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"Taufan,are you here?", Gempa open the door, revealing Taufan who is reading a thick journal.

"What is that?", Gempa asked him as he walked closer, in front of him is a stack of difficult books, he can only understand a few of it's titles.

"You read this kind of books?", Gempa asked him, he look at him with a confused looks. It's not like Taufan to bury himself with books and research papers.

"Gempa?", Taufan just realize that his brother is here.

"Where is the others?", Taufan asked him as he put fold the paper to mark the page and close it.

"They are helping tok Aba to deliver the chocolate. I juat want to inform you that i'm going too..", Gempa said to him.

Taufan hates this feeling, he understand that Gempa means that he is going to help Tok Aba too, but his memories always make it sounds terrifying, it always made him recall that time where he left him alone.

Taufan spontanously tug Gempa's jacket, "i'm going too.."

Gempa look at him, "but are you okay? You look pale this morning. You haven't eat your breakfast yet. I think you should stay home-", his words got cutted by Taufan.

"No! I'm going too, please.." , he said to Gempa, his expression looks like a little kid who is afraid that her mom will leave him alone.

Gempa still feel like there's something wrong with how Taufan acted these days. He pat Taufan's shoulder. "Okay, but you have to eat something first. We didn't fuse so you must be hungry.."

Taufan smiled, before he said that he is alright, Gempa already shoved a toast to his mouth gently. "I prepared it for you, so you should finish it."

Taufan nodded, "about Hali's  nightmare.." he said with a low voice.

"Oh, Hali said that it's only a dream. You don't need to think about it that much.", Gempa explained while giving him a reassuring smile. He pat Taufan's head gently.


"Adudu! You dare to steal tok Aba's choco?" , Blaze shouted angrily.

"Taufan, let's hurry! I think Adudu tried to mess with us again." , Gempa said as he drag Taufan.

"Adudu..", Taufan said as he remembers something.

Oh yeah i forgot, in this timeline he is still our main enemy.

"Adudu! Stop what you are doing right now!", Gempa shout at him, he trapped Adudu's feet with his earth power and making sure that the green cube will not able to move.

As always, Adudu will try to seek for some trouble.

Even Ice is not trying to put his full power to fight him, the only one who fight seriously with Adudu is Hali, Blaze and Gempa.

Taufan stood there, silently watching. He really wanted to help but he think it's not that necessary because his brothers will easily defeat that cube headed alien.

But different from what he predicted, Adudu explode his new invention, launching his new weapon straight to his brothers.

Taufan managed to create a wind shield and protect Gempa and Ice who is near him, but in front of him is Hali and Blaze who got injured because of the Attack.

Adudu launched the attack again to his brothers, Hali managed to destroy the bullets before it hits him.

Taufan is sitting still, no. No at this timing.

His legs is trembling so hard, he can't focus.

There's only one thing, he is panic.

He is afraid, he is scared, the panic is attacking him again, he feel nausea and it's somewhat hard to breath.

Seeing Adudu who directly injuring his brothers succesfully trigerred his trauma.

The scene from that day, that day where his brothers got badly injured and beaten countlessly can't leave his mind.

"", he said, his voice sounds hoarse and cracked.

Gempa who saw his brother's unusual state feels worried. The Taufan in front of him looks panicked and disoriented. His blue eyes is locked at Adudu and his attacks.

"How dare you! Adudu!", Hali said as he use his lightning blade to attack Adudu, but Adudu managed to attack him.

Taufan's eyes got wider, he spontanously shouted Hali's Name. His eyes looks unfocused an filled with fears.

Before he realized, he already created a typhoon to attack Adudu.

That typhoon he created surprised his brothers. The amount is bigger than Taufan's usual Typhoon.

And also, the color and the aura from that typhoon, it's different from what they know.

"Don't you dare to hurt my brothers!" , Taufan shouted as he attack Adudu aimlessly, even thought his first attack is already enough to defeat Adudu, he can't stop himself.

He creates another typhoon, and then he didn't stop to Attack Adudu, his blue eyes shone brightly, revealing a cold and hollow feelings from it.

Adudu look at Taufan's strange expression with fear. And just like Adudu, Taufan's brothers looks like they are at lost too.

"D-don't kill me!", Adudu whined as he closed his eyes in fear. But Taufan can't seem to notice his words, his eyes is still as cold as before.


A hand touched his shoulder, it's Ice's hand. "Taufan, i think it's enough." He said with a reassuring voice.

Hali, Blaze and Gempa rushed toward him too, "Taufan, please stop, he is already  defeated.", Gempa said to him carefully.

Taufan's attack is getting slower and it's slowly disappeared. His shining blue eyes turned into a normal blue eyes, the cold gaze is leaving it.

He is silent, his eyes met Ice's. And then he stare at Gempa who looks worried, Blaze who looks fuddled and.. Hali who looks so complicated.

Taufan seems to realize his action, he step back. "I..i'm sorry."

"Taufan, what was that?", Hali asked him, his voice sounds cold and impatient.

Hali feels that Taufan's figure when he beat Adudu is..terrifying.

It's not like the Taufan he knew, everything feels so different and scary.

Yes, his unusual power is scary, but what scares him the most is Taufan's respond and expression.

"I..i lose my composure when i saw him attacked you guys.", Taufan explained, he averted everyone's gaze.

A stinging pain is attacking him, is it the side effect of him overusing his power?

The atmosphere around them is tense.
None of them tried to say anything, even Blaze who usually talk about anything is silent.

"Guys, how about you guys sit down first?", Ochobot suddenly said to them.

"Well, that's a great idea.", Gempa said as he pat Taufan's shoulder.

//author's note//

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter hhhhh, im still having a writer block 😭😭 but i hope this chapter is enjoyable :"

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