special ; merry christmas 2018 ! 🎄💖

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It's been more than a year ever since I started publishing my books. Last year was when I began to devote myself into writing pieces, that had hopefully made people smile or burst into small fits of chuckles.

Since Christmas isn't really that special to me- I thought of chapters that would correlate to this year's Christmas. Yes, I will still be updating as life goes on! But no, I won't be taking in more requests this year- there are loads of requests to be written about.

Thank you for reading, voting and supporting me throughout my whole journey! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o AAAAAA I CAN'T NEVER THANK YOU ENOUGH!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! 💖💖💞💗💕💝💖💕💗❤💓💝❤💙❤💙💕💗💖💓💞💝

I think that's enough hearts.. haha.. 💗💞
have a good day, and enjoy this special chappie!
- bloop bounces out with gifts like santa.

SCENE : These boys had been excited to open their gifts since Christmas Eve! Why don't we take a peek and what they have?

Oh wow! A new shiny frying pan from *****! This is good.. *imagines all the dishes he could ever create* lets make everyone a nice country style breakfast! Merry Christmas! 🎄💗
CONDITION : feeling happy and christmas-y!

What the fuck. What the fjc. What the. *holds up a pikachu suit* WHO THE HECK GAVE ME THE UGLY SUIT FROM LAST YEAR?! DO YOU HAVE NO BUDGET- *electrocutes Cyclone and Blaze* GET YOUR ASSES HERE!
CONDITION : fuck, where's my bass guitar. depressed and angry. dANGRY!

YEAAAAAAHHHHH!!! ITS CHRISTMASSSS!! WOOHOOOOO!! 🎄🎄🎄🎄💞💞❤💓💓💝💝💓💓 Woahh, I got a new hoverboard! *adds hoverboard to his collection of 393734 boards with a happy smile* WHOS MY SECRET SANTA? THEY EVEN GAVE ME CANDY!! *eats everything in one shove*
CONDITION : sugar rush!!! oh yEAH!!! so!!! damnnn!! energeticccc!!!! Tornadoes the house down.

*screams at everything* NEW HOODIE! I'M! A! SUCKER! FOR! HOODIES! OH YEAAAAHHHH!! MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLEEEE!! *runs around house in a bundle of oversized hoodies* TAKE THAT, ICE! SUCK ON THAT BABEY! *shoots fireball*
CONDITION : Super-hyped. But Blaze's Blaze. Probably burned the kitchen when they tried to bake cookies.

*dodges incoming fireball and sees burning christmas tree* Oh man. This is my third time as the fireman today.. solo. *sighs when Quake calls him over to put out the fire* When am I going to continue my sleep..
CONDITION : Super-duper tired. Woke up at 5 AM due to Blaze's screaming. Wanna sleep..
GIFT : Hot chocolate packets he didn't need.

*CRIES* NOOOOOOOOO!!! POOR TREE!!! aaAAAHHAHHH- BLAZE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU'RE BURNING AND HURTING IT!! SKEIRHFHIDJD *kisses tree and tries to save it* hEre you gO!! *endless love for tree* 💓💗💓💗❤💞❤💙💙❤💝💝🎄🎄🎄💝💝💗
CONDITION : Panicking over extinguished tree. Still a lovable cINNAMON BUN!!
GIFT : Cute home plants added to his collection of 338644834 plants. Not including the hanging plants in his balcony.

Light (there's a reason why I seperated them)
*flings pairs of sunglasses around* HIDEOUS! ABSOLUTELY UNUSABLE! I'LL PUT THEM INTO THE DUMP IF I HAVE TO! *screams at everyone but Thorn* iDIOTS! I TOLD YOU TO GET ME THIS.. *describes specific, expensive model from the Victoria Secret shop* SEXY, NOT CHEAP!
CONDITION : i!! am!! so!! mad!! i wILL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN IF SOMEONE DOES NOT GIVE ME THOSE VS GLASSESS!! *strangles innocent Cyclone*
GIFT : random glasses trololololklkl

*throws confetti* MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! 🎄🎄💗💗☀🌹 How's everyone doing with their gifts? *sees Thunder glare at him* O-Oh I'm sorry.. was that a sensitive topic? I apologize for my childish behaviour. I will now silence myself to distance myself from trouble.
CONDITION : Compromised. Minds his own thing.
GIFT : The new VS glasses..

*using his shadow powers to hold Blaze back* IDIOT! SOMEBODY TAKE HIS POWER WATCH OFF OR HE's gonna END UP BURNING ME!! ARRRGHDHDDH!! *engulfed in flames and sweatdrops* wHY ISN'T ANYONE LISTENIGN TOE ME??4!4!!
CONDITION : stressed. what is merry christmas? merry crisis? merry christlelr? merry cherry donuts? marry carrot donuts..
GIFT : a box of frozen carrot donuts.

SCENE : Now they're decorating the half-burned tree! Since it's a tradition between them, who gets to hang what..?

Becomes the ladder. Summons his golem to hang the little christmas boxes. Everyone climbs on the golem to hang something.

Hangs the lights and gives them power through his powers. Ends up lasooing the lights around the troublemakers instead.

Hangs the star with Blaze and Thorn on his hoverboard. Topples over, sending the tree falling down. Cries.

In charge of distributing the santa hats around. Flunked it. Tries to save the tree and accidentally unleashed his powers.

Saviour of the day. Only job is to keep the tree away from burning by extinguishing the flames out. Lays down on the couch and sleeps most of the time. Blaze deemed him, "USELESS PRICK!"

Since everyone loves the little angel, they all voted for him to hang a majority of the accesories. Uses his thorns to circle around the tree and perfectly hangs them. Good boy.

Light (again)
Makes potions that would somehow glitter the tree up. Is interrupted by Blaze and Thorn. Is stressed about how they mixed the wrong substances. Kicks everyone out.

Done with the mixture since who knows when. Secretly has boxes of it. Only job was to shake them over the tree. Hands it over to Cyclone, only to panick when the brother drinks the whole bottle.

Darkens one side of the tree to make it look shady but cool at the same time. Gets glares from almost everyone in the house.

SCENE : Yaya has organised some cookie decorating fun! Don't worry, Quake helped with the batter. Let's vote for who makes the best!

Uses icing to draw graphic images of violence he wished he could inflict on his brothers. Runs out of red icing. Curses.
RATED BY QUAKE : goodness.. 5/10.
RATED BY YAYA : violence.. 3/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

Goes from table to table and squeezes random-colored icing in each one. Has his cookies burnt by Thunder. Doesn't try to salvage the batter and ends up crying.
RATED BY QUAKE : still eatable. 3/10.
RATED BY YAYA : no way.. 0/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

Gets mad enraged and stressed, since the white icing would constantly drip out. Screams at the judges in stress and tries to burn everyone's cookies but his own.
RATED BY QUAKE : isn't that a pokemon? 5/10.
RATED BY YAYA : cool one! 7/10. but minus points for burning Ice's cookies! 4/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

After getting his cookies burnt, he whips every color out and goes to sleep afterwards. Could care less about the leftover crumbs.
RATED BY QUAKE : lets move him onto the couch.. it looks colorful, though. 7/10.
RATED BY YAYA : i like the blending! 8/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10

Cookie decorating master. Is so used to holding icings that his cookies look like something out of executive chocolate stores. Definitely something cool.
RATED BY QUAKE : *sigh* way too good.. 10/10.
RATED BY YAYA : this is amazing! 10/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

Solar (no screentime for Light, sorry)
Tries his best. Wonders at what chemical could be used in the icings. Once finds out, silently warns Thorn it could cause cancer. Ends up munching the cookies down, with a reason to prevent Thorn against the sickness.
RATED BY QUAKE : unrateable??¿ points for the scientific diagnosis, though. 1/10.
RATED BY YAYA : Gopal's twin. 3/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

Did a fairly good job at decorating it, surprisingly. Maybe he got used to baking carrot donuts for him and his brother? Might have snuck-eaten one or two batters..
RATED BY QUAKE : impressive, Fang. 7/10.
RATED BY YAYA : no eating. 5/10. cute!
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

Uses his powers to turn the flat cookies into good-looking ones. Could not resist the temptation. Ends up shoving everything into his mouth and runs out of things to transform.
RATED BY QUAKE : i didn't see it.. 1/10.
RATED BY YAYA : haish, Gopal! 0/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

Confused, but then tries his best so his cookies would look presentable. Has worked in a bakery as an undercover before. Nods in satisfication at his power sphere-themed bakes.
RATED BY QUAKE : woah! this is so cool! 10/10.
RATED BY YAYA : i smell competition.. 9/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

Lets out a santa laugh throughout the whole decorating session. Asks Cattus for advice. The cat lets out a hiss at the hideous green and black batters. The man cries and ends up eating everything, too.
RATED BY QUAKE : *hands tissues over* oh but at least it looks eatable.. *secretly gives 1/10*
RATED BY YAYA : nope. -16595/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.
RATED BY BLOOP : extremely hideous, swamp-like cookie should not exist. -164/10.

Admiral Tarung
Takes out a white apron and a chef hat, special for this occasion. Insists to make his own cookies and works everything out tidy. Beats Thorn and Kaizo at this.
RATED BY QUAKE : speechless. 183774/10.
RATED BY YAYA : can you.. teach me? 10/10.

Cookies? Never heard of it. Oh wait, aren't those sandpaper-tasting treats Yaya made called cookies? Bails out of the event as soon as he could recall the taste. Escapes to outer space TAPOPS to avoid it.

Same reaction as Ciciko, except that he didn't come to the event beforehead. Only sent Probe to collect all the cookies for his personal Christmas event. Shudders at the thought of Yaya's poisonous cookies.

The loveable robot was interested in decorating. So he did a really good job that outshone all other competitors, other than Tok Aba. Enjoys the event and came back to the base with boxes of cookies.
RATED BY QUAKE : you should bake more! 10/10.
RATED BY YAYA : very cute, Probe! 10/10.
RATED BY READERS (comment) : .../10.

Tok Aba
Remembering the recipe from his wife, also insists to make everything from scratch. Ends up baking all the christmas treats for everyone to enjoy. Becomes the baking nanny.
RATED BY QUAKE : *chewing noises* 10/10.
RATED BY YAYA : this tastes so good! 10/10.

please stay for futher updates~

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