but overall, he really likes to tease and play with you

- Gets worried whenever you clumsily trip over something (or nothing)

- Drags you away from bad friends because he says "they're parasites trying to infect you."

- Likes to hug, pat and even cuddle with you because he loves giving you affection

Blaze :

- Loves to tease you

- "I am the most perfect brother anyone could ask for, but why are you still complaining?"

- Argues with you all the time but will apologize and (beg) for your forgiveness

- Sometimes a sweet brother, but also a hothead

- Still does not understand that strawberry jimjam time of the month and will ask you

- He will try his best to keep the temperature comfortable for you, keeps you warm.

Ice :

- Lazyhead

- "Urgh can you help me take that remote it's too far and I can't reach it my hands are too short, if i can i will but i can't help me im dying-" dramatic excuse when the remote is 3 centimeters away

- A good listener and is (sometimes) wise

- "Do you want a cuddle? Or a hug?" comforter

- Will use your shoulder as a sleeping pillow and will force you if you object

- Sleeps shirtless and with a blanket

Thorn :

- Will use matching clothes with you

- Tries to cheer you up, but ends up crying and eating along with you

- Loves gardening and (sunlight)

- Smol little bean that should be protected

- Will fight whoever tries to pick on you

- Innocent (not)

Solar :

- Probably has a better sense of fashion than you do (not to offend but he does)

- The idol of the family, school and Earth

- Uses you as his fake girlfriend because he doesn't have an interest in dating fans

- He's weird, stay away from him.

- Takes tons of selfies with you and loads them on social media, making girls jealous

- Can slap you with nothing but his words


Dark :

- The quiet type of guy that's all polite smiles and nodding heads

- Likes to read and still reads to you before bed

- A good listener and gives you good advices, sometimes share you his problems

- Loves to pat your head and play with your hair

- Secretly learns how to braid because he loves to toy around with your hair

- Probably googles everything

Sand (this is my version):

- The rooster that wakes you up every morning from bed (except that he's screaming)

- Sadistic little-

- Likes to tease you alot, especially if he catches you chatting with a (boy)friend

- Reads your expressions alot and knows how you feel right now (very boyfriend material)

- Buys you food every day

- Doesn't know how to attract a girl's heart, but doesn't know that he attracts lots of attention-

Toxic/Poison :

- Probably uses you as his experimental test subject and injects things into your food

- Pays all the hospital bills (oof)

- Promises that he will never inject another chemical into your food again (and breaks the promise)

- Wears matching scarfs with you

- Handsome but mad

- Most likely to kill people with poison

Bubble :

- I N T E N S E S C R E A M I N G S E S S I O N

- Loves bubble baths and sometimes invites you to join him a bath (rejected and declined)

- Looks innocent but is most likely not

- Loves to toy around with soap, has probably eaten 5 bars of soap and had forced you to chew soap (punched and bruised)

- Takes you out on a date because he wants you to "experience" the (horrible) beautiful feeling of being into a person

- The Pink Princess and that's why your house is the only brightest color in the neighbourhood

Lunar :

- Literally a bipolar boy who had inherited the genes of Solar and Dark (no, they're not together, its just that his character is a combo of these two)

- Infamous troublemaker and is more wretched than Cyclone and Blaze's pranks combined, pranks on you

- Will shoot you with a laser gun and tasers-

- Loves monochrome colors and that explains why your house is the saddest house in the neighbourhood

- Has a good taste in music and plays the guitar, sometimes singing it to you

- Has a part-time job in a café

Metal/Iron :

- Looks cold from the outside, is a pure sweetheart on the inside (semi-tsundere?)

- Is a really good singer and pushes you to have a duet with him

- Takes you out on midnight trips (for food)

- Very, very handsome when he smiles and you wish that he was your soulmate (too bad)

- Teaches you how to play skateboard

- F O O D I S M Y L I F E U

Magnet :

- Looks cold, but is just a shy smol bean that could chop off someone's head in 2 seconds

- Teaches you karate so you could defend yourself in the future, even if he's still there

- Doesn't like sharing his problems and is more of a listener than a talker

- Very quiet that sometimes when you arrive home, he'd pass you without a voice (and you'll scream and run away)

- Although he seems tough, he loves little animals

- Smiles alot and when he does, it makes every heart melt at the sight of it (yours too)

Fang (well..) :

- Forces you to buy him carrot donuts and will fight you on this topic

- Tries to act cool in front of girls, but you would always try and bring him down in front of them

- S C R E A M S when he gets angry at you

- Lots of head patting and gentle hugs

- Probably loves you more than he loves Captain Kaizo (lmao sad truth)

- When he gives you something, he expects something back, so never accept that "something" he's offering

Kaizo (Captain *cough*) :

- Very cold brother who doesn't give a single thing about you and Pang's condition (a lie)

- Trains you hard, but it was for your own good

- Probably loves you more than he loves Pang (gosh these two)

- Only lets YOU see his soft side

- Strict and punctual, probably punishes you with his endless shouting (if ur late)

- Secretly toys around with your hair


Hi, did any of you miss me? *blinks puppy eyes*

I'm pretty sure you guys did, because this book has gotten 1.87K views! ≥﹏≤


Even if I havent updated for a long time, thanks for being patient with me. Exams are up in a week and national exams in two, please wish me good luck! ●︿●

Here's a long chapter as an apology, I hoped you guys had enjoyed it! If any of you want your BBB OCs to be featured, please comment or message me!

(ALSO!! I''ve uploaded a new artbook which I (hopefully) won't delete, which is called Serendipity! I hope that you'll enjoy my drawings //sOBS my artstyle changed alot since the last deleted artbook!)

I'll start writing the second part then, goodbye for now and Bloop's back in the house, people!


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